The Power To Choose
We tend to over complicate our lives for reasons that we may or may not actually be aware of. We may be looking for excuses to justify some behavior that is itself based on some belief. But when it all gets said and done at the end of the day, the simple truths remain. We ... Views: 2136
Testing Our Strength
Whether talking about one person or the citizens of an entire nation, occasionally events can test the strength of our confidence and let loose the corrosive power of doubt. How much damage we allow doubt to produce will depend a great deal on the sources of our ... Views: 1656
A Limited Point Of View
Most of us don't associate material success with the Yoga discipline, even people who have practiced Yoga for a long time are not aware of some of the subtler benefits of this discipline. But even from the standpoint of energy management alone the advantages are ... Views: 1080
The Practical Side Of Self Improvement
From changing our core beliefs and fundamental mindsets using techniques like meditation, yoga, self hypnosis and others, to simply fine tuning and sharpening existing success skills, self improvement is not only about improving our lives, but our world ... Views: 3128
The Two Edges Of Self Talk
It wasn't long ago that the idea of self talk carried the connotations of multiple personality disorder, but that view was the result of a lack of good information. The truth is that self talk has come a long way in recent years and is now considered a powerful ... Views: 1333
Fear Grows Only In The Dark
Fear has many faces and not all of them are recognizable as fear. We have such a strong negative social perception of being afraid that we often disguise it as something more acceptable to our conscience. But fear is so prevalent in our civilization today that it ... Views: 1922
Mind, The Two Edged Blade
The idea that all of our experiences including mental, emotional and physical are determined by the activities of our mind, suggests that our ability to be aware of and manage those activities is of critical importance. But our mind can be tricky, subtle, evasive, ... Views: 956
The Origins Of Concepts
Most of us use the terms success and happiness without having a clue what they really are and where they come from. We talk about them as if they are a condition or commodity that we can purchase or trade. We think they come from material wealth, satisfying ... Views: 958
Dealing With A Complicated World
Success often means being able to deal efficiently and appropriately with the inevitable unexpected challenges that come our way. However, this becomes more difficult as life becomes more complicated. Fortunately we have a capability that allows us to turn ... Views: 1431
A Consciousness Of Mind
When we talk about a well disciplined and managed mind, what are we really talking about? Do we mean the tightly controlled and narrowly confined mind of the person consumed by fear? Or are we talking about a mind under the direction of a strong will being applied by ... Views: 2166
Going Backwards To Go Forwards
Have you ever encountered one of those people who seem to be happy and peaceful all the time and who seem to be successful at everything they try? Have you ever wondered just how this is possible when so many others struggle so hard to achieve even a little ... Views: 1282
The No Win Scenario
Weight control and management, or any other problematic behavior pattern that adversely affect our lives, are sometimes difficult to overcome because they not only have established themselves over time and through the extremely powerful effects of conditioning, but also ... Views: 899
The Sources Of Identity
When we talk about things like self image, what or who is this self that has this image? Is this self really us? Or is this self only the outside worlds idea of us that we bought into because at the time we had no idea of what was going on? How many of us ever stop and ... Views: 2033
The Sources Of Self Esteem
Our self esteem is determined by our basic self image and that image of ourselves is created by many sources of influence. Although that image is usually a done deal in the early years of our lives, it is by no means set in stone. Once we mature beyond the ... Views: 1841
The Negative Programming
A condition of low self esteem is like a corrosive acid that eats away at our self image until we are paralyzed to act affectively and achieve success or self confidence of any kind. We find ourselves caught in a downward spiral of negative thoughts and perceptions ... Views: 1513
Caught In A Trap We Built
