Facebook always feels a bit challenging to me. Their rules are published nowhere you can find easily and most are pretty indecipherable. Often you won't know you've broken one, until you get slapped. Yet, it is the largest social network globally and you certainly don't want to ignore it. Now, ... Views: 1256
Each teleseminar or webinar that I host, I am always most excited by the comments and questions I get from participants. What I see consistently is a huge relief from you when I deliver just great content, no pitch, no hitch, and no catch. So take this lesson and learn to do the same for your ... Views: 1260
Now while I do want you to keep your comments and language online clean, that isn't what I mean here! I'm talking about keeping your followers, friends and connects on the various online networks clear of spammers, pornsters, and dead weight. So here are some quick tips in Twitter this week to ... Views: 1330
It's funny that usually you associate traffic with road rage, time lost, and general frustration and hassle, BUT online and offline it is targeted traffic that means the difference between a successful business and one that doesn't make it. So I'm going to share just 5 easy and quick ways you ... Views: 1272
Over 81% of people want to write a book! Now there are a variety of reasons for this among them they have romanced the idea of a "writer's life." More importantly they have something to share with the rest of the world. But the real benefit in writing a book is that it gives you credibility, ... Views: 1341
In life and business we all need to know an experimenter if we aren't one ourselves. These are the folks that push the limits, break rules, challenge barriers. These individuals don't see a wall as a wall but instead look at ways to scale it, go around it, go through it, or dig under it. ... Views: 1988
Are you caught in the Reaction Trap? Do you find yourself responding continually to the variety of messages and media that are hitting you daily? Are you working on putting out fires only to find more business blazes flaming? Stop. Whenever your energy and focus is just on containment that is ... Views: 1500
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 1392
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 1260
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 1835
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 892
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 3581
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 860
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 882
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 944
Color is about more than interior design and fashion. It is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments; color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 848
Color is about more than interior design and fashion; it is used for marketing products from diapers to diet soda, from office supplies to electronics, from bargain buys to luxury investments, color sells. The key is to learn how to use color to your advantage as it is often a subliminal ... Views: 902
Now certainly there are many more than just three mistakes that business owners make preventing their own success. These are simply three of the most obvious and most popular. They are also three of the most lethal. Take a look and see if you are afflicted with any of these and if so dive into ... Views: 880
In today’s challenging marketplace there are already so many problems that you really can’t afford to make any on your own! This is a time to sit up, pay attention, and work on your business. And yet so many business owners are doing the opposite; they have put blinders on and appear to be ... Views: 907
So you’ve climbed online, built your profile, now what? Get active! You’ll be invited to join many groups, be selective. There is no obligation. And it doesn’t make sense to join if you aren’t going to be active. Active means commenting on discussion regularly, posting your own discussions, ... Views: 983
I know many professionals puzzled by the advent of social media want to know if it can yield real results, it can and it does. Right now I have the honor and privilege of a first class trip to China in April to kick off the Guangzhou Design Week that comes up later this year. They are doing a ... Views: 977
Getting published offline or featured online isn’t as tough as you think; what can be the challenge is knowing what to do with that PR once you get it! PR by itself isn’t inherently useful, it is critical to have a plan for distributing your feature or article in a meaningful way both online ... Views: 1215
I had a very interesting discussion with a colleague recently. I was doing my usual probing about their life, their future and their possibilities. You are likely familiar with the question I asked. “What is your 5 year goal?” I got a quick and pat answer regarding the next step up the ... Views: 862
Stop operating in a vacuum and realize that you are part of a team of vendors, suppliers, and service specialists who deliver a product to the consumer. The key is to create your own team rather than allow the consumer to shop for each resource. This is called leveraged branding. It could be a ... Views: 763
I got an interesting Tweet the other day from a fellow solopreneur who shared that Twitter was like her opportunity to hang out at the water cooler online. I realized how true that is. Often when you work in isolation, seeing only clients and connecting by events with colleagues, you can risk ... Views: 1880
Too often the difference between and success and failure is simply in the asking. You neglect to ask for the raise, you fail to ask for the sale, you forget to ask for referrals. It is all about asking both in business and in life. There are 5 ways to ASK YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS:
Ask for ... Views: 928
Home is truly our external heart and as such it needs a lot of care and attention in its decorating and development. Invite friends and family to contribute to the creation of your home. A house is merely a dwelling; it becomes a home when you use your heart to express your environment in a ... Views: 932
So often we get caught up in our daily routines only to forget the most important element in our lives, our health and well being. We are so busy taking care of everyone and everything else that we ignore ourselves until we either get sick or end up at the doctor with an injury. While none of ... Views: 834
