This morning,  I woke up, got out of bed and then proceeded to laze about a little on the couch as I journalled…

I was having one of those mornings where I just wanted to chill out and doze off and just play it down but I felt the call of Spirit to remember who I was…


You may read that and think I am a little full of myself and I suppose I am…

I choose to be because I own the call on my life and I also know that it is not mine alone…

It is yours too!


The only difference is that I proudly own my title whereas you, are still shirking and pretending that you are somehow smaller than who you are!

You think, maybe, that someone has to come ordain you the light…

Instead of you just simply owning it, fully!

Because it is who you are…

And you can pretend it is not, if you like and you get the small, ok existence…

Or you can stand tall and tell yourself “I AM THE FUCKING LIGHT OF THE WORLD, Is this thing that I am doing right now, Is it what I want to be known for?”

“Is this how I think the light of the world would be living?”

“Is this what I think the light would be doing?”

Come on leader, do you not feel Spirit within you reminding you, telling you who you are…

Don’t you feel the power in your loins looking for an outlet, filling you with desires to shine and take dominion over the lesser emotions that you have been living to, everyday?

Don’t you know yet that all of creation is waiting for you to arise and take your rightful place as light of the world?!

It does not matter at all what anyone else is doing…

It does not matter what you think they might think of you when you take your rightful place…

It does not even matter what they say to you about being selfish and full of yourself…

None of that matters at all, because you are who you are!

Just like Spirit is who Spirit is.  Whatever you choose to do, think, say or believe about Him. He is who he is!

And as you are created in the image of Spirit, you too are who you are…

All those visions you see in your mind’s eye of the impact you want to have…

All those visions you have of how full your bank account could be…

All those visions of intimacy with Spirit…

All those visions of a powerful, sensual intimacy with someone who cares and loves you…

All of that can be yours, if you firstly own the fact that YOU ARE THE FUCKING LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

It is who you are…

On the bad days, the good days and the in-between days…

You have something to say…

You love helping people in a certain way…

Say it!

Help them!

Stop with the procrastinating and playing small…

Start with the taking full ownership of your true identity…

Go on, feel the energy between your legs…

Stroke yourself…

Bring yourself to an orgasmic peak…


“Thank You Spirit, For reminding me who I am”

Feel the connection with all of the universe as you give yourself to the powerful sensations in your body…

And then, launch into the day with charismatic energy…

“I am the Light of the world”

“I refuse to back down, to play small, to hide my gifts”

“I am here, FULLY PRESENT in this moment…”

“Ready and willing to stretch myself because I am able, strong, imbued with powerful energy, connected to Spirit”

“I am alive, full of possibility!”

“I will do the work I am here to do”

“I will no longer hide! I show up, I deliver, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!”

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

PS – Ready to explode out of the gates?  Fed up of playing yourself down all the time?

Pop over to and fill in the form to request a free consult with me…

If you are a spirit-driven, entrepreneurial leader, done with small thinking, small living, small being…

If you want to handle all your blocks, get close to Spirit again, feel the power of your sexuality pushing you forward,  have a strategy to get everything you desire as well as being held accountable to show up everyday and make it happen, then lets talk.

Request the free consult now at – Lets see if we are a match.

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And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online