I have often been asked by clients as to whether it is necessary for improvement with their health to become a vegetarian.
Any positive changes that you implement to improving your diet such as eliminating processed, takeaway and other fast food choices will bring about positive changes to your ... Views: 1300
I know for me I have to regularly do a mental health check. In order to get my thinking into a place of where it is positive for me, my family, friends and of course any work that I am doing.
So I have been asked how do you do this Julie? This is how:
Your body is literally created by your ... Views: 1383
Edema or otherwise more commonly known as fluid retention, is a condition whereby the body accumulates excess fluids.
What the underlying cause to this can be underlying health problems. So the sooner you begin to implement the changes below to improve and reduce this problem. The soon you will ... Views: 1306
Programming Your Mind: To Live - The Life you Want: Be the Person You Want to BE!
Is it any wonder when you are and have been surrounded by experiences of death, destruction, trauma and abuse that you will - Smoke, Drink Excessive Alcohol, Take Drugs
This is how your mind has been programmed ... Views: 1330
For thousands of years Herbs have be used as a Primary Treatment for Ill- Health and Disease
Due to their remarkable Healing Properties enabling them to Restore Functional Balance to your Physical and Emotional Body.
In this article I am talking with you about the endocrine system. This ... Views: 1418
As you will see there are some major vegetables listed below that have been found to have anti-cancer benefits.
Fresh, Wholesome, Organic and Non-Genetically modified will always be your Best Protection and Medicine at either preventing or overcoming disease.
Together with including Healthy ... Views: 1216
Life can be so Emotionally disturbing on so many levels at times
Creating feelings of frustration, anger, anxiety, panic and what may feel like pure helplessness.
One of the most common things I am asked to teach people is in Learning - How to Cope with these Emotional Disturbances and ... Views: 1839
Researchers at the University of Salford in the U.K. have found that Vitamin C inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
This simple vitamin due to it's powerful antioxidant properties has become extremely effective when it comes to the prevention and treatment of Cancer.
Due to the fact ... Views: 1398
A recent study published Cell Stem Cell has discovered that intermittent cycles of prolonged fasting not only protects the body and brain against immune system damage
This being a major side effect of chemotherapy — but has also been found to promote immune system regeneration, shifting ... Views: 2602
One of the biggest challenges people face today is who to trust. With the world of technology is the constant bombardment of information.
If you want to know anything about anything you just have to google it. But what happens when you are diagnosed with a serious illness or disease.
You ... Views: 1219
I have some excellent news for Australian men and women around the concept of Aging.
Each year millions of Australian men and women move into their senior (golden) years.
I am going to reveal to you how these can be your happiest, healthiest and most rewarding years.
I want to share ... Views: 1177
Estrogen dominance has become a significant health problem, for both men and women.
Many woman have learnt to read the signs of hormone imbalance, but what about Oestrogen dominance.
The signs, the symptoms if you are actually suffering from this and what can you do to resume hormone ... Views: 1240
Scientific research has found that spending time at the beach or near water -
Boosts your Creativity, Balances your Mind, Restores Energy and improves the way you feel.
You've probably noticed how spending a day at or near the water makes you feel more relaxed, rested and re-energized. ... Views: 1355
As a social alcoholic, or a social drinker you may be considered as a low-risk drinker.
You may find yourself becoming defensive when friends or family members show some concern in regards to your increase consumption of alcohol.
After all you are just enjoying a drink socially, there is ... Views: 1422
I consider myself a friend to many people, whom I will stand by and always give my love, support and gratitude.
I choose to spend my time with those who genuinely listen to me, who love to have great meaningful conversations about life and the world.
Those who can dig deep beyond the ... Views: 1309
"Every Thought You Think - Affects the Way you Feel"
What and how we choose to think about any given situation or ourselves becomes the truth for us.
I believe that each and everyone of us, including myself, is responsible for the things that happen within our own realm.
It is said ... Views: 1238
I am sure that you are becoming aware of the facts that you don't necessarily have to deteriorate with age. There are changes that you can make in your daily lifestyle habits that I am about to share with your that are easier to bring into your daily activities than you might think.