La La Land, an abstract conceptual version of reality that we built with one of our greatest powers for the purposes of helping us deal with the complexities of the material world. But in time, it began to control and consume more and more of our power until it now ... Views: 1018
Consciousness And Awareness
Our personalities are usually determined by our fears, courage, weakness and strengths, and those are states of mind, where did they come from? It is abundantly clear that these conditions are the result of outside influences and not the result of our natural state ... Views: 1240
The Basics
Though we had little control over the initial processes that established and configured our self esteem and self confidence simply because we were young and had not developed the knowledge and experiences necessary to defend and protect ourselves against outside influences, that is ... Views: 1664
Self Esteem
The level of self esteem that we take away from our early childhood influences will have a major impact on how much confidence we have or don't have in ourselves. But the impact those influences have on us are not set in stone, since they are set up as thought and behavior ... Views: 2638
The Origins Of Behavior
When it comes to weight problems, there is a lot of good information and many good strategies out there to help. But these are mostly diet plans and many of those don't address the underlying dynamics of the processes of beliefs, mindsets, perceptions, self image and ... Views: 1159
The Total Approach
The effectiveness of the self hypnosis techniques of the past was limited, while the newer techniques such as NLP and Ericksonian hypnotherapy seem to be much more powerful. When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off, self hypnosis is only one of the many tools out ... Views: 1434
The Origins Of Self Confidence
If it is true that self confidence is a state of mind, then why do some people have it and some don't? Why don't we just think it and make it so? The answers to these questions have to do partly with chance and mostly with personal creative power. We can be ... Views: 1258
The Foundations Of Success
Self confidence is a key element of success. Self esteem is a key element of self confidence. Both of these are either directly or indirectly dependent on how we perceive ourselves. So, how we perceive ourselves is a critical area of concern if we are having ... Views: 1197
What Are We Missing?
Why do diets work for some people and not others? Why do so many diets not work long term? Is it the diet plan or is it the person using the diet? If it is the person using the diet, what is the problem and what can we do about it? The answer to this is that we are the ... Views: 1442
A Critical Piece Of The Puzzle
I normally don't recommend taking the fast and easy way to any achievement, especially in the area of self change and personal development. But skills like meditation and visualization and affirmations can take awhile to develop and perfect, and when it comes to ... Views: 1181
Personal Responsibility Or Personal Gratification
The Buddha said that we own our actions, that we are the heirs of our actions and that we are defined by our actions. This is in fact a perfect definition of personal responsibility, but since most humans occupying the planet today are ... Views: 949
How We See Ourselves
Creative visualization is one of the most powerful tools we have available to us for successfully achieving any objective. It has the power to define our goal with the detail and intensity necessary to enlist the aid of our subconscious mind and thereby set into motion ... Views: 1273
Configuring Self Esteem
Low self esteem can express itself in many ways in our lives, almost all of which are negative and self defeating. But we don't have to be the victims of what are essentially simple thought patterns that have become established in our mind to the point where they are ... Views: 1125
Got Recognition?
It is surprising just how many people simply don't recognize their own successes. I know this sounds funny, but think about it, do you always acknowledge your accomplishments? And just how important is this? And what is it saying about us if we don't give ourselves our props? ... Views: 1504
Self Imposed Ignorance
The idea that there is a connection between the thoughts generated by our mind and the physical phenomenon we experience has never received much attention. Awareness of this particular reality carries too many potentially dangerous implications for those of us who have ... Views: 1128
Who Are You?
