True Love involves loyalty, humility, commitment, fidelity and honor. Ideals that form the fundamental context of life long relationships.
Context is the environment of relationship: The framework of ideas, assumptions, traditions and beliefs that form a certain perspective.
Some are ... Views: 2128
There is an old proverb that says: If you love someone set them free.
If they come back to you it was meant to be.
For years I thought this quote was about letting go in our relationships. Not holding on too tight, giving them freedom to leave without being possessive or controlling.
OK, ... Views: 1227
At every instant in your life you are either expanding to Embrace Growth or Contracting to hold on and protect. What are you protecting?
Love and fear are opposite sides of the same vibration.
Love is not the absence of fear but Courage is the expansion of Love into fear.
Bringing light to ... Views: 1031
There is a myth in our culture that is so prevalent it may ultimately decide the future of our species.
The law of sexual attraction is parading in a lover’s mask.
When so many songs, poems and stories wrap love and romance together as a single item no wonder there’s confusion.
The line ... Views: 1003
What could be more intoxicating than the delight, anticipation, adventure of romantic love?
It has the power to awaken our highest spiritual worth and fulfill our deepest need for belonging.
As a culture we are infatuated with the drama of Romance and addicted to the adrenalin.
Yet with ... Views: 1121
A teacher told me long ago, "Never lead others without being led yourself."
Pause for a moment and ask your heart, "What is guiding me?"
We realize that your relationships can work for you or against you. They can stop you in your tracks or transform your life.
Do you have the courage to ... Views: 1071
Romantic Love began as a spiritual aspiration. Instinctively, we seek a world that is beyond the reach of our day-to-day mentality
The word aspire means “breath” aspiration means to “breath life into”
Spiritual aspiration means to seek after, to reach for, and to rise above the smallness of ... Views: 976
Men can be captivated by sex for a while, but in time they hear the call of a deeper hunger, a more primal need.
I awoke one morning too many with a stranger…… feeling isolated, disconnected and alone.
I had lost contact with myself, my purpose and the deeper significance of life.
The ... Views: 1415
Nothing strikes fear in the heart more than the thought that your mate is cheating on you with someone else. Yet every year more and more marriages and engagements are destroyed by infidelity.
What leads normally rational people to commit the one irreversible act that is sure to kill off the ... Views: 2981