Bring back the "Mommy Pants". Maybe you've heard of them referred to that way. You know, the pants we all wore back in the 80's and 90's where the waistband of the pants was actually at your waist - above the belly button.
I actually saw an old 1990's movie the other day with Lisa Hartman Black ... Views: 1576
Enter for Monthly Drawing of Free Distant Energy Healing by Linda Foltyn
Once a month I will be selecting an email entry for one person to receive a distant energy healing. To sign up go here Free Distant Energy Healing Sign-up. Your email address will be strictly confidential, it will not be ... Views: 1232
I asked a psychic once “How many past lives have I had” to which she replied “28”. Wow 28 really? That may explain a few things about me and my current life, which I will go into detail later.
So how did I even get to the point of asking the psychic that question in the first place? It ... Views: 4945
You need to make time for your creativity (it requires passion, intention, dedication, perseverance) it’s just not out there in the ethers, some abstract thing that we can only touch if we are free and clear of all of life’s responsibilities.
Being creative is supposed to be spontaneous and ... Views: 1247
Beginner's Healing Crystal Set and Bracelet
Have you wanted to get started down the path of crystal healing, but don’t know where to start or what to purchase, I suggest these three stones; Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Hematite.
Amethyst helps balance and opens you up to spiritual light. It ... Views: 2594
Healing Properties of the Ocean
The mer fact of sitting in the sand at the ocean can bring great feelings of well-being and relaxation. The negative ions created by the salt water’s crashing waves, the warm sand below your bare feet connecting you to mother earth (how often do you walk around ... Views: 2167
Understanding What it is Like Being an Empath and Tools to Help Protect Yourself
Article Written By: Lyn Rose-Hornabrook
Many of us who were born with empathic abilities have not understood this “gift” until well into our adulthood. Those who were lucky enough to have parents that recognized ... Views: 8920
Many of us experience anger. Some people can let it go after a short time, and some people may hold onto for a long time. I see anger as an invisible black line that you send to the person you are angry with, and sometimes, and if you are both angry with each other, that black invisible line ... Views: 2901
I am an empath who got started down the path of hands-on-healing by myself. It began with a strong desire to help my children with their various sicknesses and that was the start for me. I had been going to see someone for my health problem, she does hair analysis along with homeopathic ... Views: 1395
Article on Seven (7) Chakra Bracelet
What It Means and What It Does
Article Written By: Linda Foltyn
This bracelet will help balance and align your chakra's. Chakra's are energy centers located in the aura level of your body that correspond to different emotions, and parts of the body: ... Views: 7922
I want to show you just how easy this is. Without knowing what the healing stone is, click on one of the stones that you are attracted to below, read the description of the stone and its healing properties. Most of the time the description will match issues that you have right now and may be ... Views: 6354
Every day I give myself a bath, well that too, but this is a colorful light bath that clears and balances my chakra's. I use it at the beginning of my day to protect myself and set my intentions. Here are steps on how you to can balance your chakra's.
Begin by sitting comfortably. Take a deep ... Views: 2500
Creating your own Crystal Altar is easy and inexpensive. What is a crystal altar? It is a special place where you keep your collection of crystals for mediation, and / or for an energy center in your home or apartment. It doesn't require much room, and can be set up in a few minutes.
To give ... Views: 1216
Creating your own Crystal Altar is easy and inexpensive. What is a crystal altar? It is a special place where you keep your collection of crystals for mediation, and / or for an energy center in your home or apartment. It doesn't require much room, and can be set up in a few minutes.
To give ... Views: 1382
Creating your own Crystal Altar is easy and inexpensive. What is a crystal altar? It is a special place where you keep your collection of crystals for mediation, and / or for an energy center in your home or apartment. It doesn't require much room, and can be set up in a few minutes.
To give ... Views: 1087
Stones for Love and Forgiveness:
Rose Quartz, Mangano (Pink) Calcite, Amethyst, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Amber, Blue Topaz, Turquoise, Mother-of-Pearl, Red Jasper, Green Jade, Angelite
How can these two words, love and forgiveness change your whole perspective on life? First, you must put your ... Views: 1542