Quality ... Views: 1195
You have been working toward making healthier changes to your diet. However you seem to be struggling to get the rest of the family on the same page.
You love them and want them to be a part of these healthy food changes with you. This will be both helpful and supportive to you in making ... Views: 1123
After receiving an email from Janet Kafadar re-"Giving up Facebook", it made me rethink some of my strategies. I am fairly disciplined with it and the time I spend. However, since I have begun putting my online course together, I started with the normal hesitancies but then I had really turned ... Views: 1065
Do you ever have one of those weeks where you just seem to have a series of things that go wrong.
Well last week was one of those for me.
Fortunately for losing our telephone line at home was solved with some intensive communication, but it was solved.
Our Washing machine broke ... Views: 1757
Enjoy the Superfood Salad full of Great Nutritional benefits and flavour!
Fennel is a Great source of Vitamin C and Beta Carotene. Along with the additional benefits of cucumber and apple.
Fennel is known for its anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties. As well as its balancing effects ... Views: 1512
Folate (known as folic acid when added to foods) is a B-group vitamin found in a variety of foods. Folic acid helps protect against neural tube defects in the developing foetus, so it is important for pregnant women to make sure that they are receiving enough of this important vitamin.
For ... Views: 1062
Cholesterol is always brought out as being the bad guy. However it is not cholesterol as such that is the bad guy.
It is in the foods you are eating that are not sustaining a healthy liver and thyroid. Yes both these organs play a huge role in healthy cholesterol levels.
If you have ... Views: 1126
What is Happening to Our Children - I would like to share with you the story of my childhood years and my education - Enjoy!!!!
Looking back I was a Daydreamer at School - I have written this Article as "Food for Thought" in allowing Children to Be Children!
Will still enable them to grow ... Views: 1132
Processing of foods may have well started with the best intentions of finding a way to preserve foods so that they would have a longer shelf life.
This way of preserving was using the use of natural ingredients such as salt, sugar and vinegar.
Not saying that this was necessarily good for ... Views: 1162
Heart Disease is fast becoming the Most Common Disease for this century.
It is scary, emotional and can be debilitating if you don't know how to best support your heart in becoming as healthy and strong as possible.
In this article I am going to share with you from both personal and ... Views: 1078
This is a well known saying - "It's Not What You Know, but Who You Know!"
However the Trick is - Knowing who to know and who to Value in your Life.
Ending Drama in your life consists of two major lessons that I am about to teach you:
Understanding what is Drama? & Valuing your Self ... Views: 1334
Chances are if you are eating a diet high in Refined Carbohydrates you have a weight problem and you are at high risk for diseases such as diabetes and cancer.
You are also increasing your risk of heart failure and circulatory problems. In this article I share with you 7 Steps to eliminating ... Views: 1343
Infertility has become a Major problem in Modern Times.
PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is being founded to be one of the major causes. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome like most areas of ill health can be quite complex in uncovering the cause of what is being said to be one of the most ... Views: 1389
Statin side effects can cause discomfort as well as long term side effects of diminishing your health even further.
Therefore making it seem like the risks outweigh the benefits of these medically approved cholesterol-lowering medications.
Research has shown that Statin medications ... Views: 1487
Do you remember being a child you were so excited about your birthday or Christmas. You could hardly sleep the night before and awoke really early in the morning with pure excitement.
As a child these experiences were so pure, untouched by life's tragedies and traumas giving you joyful ... Views: 1244
Christmas is often a time when you may find reasons to overindulge, forgetting all the hard work you have put in to feeling healthy, fit and well.
Begin eating what many may think to be delicious treats associated with this festive season.
However if you are like me and want to remain ... Views: 1317
Research is showing evidence of glyphosate residues, found in a majority of processed foods in the Western diet courtesy of Genetically Engineered foods.
Glyphosate has been found to be used in the farming of root vegetables such as potato, beetroot, also has been used in the growing of corn ... Views: 1485
There is quite a lot of confusion when it comes to the various forms of Sulfur. What is the difference between sulfa drugs, sulfites, sulfates and sulfur.
