Contrary to what you may think, your freak flag doesn't have to be anything crazy, unless crazy is your thing!
Flying your freak flag is more about showing up fully and not being afraid to show the world who you are and what's important to you. It's about taking a stand and having an opinion ... Views: 1355
How do you feel about flying your freak flag high and proud and sharing your juicy goodness with us?
Being self-expressed in this way totally rocks and it's the fastest way to living a Kick-Ass Life!
You DO know that you have something special to share that is unique to you, ... Views: 1165
Are you hiding out in your business and keeping that 'freak flag' in the closet so other's won't get their panties in a bunch?
Have you even tried to 'dumb down' or 'quash' some of the very qualities and characteristics that would make you more marketable and more memorable.......playing it ... Views: 1362
When was the last time you sat down and really thought about what you wanted in your life?
I'm not talking about those easy stock answers like - more money. We all want more money right about now. The real question is- how much more and what would you do with it?
How would your life be ... Views: 1263
As promised, I am back with part 2 of the e-zine article - Viva La Revolution- about how to identify your Revolution. This is all about showing up fully, differentiating yourself, and giving people a compelling reason to hire you so you can stop settling and make some real money doing what you ... Views: 1250
If you want to make money, you need to differentiate yourself from all the other people offering similar services. It doesn't matter if you are a musician, healer or life transformation expert; you need to give people a compelling reason to hire YOU.
The question is- How do you go about doing ... Views: 1248
What if creating your kick-ass dream life is more about how you want to feel in your life than the things that you want to have?
When I talk to people about their kick-ass dream life, they tend to go right into describing what it will look like to them and all the things that are in it. ... Views: 1355
Does procrastination stop you from creating your kick-ass dream life?
You made the choice to go for your dream and you took some initial steps forward, but now you seem to have hit a wall and you find yourself standing still. In your mind, you think you know exactly what needs to happen, but ... Views: 1472
Do you ever find yourself thrown into panic mode because you are trying really hard and doing everything that you can think of, but things still are not turning out as you planned?
I see this frequently with my clients, and I admit I fall into this trap sometimes myself. Usually it goes ... Views: 2809
Get ready, I am going to out myself here.
I recently found myself in the place of feeling dissatisfied with just about everything. Feeling like I am not doing enough, fast enough, to realize my vision for what I want to create. I was beginning to feel frustrated and a bit inadequate.
This ... Views: 4878
Someone recently asked me if I could map out the steps that they needed to follow in order to find more happiness and meaning in their life.
This is what I came up with.
The Path to a Life That Rocks!
1). Take 100% responsibility for your experience in life
2). Be Curious.
3). ... Views: 2959
A few weeks ago, I celebrated my birthday with a super hedonistic "High Roller" weekend at Foxwoods casino. About 20 of my friends joined me in a fantastic suite with an incredible view at the new MGM Grand. We had a VIP table at the hot new ultra lounge & restaurant called Shrine. I spent part ... Views: 3236
When you think and talk about your life, do you tell the story of what has been, or do you tell the story of what you want to create and experience?
If you are the historian of your life, you look at your life and tell the story of what has been, and all the things that have happened that ... Views: 2050
The process of creating your Vision for your Life is simple: Imagine all the fun, exciting, good feeling stuff you want in every aspect of your life. You can do it for your life as a whole, and/or break it down and create a separate vision for each part.
For example: My basic vision for my ... Views: 2060
In my last post I left you pondering the question: “How do I get into alignment with my big dream?”
I will share one way with you now.
Focus on the “What” and the “Why” of your dream and forget about the “How” for now.
I know that this may sound like crazy talk, but I assure you that I have ... Views: 2036
Have you ever had a big dream that you were really excited about, but you ended up abandoning it because you could not figure out HOW to make it happen?
Back in the day, this happen to me all the time. I would end up totally frustrated and stressed out and then decide that I really did not want ... Views: 2026
One way to ensure that you are experiencing what you desire on a daily basis , is to practice feeling what you desire to feel like through out the day.When you sit and purposefully conjure up the feeling of what it is that you desire, you are intentionally telling the universe what it is that ... Views: 1343