What if you suddenly discovered that the person you think you are and the world you think is real is actually just a product of your mind's ability to create imaginary realities and for some reason one day you woke up and decided that one of those realities was the real actual ... Views: 1206
The Basic Mindset
What do we mean by self confidence? What do we mean by success? We toss these words around and use them in our communications with each other as well as the thoughts in our own mind, but do we really understand what these concepts really mean? What does self confidence have ... Views: 1065
The Textures Of Life
The Human species has raised self deception and denial to an art form, but how and maybe more importantly why? I can tell already that this will not be the easiest article I've ever written and probably won't be the easiest to read. But regardless of the perceived ... Views: 1722
The Ring That Rules Them All
Few of us understand the importance of time. We take it for granted, and once we take something for granted we no longer give it our attention, we no longer wonder about it and in so doing, we deny ourselves the deeper understanding necessary to take advantage of ... Views: 1127
The Challenge Of Self Discovery
The idea that we can live successfully without achieving a certain level of self awareness probably depends on what we think of as successful living. To me, successful living is not only about having material wealth, but also peace, happiness and spiritual well ... Views: 1152
A Ticket To La La Land
For decades I thought I knew what reality was, and in a way I did. Imagine my surprise when, years later after going on a long journey of developing my awareness, I discovered that I was not only clueless but a long time resident of La La Land and didn't even know who ... Views: 1598
The Human Factors
Success is as much about attitude as it is about skills. You can have all the skills in the world and still fail to achieve an objective. Setting goals, defining objectives and creating plans designed to achieve those objectives is essential of course, but really successful ... Views: 1594
Discipline Or Indoctrination
Many of us associate the terms self discipline with images ranging from a grocery list to managing a giant construction project to memories of Mom and Dad trying to get us to conform to the norms of society. But what is self discipline really? And how does it ... Views: 2177
Invisible Forces
Many people today are not experiencing the quality and quantity of success in their lives that they would like and feel they deserve. Why are some people very successful and others seem to be unable to get beyond a certain level? Why is success easy for some, difficult for ... Views: 1082
What Do You Have Faith In?
Self confidence can be a transient experience that can depend on the balance between successes and failures or even our core beliefs about ourselves. For example; we may not believe that we deserve success, or that we are destined to be failures. But is there such a ... Views: 1200
The Failure Mindset
We all experience successes and failures during the course of normal creative activity, they are natural indicators of results. But the idea of failure can get out of control and become a complete mindset that begins to feed and perpetuate itself in ways that create ... Views: 1195
Is It Real?
We explore the frontiers of land, sea, space, the relative universe and the quantum universe, but only a relative few ever think of exploring the mind, and many of them are limited by a specific agenda. Why do we not expend large amounts of resources to explore the most important ... Views: 1021
The Fear of Intuitive Perceptions
What if someone told you that there is a very good chance that you don't live in the real world perhaps 90% of the time, that we only directly experience life maybe 10% of the time? I remember that I laughed when I first encountered this idea. But even while ... Views: 1062
What We Don't Want To Know
Can it really be true that we don't live in the real world but rather a conceptual representation of the world? What do we even mean by the idea of living in the world? One of the most powerful realizations that meditation can reveal to us is the true nature of what ... Views: 1621
Reality? What Reality?
Meditation can be a double edged tool. It can reveal the nature of actual reality, but in doing so it also reveals many other states of consciousness that we experience as real but are not usually aware of their true nature, depending on our present level of awareness. ... Views: 991
The Unruly Mind
Learning how to free ourselves from the tyranny of the unruly mind is not easy. Most of us have been the victims of the chaos of our own mind for so long that we don't even recognize that there is a need to do anything about it. What problem? Yet in a very real sense we are ... Views: 996
Power Lost?
These days the perception that we as individuals have little power over the quality and direction of our lives is common. As our society gets larger and larger our lives get more and more complicated, which is a kind of trickle down affect as a result of the fact that the ... Views: 1117
Most of us make the mistake of taking consciousness for granted as we do so many other things. The act of taking things for granted can have really bad consequences because it affectively limits the possibility of achieving a deep understanding of a given subject because we simply don't ... Views: 1092
The Insight
The popularity of meditation rises and falls according to the levels of fear, insecurity and uncertainty experienced by any given Human population. But meditation is not like many other disciplines that are less difficult to master, and what makes it so difficult is found in the ... Views: 1207
Are We Actually Conscious?
Just how much of what we perceive as ourselves and our life is actually the result of our conscious, intelligent and knowledgeable decisions, and how much is the result of our automatic and unconscious response to the influences of economic, political and social ... Views: 1618