(Please enjoy this excerpt from Mary's upcoming book "Ride the Moon"!)
For what can I express Gratitude in this moment, as I begin (or end) this day?
For what may I express my complete and total gratitude on this magnificent day? The full moon energy is that of fullness of expression. She ... Views: 1555
Today is the new moon, at 4:22AM PST. A new moon window lasts approximately 24 hours, and is the perfect time, in each moon cycle, to set new intentions, to re-format what is forming in our lives.
This new moon is the 'last' in the calendar year 2008 in the West, and has some auspicious aspects ... Views: 1443
The structure of consciousness is a series of agreements.
As a 20-year veteran of the information technology world, I have observed firsthand that all programs are created as and from individual lines of ‘code’. In layperson’s terms, each line of code, or ‘sentence’ is an instruction to do or ... Views: 1284