Is there someone in your life that you are holding a grudge against? Is there someone who has wronged you or hurt you in any way and you want them to hurt just the way they hurt you?
Whenever we hold a grudge against another for any harm we believe they have caused us, it is ourselves we are ... Views: 1170
What is Spiritual Healing?
Let us begin with the term “healing.” Healing is the process of seeing through the veils of illusion. Behind the veils we find the illusion was the thought, belief, or idea that we ever needed to healed in the first place (Like when Dorothy un-covers the ... Views: 890
You know, you really SHOULD be a better person. You really SHOULD go to the gym and work out. You really SHOULD succeed in life.
How do you feel when you hear someone say the word SHOULD to you? I don’t know about you, but I tend to feel as though I’ve done something wrong, or ... Views: 929
It has been said that "money makes the world go around." Is this really true?
Lets examine this saying a little bit further.
The truth about money is this. Money has absolutely no value what so ever and I can prove it. Money or the numbers that you see on your account balance are ... Views: 1088
Have you ever noticed yourself thinking about what someone else is thinking about? I know I have. I can honestly say that I spent most of my life being unaware of doing this, I did it automatically. And I went as far as believing that I really knew what other people were thinking about.
... Views: 991
Have you ever heard hear someone say this statement, “but, I can’t because.” Maybe you’ve even said it a few times yourself. Either way, it is a powerful statement that can change the direction of all the words that follow it.
I want you to test this out for ... Views: 1088