What is Good Health?
Most people would answer this question with responses like, "the absence of disease" or "If I am not sick, I am healthy." But if you take this perspective, you are missing out on a lot!
Good health is much more than the absence of disease.
There are many important issues ... Views: 709
We are presently facing a health care crisis that is getting more dire every day. Health care costs are increasing so rapidly that many companies who offered free health insurance to their employees are now passing a lot of the high cost on to their employees. Other employers are dropping their ... Views: 844
One of the most important factors for enjoying good health is the food you eat. Food not only nourishes your body and replenishes your tissues, but proper nutrition helps you stay balanced and healthy. Improper nutrition can cause imbalance in your system and eventually lead to disease. But the ... Views: 6282
Something very special happens at our conception. At that time, we are endowed with a blueprint of the way we are meant to be. This "blueprint" depends on many factors, chief among them are the characteristics and traits of our parents, and also their state of balance at our conception.
This ... Views: 1187