Some people just don't enjoy running on treadmills or lifting weights and find the whole gym experience boring and quickly give up on their health and fitness goals. But exercising does not have to be boring or something you need to motivate yourself to do.

Zumba is a Latin-inspired dance workout, a great way to meet new people and have fun while exercising and is anything but boring. Today there are Zumba classes in over 90,000 locations and across 110 countries.

What makes this fitness regime so popular is that it is more about fun and unlike a session at the gym that can be laborious and something most people need to discipline themselves to do because of the fun element a great deal of motivation isn't required.

More like a dance class or night at the disco rather than a aerobic exercise this latest fitness craze consists of dance moves from dances such as Mambo, salsa and even belly dancing, and involves interval training and resistance training set to lively, upbeat Latin rhythms. For those unmotivated about sweating it out in the gym, this form of exercise is a fun and exciting way to get the heart beating, loose weight and increase fitness levels and get into a party mood.

As already mentioned these Zumba classes are springing up all over the place and are available in most places in the world. The party atmosphere attracts people of all ages and fitness levels and the dance steps are easy to master and highly addictive. The basics of the fitness routine are also available in DVD format for home viewing and the dance craze is also a big hit with gamers and is available for the Xbox 360 kinect.

If this fitness craze seems appealing then sign up for a class and before you know it you may become a Zumba enthusiast and a regular face at the classes. First however consult with your doctor if you have any health or fitness problems and always start any exercise program slowly to avoid injury.

Overall this type of fitness will not only tone your hips and thighs but also improve your moves on the dance floor. The added benefit is that exercise will not only improve your physical fitness but will also enhance your self-esteem and also improve your mood and decrease stress and help lift feeling of depression in those that are depressed and at these classes you will meet many regulars which will increase your social circle.

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Exercise is an excellent remedy for depression. Visit to learn about the types of depression, the mental and physical symptoms of depression and the natural antidepressants and life-style changes for treating depression.