I’ve seen many healers, spiritual teachers, life coaches, motivational teachers, gurus, etc for over 20 years. As of now, rock climbing has been my Guru. The only person to move you up that mountain and get through any obstacles you may face is YOU.
Each climb to the top is like a metaphor ... Views: 1246
This is a great meditation to help re-connect with your partner and yourself.
Set the Ambiance:
Get comfortable. Find a comfortable place to sit with cushions and blankets. Play ambient meditation music. Light candles.
Start of Meditation:
1. Come back to back. Begin connecting with ... Views: 4291
Self Care is about giving yourself the gift of wellness. This body is our vessel and temple. How we treat this temple reflects on our happiness and well being. So really, Self care is Self Love. It is taking time to love yourself.
I know when I don’t take time for myself It reflects on every ... Views: 923