Nursing home facilities provide health and personal care services, which include round the clock supervision as well as help in doing everyday activities. Some homes may also offer rehabilitation services such as speech therapy. Individuals stay in these homes for different periods. Some may take a shorter time. Others may live there permanently depending on their condition. Whether you’re looking for a care home for your parent or spouse, here are some helpful tips you can use.

Ask Your Loved One What is Important to Them

Although, in most cases, we usually decide on their behalf, that is not wise. Remember that, your parent or spouse is the one going to reside in that home and not you. They, therefore, should be involved when making this decision. Ask what is important to them. Is it hospital care or religious connection? Remember that these nursing facilities are different. So, confirm what your loved one needs before choosing any facility.

Determine Size and Location

Location is the most crucial factor when choosing care homes. Although residents need care, they still need to be as close as possible to their families. The nursing home should be located in an area where you can visit your loved one frequently.

A one-hour drive may seem okay at first, but will you make it there after having a long day at work? The care home should be close to where you or another family member lives. It’s again essential that you think of how big or small that facility is. Ask yourself these questions, is your loved one outgoing or introverted? If he/she likes walking around, is there safe and accessible space for them to do this?

Consider the Services Offered

All nursing homes offer long term care. However, there are other different services offered that may vary in various nursing homes. If these services are very crucial, then you should look for rest homes that provide them. For example, if your loved one can’t bathe him/herself, they’ll need a facility that offers these services.


For many individuals, this transition is not easy. Most feel like their freedom to make their choices is being taken away. But, if you take them into a home that restricts them, it can worsen the situation. Although they need help doing most things, some aspects of their lives should remain up to them so long as they’re mentally capable. And this is something that should be considered when choosing nursing homes. You should ensure that the nursing facility gives them a choice on things such as:

  • Which side item they feel like eating.
  • Which activities they feel like engaging in.
  • What time they should sleep and wake up.
  • What shows they feel like watching.

Nursing homes are not prisons. Your loved one should feel comfortable and happy in a care home. If they’re mentally healthy, they won’t be comfortable in a place where they feel like the staff is controlling them.

If you’re looking for a suitable nursing home, ask for recommendations from family or friends. Once you know the choices you have, use these tips to ensure that you get a great home.

Author's Bio: 

Marina Pal is a renowned author and social media enthusiast.