How often do we find that we are losing track of friends without enough time to spend together? It seems easy to say “maybe next month,” “when I get that promotion,” “when the kids are out of school,” or any other myriad of excuses. The bottom line is if we ... Views: 1073
I have yet to meet anyone that wishes they spent more time in the office or on their career; instead everyone seems to miss time with their families and friends. Family is not limited in this discussion and context to those related only by blood. Many of us have our truest and best family by ... Views: 931
We all have a creative spirit whether it manifests itself in a talent for home improvement, sewing, craft projects or perhaps computer programming and writing music. Too often we suppress this side as a part of ourselves we will indulge when there is more time. There won’t ever be more ... Views: 1071
More than a third of our lives are spent in pursuit of our livelihood. Too often this is not a celebration but instead an obligation and a decision by default. We are put on a career track before we even know what we truly want to pursue and by the time we figure it out we have already achieved ... Views: 892
Home is truly our external heart and as such it needs a lot of care and attention in its decorating and development. Invite friends and family to contribute to the creation of your home. A house is merely a dwelling; it becomes a home when you use your heart to express your environment in a ... Views: 975
We all have a creative spirit whether it manifests itself in a talent for home improvement, sewing, craft projects or perhaps computer programming and writing music. Too often we suppress this side as a part of ourselves we will indulge when there is more time. There won’t ever be more ... Views: 959
So often we get caught up in our daily routines only to forget the most important element in our lives, our health and well being. We are so busy taking care of everyone and everything else that we ignore ourselves until we either get sick or end up at the doctor with an injury. While none of ... Views: 915
I have yet to meet anyone that wishes they spent more time in the office or on their career; instead everyone seems to miss time with their families and friends. Family is not limited in this discussion and context to those related only by blood. Many of us have our truest and best family by ... Views: 913
How often do we find that we are losing track of friends without enough time to spend together? It seems easy to say “maybe next month,” “when I get that promotion,” “when the kids are out of school,” or any other myriad of excuses. The bottom line is if we ... Views: 1067
More than a third of our lives are spent in pursuit of our livelihood. Too often this is not a celebration but instead an obligation and a decision by default. We are put on a career track before we even know what we truly want to pursue and by the time we figure it out we have already achieved ... Views: 824
As I went to my twice weekly Pilates session recently, I realized that I had never referred the studio I go to to any friends or clients. I am one of those “loyal-as-the-day-is-long” types and love to share my favorite resources so this surprised me. I realized that there were a ... Views: 961
One of the essential keys to weathering the storms and vagaries of an unpredictable economy is to develop lasting relationships with your clients and consumers. It doesn’t matter if you are selling services or product, at the high end or the low end, what matters is that you have taken ... Views: 811
As I went to my twice weekly Pilates session recently, I realized that I had never referred the studio I go to to any friends or clients. I am one of those “loyal-as-the-day-is-long” types and love to share my favorite resources so this surprised me. I realized that there were a ... Views: 873
At the Atlanta Home Furnishings summer market this last Friday I had an unusual experience. I had been checking out showrooms for a few filler pieces for my mountain retreat and found Go Home. It is a resource new to me, which has some great unique pieces. I asked about lead time and the ... Views: 853
While I'm in the know, I stay in touch, abreast of the daily news, the markets and more, I've noticed that during this alleged and perceived downturn, there is a much more significant resistance amongst peers, business associates, and fellow entrepreneurs. We aren't participating in the bad ... Views: 943
How often do we focus exclusively on our client in business and forget to talk a bit about ourselves? Don’t underestimate the power of finding those points of connection that will set you apart from your competitors. It can be as simply as gathering any of the following information:
... Views: 803
Home is truly our external heart and as such it needs a lot of care and attention in its decorating and development. Invite friends and family to contribute to the creation of your home. A house is merely a dwelling; it becomes a home when you use your heart to express your environment in a ... Views: 1365
Being somewhat of a personal and professional development junkie, attending seminars as often as possible, listening in to teleclasses, and checking out webinars, I’ve realized something VITAL. Success is not just about having the right ingredients (which, by the way, we each are born with) but ... Views: 815
These quick and effective steps are ones I use regularly to turn prospects easily and quickly into clients (if there is a fit).
Listen. It sounds simple and it can be but too often we get caught up in wanting to tell them all about ourselves. This isn’t about us; it is about them, so focus on ... Views: 929
These days decorating doesn’t have to be about custom, it can be about where to find it now and how to make it work for you. There is such a wealth of ready made elements both at retailers, online, and in mail order catalogues. You can do it yourself, or get the knowledge and expertise of a ... Views: 852
So you want the key to better living, it’s simple. All you need is more time to do things you really want to do. The question is how do you get that? Read on and you’ll learn the secrets and shortcuts right now.
Make Dining a Delight
On food, you don’t have to cook! I mean you don’t even ... Views: 1011
The Parts and Pieces:
Designing your signature is about truly designing your LIFE! That means your home interiors, your career choices, your entertaining and homemaking, your relationships, your travel and adventure, your personal image and style, your past times and passionate pursuits and ... Views: 3808