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We often think of incorporating feng shui to gain a sense of peace and harmony where we live, but what about our work environments?
According to Wikipedia, the definition of workplace stress is: ‘The harmful physical and emotional response that occurs when there is a poor match between job ... Views: 1217
I never thought I would be so excited to see a brown lawn.
On the East Coast the snow is finally melted and there is but a hint of spring in the air. With morning birds chirping and daffodils sprouting tiny buds, I am so ready to trade in my fleece gloves for gardening gloves!
Give me ... Views: 1470
Winter is the time for hibernation and dormancy. In feng shui, the element for this season is water. With its introspective energy, water is considered yin. In a quiet state, we turn inward and nurture ourselves as we prepare for the approaching newness of spring.
Emotionally, a new year ... Views: 1366
In feng shui you hear a lot about positive and negative chi. But…what is chi anyway?
Basically, all things are comprised of chi or energy. It is the invisible life-force that is present in everything that exists in nature, connecting the yang energy of heaven with the yin energy of earth. ... Views: 1259
Communing with wildlife and nature spirits in my garden is a favorite pastime for me.
My yard backs up to a bird sanctuary that is home to a forest and a wetland habitat. As a feng shui practitioner and nature lover, I spend joyous hours reaping the benefits of my environment while offering ... Views: 1858
As human beings, we interpret our environment through our senses. It is reported that 70% of what we experience comes from our eyes. Our sight impacts our experiences more than any of the other senses. Basically, we pay more attention to what we see than what we hear, smell, taste or ... Views: 1341
We live in a society where sleep problems are all too common. It is reported that the average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep to help maintain a healthy body. Unfortunately, only 35% of folks are achieving this.
Today, most children have computers and TVs in their rooms. ... Views: 1360
While I am not one for establishing New Year’s resolutions per se, I do firmly believe in making commitments that result in self improvement. Energetically, the fresh start of a new year does lend itself as an opportune time for retrospection, re-evaluation and change.
Feng shui teaches us ... Views: 1444
As human beings, we are emotionally impacted by scent. In fact, our sense of smell is considered the only sense that evokes a purely emotional response. Research indicates that smells are not filtered through the part of the brain that ruminates or analyzes, but rather thru the part that ... Views: 1505
Mother Nature is a wise teacher. She is flexible and loving and through her actions shows us the beauty of going with the flow of life.
Outwardly, it may appear that there is reckless abandon, but an order of universal intelligence lies at her core. The basis of feng shui is to harmonize ... Views: 1119
Every day we make choices based on color, some being of more importance than others. The colored traffic light tells us to stop or safely go. We stand in front of closets asking the age-old question: What am I going to wear today? If we are tired, we may subconsciously choose red for energy. ... Views: 4359
I recently participated in my town's annual garage sale. From a financial point of view, my profit was $203.00; not too shabby. From an emotional point of view, however, I made quite a bit more.
To prepare for the big day, I started doing inventory in the usual clutter hangouts, the attic, ... Views: 1399
As a feng shui consultant, I generally categorized myself as a clutter minimalist. That was, of course until recently.
I just returned from one of my favorite places on earth, Southern California. The visit was magical and nourishing and taught me a lot about myself - including the fact that ... Views: 929
Nature is beautiful in its imperfections and seems to express itself most fervently with the arrival of Spring.
Life wakes up from the deep sleep of winter and everything comes alive. People just can’t wait to shed layers of clothing and feel the warmth of the sun on their skin. Nature ... Views: 1255
Recently, I embarked on a 10-day journey that would take me into rather deep levels of soul searching while visiting the Catskills in upstate New York. Anyone who knows me has full realization that I am not much of a snowy-mountain girl, but rather a sun & beach lover. Hence, a bit of physical ... Views: 991