I spent too much time in this industry trying so desperately to make it work. Looking at the success of other and becoming frustrated that I was not getting the results they were. What was going on? I was trying so hard, why was it not working? Get this; I made over 1000 calls, with three different companies resulting in zero sales (I’ve got the phone logs to prove it). Finally in total frustration I gave up and why wouldn’t I. No one in their right mind would join me in business and I couldn’t blame them one bit. I hated what was happening, I was succeeding at making myself miserable and that was about it.
I wouldn’t wish those days on my worst enemy, although when I look back I am so grateful that I made it through without an extended stay at a mental hospital, I actually avoid the hospital stay completely. The lessons I learned through that experience, I wouldn’t trade and interestingly enough they are now mine to keep, I couldn’t give them away if I wanted to.
My desire is that this article be meaningful to you. If you will allow me to share some of my experiences, it might help you shorten your learning curve. My intention is not to help you around times of testing, but support you through them.
First and foremost, you must know that you are not alone. Anyone with any measure of success in any significant area of life has struggled and been tested, they survived and you will to. With that said you might want to start with these two areas.
First, examine yourself. I went through three different companies thinking the product was the problem; the truth is that I was the problem and the solution. Find a place that puts you at ease, and ask yourself some serious questions about you. A few to get you started might include...
• What am I truly interested in?
• What personal assets do I presently have that will assist me in reaching my goals?
• What are some of the skills I will need to work on in order to find success?
• What are my true motives? Why am I getting involved in this business? When thinking on this keep in mind that service to others leads to greatness.
• How do I want to contribute? At the end of the day, how will I have made a difference?
Secondly, examine the company. Here are some questions to ask yourself that will get you thinking in the right direction.
• Who is leading this company? Where have they been? What is their vision and how does that impact you and your efforts?
• Is there real value in the product? If I never recruited and single person, could I reach my goals just selling to product alone?
• Is there a market to support my product? One of the biggest mistakes that I made was thinking excitement and enthusiasm was all I needed, WRONG. Now is the time for controlled emotion, and level headed examination of the business.
Taking the time to think and examine will help you to stop trying so hard to make things work. This preparation will enable you to relax and enjoy the adventures and challenges that business brings. If your business is not working, stop trying and get into a flow. Stop chasing and let it come to you.

Author's Bio: 

Bill Suecroft sells financial education, from his home office. To contact Bill visit his website at www.mydesiretoachieve.com

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