I hear you. It’s been a very challenging time during this constant state of adjustment. It has not been easy for anyone. However, while you’re navigating the basics like home-schooling kids, grocery shopping safely and finding toilet paper, here are a few tips to help you through this ... Views: 944
The holidays are here! Ready? Frankly, I’m not ready. This time of year usually sneaks up on me. Regardless if you’re prepared or not, the holidays have arrived and soon we’ll be shouting: “Happy New Year” and contemplating new year’s resolutions. Instead of waiting for how you’ll begin the next ... Views: 873
Love is what drives us. I’m talking about healthy love, the good love. Whether you’re looking for a companion, or if you feel that you don’t need anyone because you’re focused on work or something else… it’s all about love. It’s because you love your work or your kids, that they’re the most ... Views: 1065
How’s your game? Good, I hope. For some, they’re in bliss, and for others there is a lack of harmony in society right now that adversely affects their ‘game’. As a world, we’re experiencing challenges and polarization in many respects. And for some, this may feel as though we’re surfing a wave ... Views: 1127
You’re probably thinking, ‘no thank you’. Snakes are slimy, scary, and potentially dangerous. To some yes, and to others they’re beautiful with gorgeous markings and textured skin. How do you see the snake?
I was at the Farmers Market the other day queued up for some cucumbers. The line was ... Views: 1229
On top of your game? Right on! Things are going well? Good news!
However, when circumstances don’t go our way, that’s another story. The first thing we usually do is blame another party. “Why didn’t he ___ ?” “Well, you see if she didn’t do ______ everything would have been fine.” The blame ... Views: 1130
Love is easy - relationships can be hard. We’re all individuals that come from different backgrounds, parenting and environments. Yet, with all of these differences we hope to come together in search of good friendships and romantic relationships. No problem, right? ;) As a love coach and Reiki ... Views: 1090
Relationships are built on many things, one of which is communication. Love is the easy part, as my mom would say. It’s easy to fall in love. But how do we stay in love? How do we remain happy together? And, how do we handle the bumps of life and yet, continue on the road? Staying connected can ... Views: 1108
When we don’t speak our minds, there’s a silent scream on the inside. It can be a peep or as loud as a lion… but there is a scream. We know that something should or could be different, but we say or do nothing. Our silent screams are our souls way of asking us to wake up to our truth. This is ... Views: 1202
Happy New Year! Regardless of how it went for you, 2017 is gone. There were challenges that faced many of us, and even some that tried to suck our souls like a newly purchased Roomba. However, in spite of the attempts, we're still here.
There's something about adversity. It mobilizes the ... Views: 1296
Nowadays, people are experiencing higher stress levels on a regular basis for a variety of reasons. One of the best ways to solve this problem is by fortifying joy and peace in our lives. How do you nurture yourself when news makes you sad, frustrated or angry? Life comes with its challenges. ... Views: 1463
You can have what you want. Not all at once, but you can have much of what you desire in life with some effort. Some folks attain what they desire very easily but for the rest of us, manifesting our truest desires can sometimes be a challenge. Here are 6 tips to assist you on the journey... May ... Views: 2359
We’re fully in the swing of Spring and accelerating towards summer. Have all of your goals been accomplished - vacation plans, job search, dating again or fixing the house? Whatever the plan, there’s nothing like the feeling of seeing it through to fruition.
However, what happens when we ... Views: 2051
Some Singles are happy to be Single and aren't looking, while some are looking to meet the One that makes them a Two. If this is you, and you’re dating, don’t forget to broach certain topics before it gets serious and you're walking down the aisle. I’ve had more than a few clients admit that ... Views: 1284
Life can deal you some doozies. That’s its job. It isn’t supposed to be easy.
I live with food allergies. They are serious. I am vigilant. I know what I’m supposed to do in case of an emergency, and I do it. However, over these last 2 weeks, something very different transpired. I ... Views: 1133
The world seems more tense for many of us. With all of the new changes politically, people are voicing their opinions more openly concerning their beliefs. Friends are unfollowing and unfriending others on social media. Folks are worried about their future. It may feel overwhelming at ... Views: 1670
Happy New Year! I hope you’ve been having a lovely holiday season. This is the time of year when we reflect upon the past and look forward to the future - 2017. Some of us even create New Year’s resolutions based on how well the last year went. What were the highs and the lows? What did I learn ... Views: 1720
I was asked the other day: What life principles contribute to your happiness? Well, there are so many from different sources. However, in Reiki there are 5 principles which are rooted in a practice reminding us to begin anew every day. Plus, you don't have to be religious or a Reiki practitioner ... Views: 1364
Busy parents sometimes don’t communicate well with each other because they’re - well, busy. They’re preoccupied with their work, children and all of the responsibilities that go along with them. Sometimes as a result of this juggling act, mom and dad lose a wee bit of the warm and loving ... Views: 1143
You're ready to get married and you think you've found your match. There’s great chemistry, you're best buddies, and things seem to be going well. So let’s do this… right?! Marriage here we come!
Just make sure you’re keeping it real…
Have you asked the important questions? As a love ... Views: 1047
Meditation, yoga, reiki and many other modalities that help the mind and body relax are valuable for focus and creating inner peace. When we’re focused and peaceful we are at a high state of attention. This is a powerful place. Tai Chi masters are some of the most alert human beings on the ... Views: 1196
It’s been a long time and you're ready. I understand. Here are your 5 tips towards having what you truly desire in a mate.
1) This is the first thing you should know: You can have what you want. Give yourself permission right now.
2) Secondly, don’t believe the hype. All men aren't bad ... Views: 1397
Singles - Spring has sprung! Birds are singing and butterflies are mating. It’s in the air! Are you ready to become a love magnet? Or are you feeling stuck and a little lost getting back out in the dating world? If so, here are a few tips to get you moving:
1) Energy - How do you feel ... Views: 1177
Stress is the real epidemic in this country. I think it's safe to say, many of us feel like there's more to get done in less time these days. People are stressed financially, stressed with a colleague at work, stressed with parenting, stressed being Single so long...the list goes on. Stress ... Views: 1528
We all have an inner ocean with its own rhythm. It's apparent in how we walk, how fast we talk, how well we relax and in our ability to deal with stress. It’s connected to our life force or ki. Our inner ocean is our soul’s vibration.
Have you ever met someone who regardless of ... Views: 1210
After emerging from their chrysalis once a butterfly’s wings have dried, it’s had enough sun, and possibly a little nectar from the proper plant, it will fly. When human beings are nurtured, healthy and unencumbered - we fly too. However, when we don’t release what does not serve us, create a ... Views: 1457
We all want love. We see evidence of this when we engage in relationships, make babies, build a happy home and career, when we do good work and make great art. These are all ways we choose to create and express more love around us and within us.
In our matchmaking program The Good Love™ for ... Views: 1442