Why is it that more often than not you adore the foods that are not very helpful at supporting your health and wellness goals? Why do you seem to reach for many of the specific items that are not welcoming in the waist area, do absolutely nothing for your trim tummy and only leave you with feelings of self doubt and disappointment? It is amazing the aspirations we have for self and sometimes how incredibly difficult it is to stay focused on the foods that will inevitably be the telltale route with which to attain our goals.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why we have a difficult time choosing the foods that are behooving of our hopes and dreams and then discuss how we can cultivate our mindset and attitude to welcome them more frequently into our lives. The following list consists of some reasons why we find it troublesome to select foods that do our bodies well:

~We have not created a habit of selecting helpful foods.
~We deem these healthful foods as “not good” and therefore have shut them out of our repertoire.
~We do not prepare in advance to have these foods at our fingertips.
~We have a preconceived notion that we “just don’t like them.”
~We are not open to trying new things and they confuse us.

Ways to welcome healthy foods into our everyday lives and be open to their existence:

~Be willing to try new things and approach them with a beginners mind.
~Banish internal negative images and off-putting verbal banter.
~Welcome healthy choices into your home on a regular basis.
~Be prepared and organize your food in advance, and stay away from mindless snacking.
~Keep trying by continuously having healthy choices in your home.
~Beware of the powerful box known as “TV”; it can sway your efforts in the wrong direction.

Living a way of life that includes changes in your food gamut takes practice, patience and repetition.

Author's Bio: 

Nothing brings me greater pleasure in life than to assist women on their journey toward better health, enhanced fitness and molding a lifestyle to one that meets their expectations. Coaching Lovely Ladies is a enormous passion of mine and I am completely honored to be able to assist each and every Lovely Lady on their travels of a happy, organized, active, balanced lifestyle. I coach real women who are willing to take real action and reap real results. Visit my website today and let me help you work toward your wellness goals.

Women’s Health and Fitness Coach