written by Lynn Wiese Sneyd

Over the past ten years, writers have had an increasingly easier time getting their books into print, thanks to the print-on-demand publishing business. For many aspiring authors — some frustrated by rejections from literary agents and traditional publishers, others not wanting to wait two years to see their manuscript in book form — POD publishing is the way to go. It also can be a profitable option for books written for a niche audience.

A few things to consider when publishing a POD book:

* Make sure your manuscript is professionally edited. POD companies often provide this service. It’s worth the investment to have a professional eye review your work.

* Most POD companies offer cover and layout design services. Study books in your genre and see what types of design attract you. If you like the font of a particular book or the leading (line spacing) or general design, show the book to the designer at the POD publisher and have him or her use it as a model.

* Know that your book probably will not be carried by brick-and-mortar bookstores. Sometimes exceptions are made. Generally speaking, however, bookstores will fulfill an order for a POD book, but will not stock it on their shelves.

* You, the author, will be required to do all your marketing. Sometimes the POD company will write a press release, but as far as getting on TV and radio, getting into print, publicizing your book on the internet, setting up speaking gigs, it’s all up to you. Even with traditional publishers, authors are expected to do much of their own marketing.

* If you choose to use POD with the hope of attracting a traditional publisher after the book comes out, be aware that the rule of thumb is to sell about 5,000 copies in three or four months. Selling 5,000 copies in 12 months isn’t going to garner attention from traditional publishers.

Many authors have had great success in selling their POD books. As with any book, it helps to have a well-developed manuscript consisting of quality writing, as well as a a solid marketing plan.

Author's Bio: 

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