We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Codependency". If you have expertise in Codependency and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Question: “I’m very sensitive. I can easily feel other people emotions. But, often, it feels as though I’m just bombarded and sometimes I don’t know where my emotions stop and another’s begin. I just have strong empathy abilities, right?”
Answer: Maybe.
In ... Views: 10091
Unconditional giving is a state that we all aspire to. We hope to be a giving person without any agendas from the perspective of why we give or what we want in return. Yet, frequently there are emotions at work that we are not aware of that motivate us to over-give to others, be it with our ... Views: 1540
From TheTransitionProcessTM Interactive Lecture
The following is a list of The 20 Do's and Don'ts of A Functional Relationship. It has been an effective tool and starting point for individuals and couples who are serious about creating more joy, ... Views: 2187
Could your codependency or another emotional issue be the reason you want someone back who left you? When you are codependent, you are typically looking outside yourself for definition or a sense of self. It might be through material things or the roles you play in life, for example. You might ... Views: 23262
How does having an alcoholic spouse affect your holiday season? Is this a time of year you dread because you have to attend parties with a partner whom you fear will get drunk and then behave badly? In fact, do you turn down invitations when you’d prefer to be socializing and celebrating ... Views: 3393
Are you dreading the holiday season, believing you can not have a pleasant family holiday, because your narcissistic husband has a way of making you feel nothing you have done is good enough? Or, perhaps he despises this time of year and wants you and the kids to join him in his misery? Well, I ... Views: 5256
Who is the author most identified with the concept of codependency and the codependent? I suspect it is Melody Beattie. She herself was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict when, while working in a treatment facility in Minnesota, she was asked to hold groups for spouses of their alcoholic and ... Views: 5855
Codependents sometimes seem almost misplaced. You seem to have a hard time relating to whom you truly are and for that reason you have a hard time setting boundaries. You have a hard time saying no to people and you let people cross the line of what should be your boundaries and hurt you.
You ... Views: 3800
What you are about to read is directed to those who suffer from back pain and those who love them. Much of what I'm going to tell you can be useful in all aspects of your life and for any difficult situation you may face.
When dealing with serious back pain, you have to realize that your ... Views: 1300
It is a child-like state that results in having one’s self-worth dependent on external validation. It’s about living from the outside in, molding oneself to fit around others’ lives instead of directing the course of one’s life from internal clues, hopes, dreams, wisdom, and power. . . The ... Views: 1380
A lot has been written about love addiction and yet it is still a misunderstood disorder. For instance, many people believe that love addicts only run hot —passionately pursue someone who is unavailable like in the movie Fatal Attraction. However, many love addicts also run cold ? appear aloof ... Views: 25381
Katerina is very conscientious, a hard worker and reliable in all cases.
At work and at home, she can be depended on to get things done. She often stays overtime, usually alone at the office, in order to get her work done.
When she gets home, she immediately immerses herself in cooking, ... Views: 1526
Betrayal comes in different guises.
Different types of betrayal:
• When a partner deceives you
• When people lie to you
• When someone cheats and robs you
• When people gossip behind your back
• When children trust their parents not to hurt them
• When you are let down by ... Views: 10148
"At work, every time I have to speak at meetings, I get so stressed."
"I’m taking a class and I'm always afraid to raise my hand and ask a question."
"I'm fine one to one, but as soon as I get into a group, I'm so tense I can hardly stand it."
"I'm totally relaxed with my women friends, but ... Views: 4247
Do you sometimes wonder why you feel so drained after being with some people, while you feel energized when being with others?
Some people are energy vampires, and actually drain energy from you. How do they do this? What can you do to avoid this?
Sometimes the ways ... Views: 7818
It's a little known - yet much denied fact - that people treat you the way you secretly ask to be treated. Your unspoken request that determines how others behave toward you is extended to -and received by - everyone you meet.
