The ability to reach out and ask for help isn’t something that comes easily to some folks. Pride keeps them from showing their vulnerabilities. Fear keeps them stuck. But when they make that little shift and see that the asking is as much a gift as it is a favor, everything changes. ... Views: 1408
DISCLAIMER: Before you read any further, please note that the non-use of caps and various other grammatical 'error' is 'on purpose'. Yes, I know how to write in proper grammatical form. But sometimes...artistic license is just more fun.
Now you know.
so there's this whole weird dynamic ... Views: 1324
Humor packed her bags and hit the road. She gave no warning. Didn't leave a note. Just up and left one sunny afternoon. Didn't even bother to close the door. Rude. Just plain rude. It's quite possible she ran off with The Muse. Not sure, but seems like they both disappeared around the same time. ... Views: 1323
Seems to me that folks don't pay much mind to their words. You hear things every day that are proof of this. Stuff like:
“My back is killing me.”
“I hate my life.”
“I wish somebody would kill that jerk.”
“I'm dying to meet him.”
“I'm sick and tired of....”
Very common little phrases ... Views: 1292
On March 14th Daylight Savings Time begins. Shortly thereafter, in many parts of the country, Spring will begin to show its warm face. The daffodils will start popping up and the birds will get busy building nests for their next round of babies. Spring. That beautiful time of year when hope, ... Views: 2951
It always cracks me up when I hear this phrase: "it's just another day". It epitomizes just how little some folks value the gift of another day. I'm guessing that were those same people to have some kind of terminal dis-ease, they'd change their attitude zippity-quick. I'm guessing that these ... Views: 1360
Most every electronic gadget today has a reset button. New homes have them on every electrical outlet, so instead of blowing a circuit, the outlet cuts off. You push the little red button, and works anew. Blow dryers have them. Cars have them. Computers, cameras, phones, DVRs, you ... Views: 1646
Several years ago while meeting with a woman who was interested in my Zen Gardens, she said something that struck me like the ol' proverbial frying pan to the head. She said: "Money is nothing more than love in an alternate form. It's ENERGY. If you're struggling with it, you're looking at it ... Views: 3814
There are few things more satisfying to this writer than getting comments from readers who express gratitude for my offerings. I'm NOT kidding. It's such a joy to hear from people who have been inspired by my meanderings, and to know that in some small way I'm actually helping. It's SUCH a ... Views: 1647
Remember when you were a kid and you played Make-Believe? Remember how easy it was to Make Believe you were a famous singer or an astronaut or a brilliant painter? You could sit in any room or under a tree or in your sandbox and actually BE that person. You'd see it all as clearly as if you were ... Views: 2847
Regardless of our chosen field, or the manner in which we use your gifts, most of us have come across people in our lives who absolutely refuse to take responsibility for their actions, their situations, their own lives. It could be a family member, a dear friend, a co-worker, even a spouse. ... Views: 1691
You hear it all the time: "Use your head. Think it through. Make sure it makes sense." These age-old adages began before we were old enough to spell our names, yet somehow, our caregivers were compelled to teach us to use our brains and ignore our inner voices. By the time we were in grade ... Views: 1222
It shouldn't come as a surprise that I'd be writing about intuition. It is, after all, part of the Magick that makes up our beautiful lives. I'm big on intuition, and over the course of my life (thus far!), I've 'remembered' just how to clue in and listen. I call them "whispers". Even though ... Views: 1300
The ancient Greeks believed that no artist, poet, musician was fully responsible for his work. Each was thought to be 'assigned' a daemon, a spirit that lived in the walls of the artist studio, and gave him access past the veils of this world, into the world of the gods. There, the artist could ... Views: 815
There is something to be said about using anger to move out of fear. Some people operate this way, mostly, I think, because it's worked for them. A person can only take fear for so long. Then comes that breaking point ~ that place where you've just had enough and you're not going to take it any ... Views: 1271
The search for perfection may very well be the largest obstacle to happiness. What is it that makes us want to be 'perfect'? Better asked, why do we think we aren't?
Webster's dictionary defines the word 'perfect' as follows:
- Lacking nothing essential to the whole: complete of its ... Views: 2121
There are many these days who are moving into the “New Age of Consciousness”, using techniques such as meditation, affirmations, and visualizations to realize their dreams and live the lives they only once dreamed were possible. All these things are contributing to an ever-shifting mass ... Views: 1419
Perhaps one of the worst things for someone who loves animals is to hear about how many people are forced to give them up when times "get tough". It's so heartbreaking, so utterly intolerable. Each time I hear of such a person, I am immediately distraught...and on a mission to make it so they ... Views: 843
Most of us have heard at one time or other that 'selfish' is a bad thing. We're supposed to share. We're supposed to think about other people's feelings. We're supposed to sacrifice sometimes. Selfishness is something to overcome, not practice. I don't buy it.
There comes a point in ... Views: 1345