When was the last time you hand wrote a thank you note?
Recently I had the pleasure of writing quite a few of them, and in the process I had the thought that, like letter writing, the practice of writing thank you notes may be a dying art. Seriously, do any of you still own a copy of “Miss ... Views: 1841
Keeping a journal is the most powerful self-care tool I use for both my personal and professional development.
For me, journaling serves three key purposes:
1.to stay connected to my Inner Wisdom
2.to capture my ideas for sharing my vision and my gifts with the world
3.to communicate the ... Views: 2501
As a woman, you play many important roles, and limiting your self-belief reduces your personal power hinders your self and professional development. Women worldwide continue to strive to gain independence. As independence for women becomes more widely accepted, now is the time to exercise the ... Views: 4342
Today’s women are empowered, even in global communities. In a wide range of industries, women are making names for themselves. Nearly gone are the days of the limited roles of women, thanks to the encouragement women are receiving and the training readily available, much of which is nurtured ... Views: 6722
Where does awareness come from and how do I learn to trust it?
I believe that messages from the universe often come to me as dreams. They are divine inspiration, energy channeled through me in some way. Scientific or “woo-woo”-ish, I believe this energy exists and the vibration of that energy ... Views: 2839
The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always magical. Even during the most stressful times, we somehow manage to see joy in simple pleasures during this time of year.
So the question becomes, how can we stretch the magic of the season, that special joy we feel, into ... Views: 1354
The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always magical. Even during the most stressful times, we somehow manage to see joy in simple pleasures during this time of year.
So the question becomes, how can we stretch the magic of the season, that special joy we feel, into ... Views: 1354
The period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day is always magical. Even during the most stressful times, we somehow manage to see joy in simple pleasures during this time of year.
So the question becomes, how can we stretch the magic of the season, that special joy we feel, into ... Views: 1354
Are you ready to lead a life that is different than the one you are leading now? What will it take for you to stop doing what you’re doing and start living the life of your dreams?
Most will agree, it takes you engaging your energy and committing to change. You can’t get different results ... Views: 1972
I believe we are here on this Earth to connect—no one is intended to “go it alone”. Energy flows in, around and throw all things, including all people. To fully engage the positive forces of that energy, you have to become a part of the flow. The only way to do that is to connect to other ... Views: 1247
Are you ready to lead a life that is different than the one you are leading now?
What will it take for you to stop doing what you’re doing and start living the life of your dreams?
Most will agree, it takes you engaging your energy and committing to change. You can’t get different results ... Views: 1816
For the past few years, my personal mission has been to present my most authentic self to world each and every day. My authentic self is my most creative self, and yet, seemingly in contradiction to my mission, I chose a career in hospitality as an operations manager. After 25 years, I am now ... Views: 2110