Regular Cigarettes - A Tough Habit To Kick
Cutting back on cigarettes can indeed be a long and drawn out process. So much so, that it is often considered by many health professionals to be one of the hardest addictions to get over. Most people don’t even attempt to give up, and those that do ... Views: 1043
The Latest Craze In Smoking Alternatives - But Much Healthier!
So you have no doubt heard about the latest craze to hit smokers everywhere - electronic smokeless cigarettes. These promise to not only provide smokers with a much healthier alternative to regular smoking, but just as importantly ... Views: 1613
Can Cigarettes Really Be Smokeless?
The very idea of smokeless cigarettes seems like an oxymoron - a contradiction in itself. However when you look a little deeper into this new and innovative concept, you will find that it really does make a lot of sense. To start with, the 'smoke' which is ... Views: 975