I want to file for a divorce. Do you want to Hire an Attorney or Pro Se?
What am I entitled to after 10 years of marriage in Illinois? Divorce laws regarding property division in Illinois do not presume that property will be divided 50 / 50. Illinois is not a “community property state – it is ... Views: 4070
Do you have enough time for work, recreation, family and relaxation? We spend atleast eight hours sleeping in twenty-four hours of the day; which leaves 16 hours left over. Most people work atleast eight hours a day; which leaves another eight hours of free time to do as we wish. In that ... Views: 4401
I. The Ten Commandments: The Simple Way to Organize Your Household
A. The First Commandment
You must not have other plans or possible distractions.
Q. What does this mean?
A. We must clean out, sort, make piles, organize junk and trust yourself ~otherwise hire a Professional. ... Views: 5109
Day 2: Clutter and Yard Sale Benefits
Options to Clear Clutter:
• Throw the clutter away
• Recycle it
• Donate it
• Sell it
How to decide what to do with your clutter:
Get boxes or garbage bags
Place each item into container for:
1. Garbage
2. Recycle
3. Donate
4. ... Views: 4795
Dreams are not merely the nightly thoughts you experience as the brain sorts out the day's events. They are the goals and visions that fire your heart and saturate your soul with joy at the very thought of them. They are those continuing visions of what you want your life to be at its highest ... Views: 15002
People who have difficulty purging stuff often manufacture reasons why it is not a good idea to get rid of things. To get an organized lifestyle techniques are done quickly and without emotion. The purpose is to reduce rather than control clutter and these extreme clutter control techniques ... Views: 5521