Ejaculating semen by the male partner earlier than desired, by him or his sexual partner is commonly known as premature ejaculation. This problem is very annoying and spoils the fun and enjoyment of an otherwise exciting sexual experience. It brings an end to a sexual act which could be just the beginning of enjoyment for your sexual partner leaving you both dissatisfied and unhappy.
Treating this problem earliest, is the best way to put an end to your misery and make you feel proud being the man your partner desires. In order to know how to treat this problem one should know what gives rise to premature ejaculation. It could be from hormonal imbalance to anxiety and weak sexual organs to sexual debility - all these contribute to premature ejaculation.
One can adopt certain techniques to treat premature ejaculation:
• Kagel exercises which help strengthen the pelvic and thigh muscles help the reproductive organs retain the ejaculation and make them strong enough to withstand the sexual stimulation.
• Accupressure is another form which helps treat the problem of premature ejaculation.
Aromatherapy is also beneficial in such cases.
• Taking natural aphrodisiacs also prove to be beneficial.
• Ballooning techniques are also helpful in treating various male sexual disorders.
• Jequling technique is also good for erectile dysfunction.
A healthy lifestyle and a perfect dietary plan goes a long way to cure this sexual problem. Eating dark, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and other nutritious edibles should be a part of your daily diet. One should also avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or taking tobacco in any form, these not only decrease your libido but also inducespremature ejaculation.
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