Maybe this sounds like a day you've had recently. You have a big meeting at the office this morning...and the alarm didn't go off. You stop at Starbuck's for coffee and the line stretches out the door! A fender-bender on I-95 brings traffic to a crawl. You finally get to work and some jerk pulls ... Views: 2126
We are creative beings. From the day we are born, we dream and make sounds to please ourselves. As soon as we can hold a crayon – or some baby food – we draw. We sing, dance, act, play musical instruments, paint, draw, and sculpt. We invent, start new businesses and industries, build and program ... Views: 2114
“Keep your eye on the ball” is advice that has moved from the sports arena into every walk of life. It means: stay focused, concentrate, keep your mind on what you’re doing. Reflexology has helped people keep their eyes “on the ball” at work and play so that they perform more efficiently and ... Views: 1798
You are reading this article right now because of the Law of Attraction, a universal law that promises, “that which is like unto itself is drawn.” You are resonating or vibrating in a way that is in sync with the information I’m sharing here with you.
In my Reflexology and Life Coaching ... Views: 2225