What is your invisible inner life? It's the way you actually feel - ... Views: 3787
Those with whom we assemble we will soon resemble, so the simple old saying goes. Yet it tells of a deep Truth. It says that who we are the stuff of our soul at present is being transformed continuously by the nature of the company we keep; so that, in (our) essence we are always moving and ... Views: 11392
Whenever you discuss matters of a spiritual nature with people you will invariably run into two distinct groups. There are those who claim to know the Truth, but who express their great certainty by attacking anyone who doesn’t see God as they do. And then there is the other group that comprises ... Views: 1727
The ability to shift consciousness has numerous benefits and can be taught. Our learning is integrated when we can shift our own consciousness. We achieve a level of self mastery ?recovery of our own attention. These are the tools taught on the avatar course. Some students integrate the tools ... Views: 7540
My unofficial definition of the term codependent is an individual who is affected by the actions of others. How do I know if I’m participating in codependent behavior? I start by examining my discomfort. Where does it come from? Is my discomfort caused by the action of another? When I can put my ... Views: 3418
Imagine that you have a little child - a son or daughter, but that you are only 15 years old. How are you going to feel about this child? There is a good possibility that you will feel that this child is a burden, limiting your freedom. You will likely feel that the child is too demanding, ... Views: 3381
T’ai-chi ch’uan, also spelled taijiquan and tai chi chuan, is a martial art that many people practice for promoting good health, balance and for stress reduction. The interest in it as a martial art has resurrected in recent years, as has t’ai-chi competition. Some ... Views: 2616
“By the way, the hardest part of unconditional Love is accepting wherever we are at in the moment no matter how uncomfortable. The hardest part of acceptance is not the difficulty of allowing others their process (although Lord knows that can be very hard); it is allowing ourselves our own ... Views: 1312
1. Who you think you are is important. Like attracts like. Think about it. Do you like who you are?
2. What you want in a relationship is important, and when you are willing to ask for it, you will be able to create it. But only ask for what you want ... Views: 1504
"I was up too late with my friend Peg last night," Abigail told me in our phone session. "She was needing to vent. Then I had a problem falling asleep, but at least I was there for her."
"How often does this happen?" I asked her.
"Oh, fairly often. At least every couple of weeks."
"Why do you ... Views: 3671
When I was young, they told me that being selfish was bad. They said that I should think of others first. I didn’t understand. What did they mean and why did they say that? I felt the terrible burn of shame when they said I was being selfish and self-centered. I couldn’t figure out what I had ... Views: 5235
First let me explain what I mean by “emotional terrorism.”
When you have a relationship, at home or at work, with a person who’s constantly humiliating you, harassing you, pressuring on you, taking pleasure in your pain, saying negative things about you or making you feel worthless, then you ... Views: 11165
A lot of people have been asking about true love; is there such a thing; if so, what is it? Is it attainable; if so, how attainable is it? If it were just love, I wouldn’t have so much difficulty. But, true love?
Talking about true love is risky business. I can imagine taking a poll, going ... Views: 2345
IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BEGIN LIFE ANEW by Mary-Glen Scot. (Unpublished as of 4-13-05) 1496 words)
Perhaps you may have recently suffered the tragedy of a sudden death of a loved one or you may have lost your home and all of your material possessions. Possibly even a combination of ... Views: 1490
The pink slip read, “Kay, come to the principal’s office.” I was sixteen, a senior in high school and had never before been asked to see Mr. Ober. With the glass doors straight ahead, I was visibly shaking as I walked down the rambling corridor. When I entered the room three faces were ... Views: 2157
One of the reasons for the success of the 12 Step programs is that they are based on solid principles that can be applied to many areas of life, and that includes business. A successful company takes stock regularly and turns liabilities into assets. Here are some guidelines for applying ... Views: 2143
Thoughts for Growing through Prayer Steps to Serenity
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. — The Second Step
“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” declares the LORD, “because you are called an outcast.” — Jeremiah 30:17
In the ... Views: 6488
What is it in one’s spirit that enables them to break the cycle of a dysfunctional pattern of living and choose to live a healthy life? Recently I was asked that question by a gentleman in my community. Each time I visited his vitamin store he insisted I talk about my healing.
“What is it ... Views: 4703
Years ago I sat in a supervision group with a group of collages in which we discussed various cases. We were all new at this counseling thing, and frequently brought our “worst” cases to the group for any sort of help we could get. One particular day someone brought up a couple they were ... Views: 7830
Years ago I sat in a supervision group with a group of collages in which we discussed various cases. We were all new at this counseling thing, and frequently brought our “worst” cases to the group for any sort of help we could get. One particular day someone brought up a couple they were ... Views: 1730
This is the time of year that we may get That Christmas Letter from someone who is so successful or seemingly perfect that you think they must have reached celebrity status by now. Do they ever tire of telling you how perfect their life is, how their absolutely perfect children are excelling in ... Views: 2370