Many of us are too rushed to enjoy life, too much in the future to be living fully, too anxious to really relax, too worried to be healthy, too ungrateful to be happy, too afraid to love, and too critical to be compassionate. Do your part to spread joy upon this earth: We greatly need it. Only ... Views: 1458
Believe it or not, your life experience is created through the power of your imagination. Think about it. If your child is two hours late getting home, you probably will play out many scenarios in your mind, frightening yourself with possible images. If you are planning your next vacation on ... Views: 1563
During my years of coaching, I find that most women are afraid to say NO! This stems from a deep belief of not “enoughness”. I’m not good enough, I’m not worthy enough, I don’t do enough, I’m not important enough, I’m not… you get the idea. All of this leads to increased stress, over ... Views: 2853
The word entheos is the root word for enthusiasm and means “in spirit”. When we are filled with the spark of enthusiasm, we are literally filled with our true essence and this is why we feel so alive and energetic. I urge you to make a list right now of the things that make your heart sing. What ... Views: 1135
As I parked my car one day a year ago, I was urged very strongly to move my vehicle to a different spot. After work I came out, and surprise . . . no car! So why didn’t I listen? Because it would have been silly—I had no rational reason to move my car to a different spot.
I have mastered ... Views: 1860
Attitude is Everything!
With a change in your attitude you can change your life! In my Principles of Prosperity free seminar I talk about attitudes and how they contribute to your overall experience of life. The bottom line is that our success or failure begins and ends with our attitudes ... Views: 1106
Successful Mind Power
By Elizabeth Manuel, B.Ed.
The mind is a very powerful tool. Who is in charge of your mind? Or does your mind have a mind of its own? There is no such thing as a neutral thought! Your thoughts aware real, they are bioelectrical and biochemical impulses.
Every single ... Views: 1082
The word Chakra ( pronounced Shah Kraw) comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel of spinning energy" In fact our entire bodies are composed of energy, we are energetic beings, vibrating and emitting energy both consciously and unconsciously. In our bodies we have seven main energy centers called ... Views: 1723