This month I put together a fantastic calendar that's totally free to download.
The calendar has a list of 31 things to be grateful for on the left and blank boxes on the right where you can write in things that apply or answer the phrases on the left.
It's a way to keep gratitude front ... Views: 813
When you find your interest, you will sit like a cat watching a mouse hole.
Life has changed for most of us. We spend a lot of time wanting to get back to “normal” which is the past and will always be our past. It seems to be human nature to think about the past when we experience change. ... Views: 897
We don't know everything about why meditation helps the brain behave better but the benefits of meditation practice are becoming widely acknowledged in the scientific and therapeutic communities. We live in a high stress society.
Diagnoses of depression and other mental illnesses, such as ... Views: 827
The holidays can be a magical time filled with laughter and love. Thanksgiving is a time for us to reflect on who and what we are grateful for and enjoy our blessings and goodies.
That's all good, but what does your family or friend group do after or before dinner? Sometimes, dinner isn't ... Views: 723
Once you’ve set your mind on a goal and cleared away distractions, you’re ready to get started working. But first, you need to do some planning. When you plan in advance and use that plan, you’re more likely to succeed with your goals.
You can make a list of things to do to reach your goal. ... Views: 844
Why is it we remember, replay, and make up new stories about events in our lives when we felt terrible? Ask someone to tell you about a time they got their feelings hurt and they will readily come up with an event. Ask someone when the last time they felt free, successful, happy and they ... Views: 806
I am noticing more and more that weight loss surgery as a solution for obesity is all the rage. It used to be that only people severely obese (on the verge of death due to major health complications and no ability to exercise anymore) would have Bariatric surgery performed to save their life. ... Views: 1340
Nobody likes being left out, abandoned, different, and unwelcomed. Yet, it is a common experience when we are “in-between.” Not where we were and not where we are yet to be.
People feel in-between while they are waiting for a divorce, retiring from work, getting sicker, moving to new homes, ... Views: 992
What I feel in my body does not match how I feel in my mind. It comes as a shock to let the number of my age surface to consciousness. How can this be? I still feel like I’m 18 years old some days.
Sure, I know I've transitioned though many developmental stages and my body has changed, but it ... Views: 1361
Having to do something you don’t want to do isn’t hard to imagine. We run into it almost every day.
It usually involves change, time, attitude and choice, but not necessarily in that order. There are some things we are faced with that bring out the two-year-old in us as we tantrum and say ... Views: 1129
A new year brings with it new possibilities. It’s a chance to start over (again). We set goals, make resolutions to end harmful behaviors and learn healthy ones.
Consider adding these 5 ingredients for your wellbeing in 2015:
1. What gives your life meaning? Are you involved with something ... Views: 1091
Hey, I know you!
I don’t have to own a crystal ball to know what writers (that’s you and me) want. We want “someone” to send us large checks, praise our writing, send us large checks, connect us with publishers who will send us large checks, and provide us a fantasy editor to make our writing ... Views: 1068
One of the challenges of writing is aligning your aspirations with your circumstances. It requires identifying what you want to achieve and then learning to get what you want.
Some people write like maniacs and then collapse; others put it off altogether and feel like failures. If ... Views: 1099
Can you believe it’s almost Spring? Winter never really came to Southern Mississippi this year. I hope this doesn’t mean another scorching summer because my muse wants to hide from the sun and stay out of the heat! Do you have a favorite writing season? I’d love to hear about your preferences, ... Views: 1111
This article is about the consequence of imitating others.
The ancient Persian poet, Rumi, wrote “The Donkey” (translated by Coleman Barks). The poem describes a weary traveler, his servant, and donkey, who stop at an inn to spend the night. But, the innkeepers are poor so they ... Views: 1156