Often people are allergic to sulfa drugs and sulfites. Therefore may think that it is necessary for them to avoid sulfates and sulfur, as ... Views: 6720
The word "Gluten" has become a topically word in the world of nutrition these days. However the big question here is -
Is Gluten bad for you? Does it cause health problems? Is it necessary to avoid it?
Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye and barley. So for many people either ... Views: 962
As I am sure that you are aware both sides of your body are quite different. Your blood flow is quite different as is where your major organs are situated.
Getting a Good night's sleep can never be underestimated when it comes to your health.
But interesting here is how does the position ... Views: 1118
At first you may be led to believe that diet soft drinks are a healthier alternative to those containing sugar.
You are told that it saves you the 140-plus calories that are found in a sugary soft drink. So it well may seem a logical choice.
However you are being fooled, this is a combined ... Views: 1089
In recent Cancer Research is proving that Ginger is 10,000x Stronger than chemotherapy proving that -
Cancer doesn't have to be a "Deadly" word. It is no secret that Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy are not the Best Ways for Treatment of Cancer.
Let me help you to move away from the story ... Views: 1371
Like you I like to incorporate a variety of foods into my diet. Both for health reasons but also for a change.
Curious as many of you I came to wondering if duck is healthier than chicken and also what were the health benefits to eating duck.
Also what has become a normal part of the ... Views: 2777
Achilles tendonitis is a condition of irritation and inflammation of the large tendon in the back of the ankle.
In most cases Achilles tendonitis is a common injury for both Professional and weekend athletes. They may well suffer from Achilles tendonitis.
However it is also a common ... Views: 8214
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic muscle pain and distress.
It can be a chronic condition meaning that is can have been occurring for a long period of time.
The word fibromyalgia comes from the Greek myos meaning "muscle", Greek algos meaning "pain", and New Latin fibro ... Views: 1003
As with any form of cancer early detection is crucial for long term recovery.
A new study published in the British Medical Journal (December 2011) confirmed that breast cancer screening may cause women more harm than good.
Especially during the early years after commencing screening. The ... Views: 1001
Do you often have an overwhelming and emotional feelings about whether someone likes you or not. I know for many years I did, isn't it horrible the way it just seems to squeeze any ounce of joy, pleasure or happiness from you.
Today I want to go through with you about how to stop worrying if ... Views: 4347
When you were a young child, you remember cutting yourself. Mum or Dad cleaning the wound, putting on a bandage and in days the cut was healed.
So what happens as you become older you may have forgotten about the amazing ability that your body has to heal.
There have been many dimensions, ... Views: 1235
In order to age well with health and vitality having healthy muscles is essentially important. I am not talking about pumping iron and building muscle.
I am going to give you 7 Steps to have Strong and Healthy muscles - No Matter What Your Age. Your muscles need regular maintenance in order ... Views: 1107
Do you or do you know of someone who struggles with negative addictions.
I know that I have in the early days of my life and for me it was "Smoking".
With my passion to live a healthy life, I didn't want to include anything that was going to sabotage that, so I had to somehow get my head ... Views: 1222
True Beauty - Caring for yourself from the Inside/Out
Incorporating a Healthy Lifestyle -
Eating Healthy Foods and Drinks that will nourish your body.
Learning to Overcome Emotional Challenges.
Remaining True to your Heart and Your Heart's Desire
Understanding Beauty, Vibrant ... Views: 954
A question often brought up in my clinic is about the safety of the Combined Contraceptive Pill and what the long term effects it could have on a woman’s health.
The combined contraceptive pill was designed to give the body a false sense that it was pregnant. It includes a combination of an ... Views: 976
I am sure that you have found "Taking a Trip" to the supermarket these day, requires great investigative skills.
Not unlike that of a detective, in fact you really have to become a "Food Label" Detective.
You have Never been faced with so much "Choice" or competition within the supermarket ... Views: 906
Diverticulitis is a common illness for more than 40 million People who are Suffering from it!!
As a Naturopath the role diet plays in your overall health not to mention this profound and painful illness diverticulitis is undeniable.
In other words there is no getting around it, the quality ... Views: 1214