Why it is important to embrace life’s spiritual struggles
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress”
Fredrick Douglass
It is really important to embrace life’s struggles. Just as we embrace the good times we must also learn to embrace and move forward from the tough ... Views: 1428
Over the past few years I have become increasingly fascinated with the whole concept of metaphysics or The universal law of attraction which is the term most of us are more familiar with. I began to explore and embrace affirmations especially those of Louise ... Views: 1147
I once watched a David Attenborough wildlife program that showed the life cycle of a caterpillar. Not just an ordinary caterpillar this caterpillar lived in Siberia; a place where it was only sunny for a short period of the year and icy cold the rest.
The caterpillar would go around munching ... Views: 1004
At that moment in your life when you feel as if your world is crumbling around you, something has happened to change all that you have worked so hard for and to maintain, find comfort in the knowing that everything happens for a reason. It is always for your greater good or the greater good of ... Views: 6039
There is a lot of speculation around about 2012 and the dramatic changes that are going to occur this year. So colossal they have been likened to that of biblical proportions. Everyone has their own thoughts, opinions and views and I thought that my views are just as important to be heard as ... Views: 923
What do you choose for yourself today?
The Definition of Choice is: the cognitive process of making a decision. Freedictionary.com
Making choices can be difficult for some people. Maybe because we have so many options open to us all in this day and age and many of us fear not ... Views: 1274
It has become more widely recognized that ‘Our thoughts create things’. Those of us who open ourselves up to the possibility of being more than just one physical being in one lifetime, then we are becoming more of a universal thinker. It may seem out of this world initially but when you open ... Views: 913
Take a moment to think about your life until now. Has your life gone through cycles? Well you are going to find out and maybe experience a few 'Ah Ha' moments when doing so. Just as the universe has the universal law of attraction that is relevant to us all, it also has the law of ... Views: 1794
Have you ever stopped to think that there could be another reason for your brain other than storing and processing information, for decision making and making our bodies function? Our brain is the control centre of our bodies and its capabilities can be somewhat underestimated by many. Take a ... Views: 1018
The answer to the question of all time is ‘LOVE’.
What is the question? I hear you ask. The question is ‘What is the key to true happiness?’
We all strive to be happy. No matter what circles we revolve in, our main goal is happiness. Whether it is materialistic or ambitious our end goal is ... Views: 1080
One of the best things that I have ever done in life is to go within. Since doing this a whole new treasure trove of wisdom and fulfilment has found me. Don’t get me wrong I still encounter life’s challenges from time to time, but they now don’t seem as challenging as I am in the knowing that no ... Views: 2712
An amazing realisation was gifted to me by a dear friend recently. I have always been of the understanding that many of our mental health issues are caused due to chemical imbalances in the brain. This pre conception is due to working within the mental health sector for almost four years. I ... Views: 928