Women, since childhood, were raised with a desire to be a princess, not a saint.
Men want to be rock stars or athletes, not holy men. What kind of impossible values do we live by? How many happy princesses or rock stars do you know? Elvis? Marilyn Monroe? Judy Garland? Michael Jackson?
I ... Views: 1002
It is shocking how little we know. How can anyone presume to tell anyone else what they should know? We, who cannot fathom the word eternal, always was and always will be, seem to be locked into our limited views. How about the word infinite? Picture what it is like when you get to the end of ... Views: 747
What is on Your Agenda?
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon
We attract into our lives that which we think about all day. Are our thoughts working for us or against us?
I have given many talks and classes on "Designing a Life" with a focus on ... Views: 869
Let's Go Deeper — How It Works
When I was a child my big question was “Who am I?” After awhile I realized that the answers I was getting were all too cynical for this peewee optimist. I still don’t have it all figured out, but perhaps you’d like a look at my findings 60 plus years ... Views: 1430
Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth and The Power of Now, quotes Krishnamurti as describing the path to enlightenment this way: ‘I don’t mind what happens.’
When I heard this, I sensed this was important, but it sounded shocking. For someone like me, it was uncomfortable saying ‘what ... Views: 1255
These four make life work for us: Music, Nature, Laughter and Meditation
What would life be without them?
When thinking about enlightenment, bliss, serenity and inner peace, it is easy to get ‘all left-brained’ and forget that God gave us, at birth, tools and mechanisms to escape the ... Views: 1051
Noting my yearning to reach beyond early limitations brought me to a new mental and spiritual space.
God: NOT a big bearded man in the sky. The “All-There-is,” Creator, Source and Universe is not a limited human being.
Words cannot describe God, but some ... Views: 956
When quiet moments finally overtake
The harshness of the day and
Moonbeams replace traffic lights,
I ask myself:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Shouldn’t I be doing something?
As day after day races past me
And my life flees like a rabbit
Freed from its cage, I wonder:
What is worthy of my ... Views: 797
“Creating” (allowing) miracles requires willingness and faith; however, I must confess, most miracles have their roots in desperation.
Let’s be real. We spin around, not thinking clearly so much of the time. If we don’t “hit the wall,” we don’t work on improving things. That method doesn’t ... Views: 775
About That One Thing Lacking...
The Dream Maker finalizes his lesson:
“Love without DISCIPLINE is like a beautiful automobile locked in a garage. It is great to have, but unless you get it started, you’re going nowhere. Discipline is the element you must add to Wisdom, Faith and Love to make ... Views: 784
By Todd Puntolillo
“Talent,” says Thoreau, “is created in silence; but character, in the stream of life.” Let’s talk about creating in silence and experiencing higher outcomes in our reality.
A number of years ago, my dream came true. I had been mentally fishing in my imaginary dreamboat ... Views: 882
For many, the need to be right and look good far exceeds the need to learn about, express and find peace and happiness. Change is sought by most through drugs, injections, surgery, flashing cash, driving a hot car or some other kind of instant attractor that might yield the gratification they ... Views: 784
So then, what are Mystical Secrets? Metaphysics, meaning beyond the physical senses, covers a lot more territory than I can possibly cover in any ten books. I will only be covering the most practical of these aspects.
Merriam Webster gives us this definition of mystical:
Having a spiritual ... Views: 992
“Wealth is what interests most people if they are beyond survival mode. ‘How do I secure wealth?’ they ask. Many have seen or read ‘The Secret’ and ‘tried out’ the tools but most gave up when they didn’t get what they wanted right away. I ask you, ‘Why is it that most lottery winners are broke ... Views: 838
Friends, don’t settle. Raise the bar. You are not making a mistake seeking something higher than gratification of the physical senses. There is nothing boring about peace and joy. Peace simply frees one’s mind for future adventures of the soul. Life always supports us when we pursue something ... Views: 705
Back in the 1970s, when I read Wayne Dyer’s “Your Erroneous Zones,” I was shocked to learn what neuroses looked like and how many of them I had been taught to accept as “normal.” By learning which of my behaviors were neurotic, I was able to start the long project of upgrading them to healthy ... Views: 801
My friend Tina once told me:
An open heart will bring two people together, though they are separated by time and space; a closed heart will keep people from knowing each other, even while gazing into each other’s eyes.
I know this to be true because I attracted my lovely bride into my life ... Views: 912
Everyone in your life is there to mirror you... and vice versa.
When I tell a couple that they are perfect mirrors for each other, inevitably at least one of them has a fit. “I am not like him! How can you say that?” Often they can’t see this although it is literally true. This is quite ... Views: 839
Every day you are choosing whether or not to let your feelings about something someone said or did eat you up— perhaps literally!
I had a massage client who was a mess of spasmed muscles. I intuitively asked her if she was having problems with a woman. She told me about her terrible battle ... Views: 907
In no other arena do we struggle or triumph more passionately than in relationships.
A Gift in My Life
My friend Nel is a woman whom I can never forget. She is bright, funny and very excited about energy work—a part of my life that is very important to me. It really pleased me that she was in ... Views: 1055
If I were given the power to cure one illness that haunts mankind, I would pass up cancer, breeze by AIDS, and overlook heart disease because curing the malady I have in mind might help cure the others as a side effect.
The cure I would seek would be the cure for Criticism.
No disease shrivels ... Views: 687
When I was a child my big question was “Who am I?” After awhile I realized that the answers I was getting were all too cynical for this peewee optimist. I still don’t have it all figured out, but perhaps you’d like a look at my findings.
The way I see it, it’s all about energy. Ask your local ... Views: 908