We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)". If you have expertise in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
This has been quite a time for numerous diligence, and not only because of deals rebounds after so numerous businesses were temporarily shut down during the early stages of the coronavirus epidemic.
Unknown encouragement payments by the civil government to consumers have helped feed ... Views: 675
Can I have Prescription Lenses Put in My Own Frames?
Everyone has had that specific pair of eyeglass frames that are just the perfect design and fit for them. Letting go of it would be quite tricky as it’s almost close to impossible to find another type of eyeglass frame that’s comfortable ... Views: 917
Many issues with eyesight can be addressed using medication if it is diagnosed in the earlier stages. An eye doctor will do everything in his or her power to fix the issue using medicine to manage the issue. Only when the ophthalmologist finds that there are no other alternatives will they ... Views: 768
Study, learn, but guard the original naivete´. It has to be within
you, as desire for drink is within the drunkard or love is within
the lover.
—HENRI MATISSE, French painter
I have always thought that my formal education was a bust. I disliked most of my classes, not because of the ... Views: 954
Experiencing emotional trauma can be one of the hardest moments of your life. As you replay the events in your mind, it can seem overly difficult to focus on anything else. To get relief, you can participate in these five different strategies below.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
This is ... Views: 1244
Traumatic experiences can be a painful experience for your life. It can take a lot of time for you to process the entire event. But with the help of EMDR therapy, it will help you to work through some of the difficult feelings. So, how does EMDR therapy work? In order to understand the process ... Views: 1137
What the heck is EMDR? EMDR stands for eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing. Francine Shapiro, Ph.D, the woman that developed EMDR, suggests that painful or traumatic memories can get “locked” in the brain. These memories are often fragmented and incomplete and they can lead to us kinda ... Views: 1213
With regards to free web based games, numerous guardians are not all that sharp about acquainting them with their kids. Nonetheless, there are benefits in these games also. First off, numerous instructive games over the web can be delighted in amid their available time. These are the kind of ... Views: 1097
In the wake of leading eye tests on a huge number of eyes in the course of recent years, I have discovered that patients can get apprehensive when you begin getting things done to their eyes. These tips will not just make it less demanding for you and the staff; they will likewise enable you to ... Views: 1157
Vision is the most valuable blessing we have. It enables us to see the encompassing scene like no other of our faculties. Lamentably, there is a considerable amount of eye issue characterize by Pittsburgh eye care provider that can for all time influence the nature of vision. Early ... Views: 1113
Cataracts will affect more than 50 percent of Americans by time they reach 80 years of age. Despite their prevalence, people know very little about them and what causes them. Cataracts are commonly characterized by clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which results in blurred vision. The only ... Views: 1911
How do we know when we have healthy fear versus unhealthy fear about the latest pandemic? Healthy fear stimulates our awareness and drives us to appropriate action. Unhealthy fear is not as effective because we are over stimulated. We are hypervigilant, stressed, and our body is tense, all of ... Views: 2056
The issue of dual relationships recently came up in an Advanced EMDR Workshop where I was talking about working with couples:
Is it okay for a couples therapist to do individual EMDR with their clients (meaning not conjoint sessions while doing EMDR) and still be the couple's therapist (in ... Views: 5475
Eye dryness and also irritation is a complication that a large number of people have continually credited to retirement age. Nevertheless, it should be indicated that this condition may alter anybody regardless of their age. Eye dryness as well as irritation could likewise leave open the target ... Views: 2668
The question comes up often: what is trauma? Most therapists recognize trauma from the DSM-V definition:
That a person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which the person experienced or witnessed or was confronted with an event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, ... Views: 2615
Gleitsichtbrillen is generally used to care for presbyopia. Presbyopia refers to the condition wherein eye has is not able to focus on the nearby objects. This disease generally comes with age. It is understood to be due to the loss of crystalline lens elasticity.
Lens’s curvature due to the ... Views: 2308
As we have been exploring how to help clients stay resourced over the holidays, it is also important, as therapists, to stay resourced also. It is easy in this profession to forget about one’s own needs but still expect our client’s to maintain theirs. Listening and working with client’s issues ... Views: 2997
The body is designed in a way wherein the different sense organs work with the brain for the interpretation of the different senses so that we can exhibit the appropriate responses, both behavioral and motor. However, there are instances when the responses are not proper because of ... Views: 4010
Ophthalmology is a lot more than a specialist topic, just because most people know hardly anything about how best to look after their eyes and how to identify when there is a problem. So little is known about Ophthalmology because the eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and most ... Views: 3078
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing was discovered in 1987 by a research psychologist named Francine Shapiro who was taking a walk in a park. As she walked, she was thinking about a personal matter that was bothering her. She happened to notice that her eyes were going back and forth ... Views: 3416
Discover EMDR
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy approach, well researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from many different treatment approaches. To learn about the ... Views: 2438
In children it is particularly important to watch for physical as well as emotional/psychological symptoms. These symptoms are frequently misdiagnosed or overlooked. This does not mean that the presence of one or two symptoms means your child has been traumatized as the same symptoms can also ... Views: 2393
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Have you heard of the unlimited power of the mind that can be harnessed through subliminal programming? Whether you believe it or not, the concept of subliminal programming is continuously proving its worth and effectiveness in almost any field ... Views: 4943
Do you suffer from depression and anxiety? Are you stuck in old, painful or self-destructive patterns? Do negative beliefs about yourself echo inside your head? Is trauma from the past still affecting your life? Is it hard to move on to a ... Views: 3141
To really understand what is vital to weight loss, we have to take a holistic mind/body approach. Current research provides more evidence that our physiological health, immunity and mental well-being are interdependent. For example, the neurochemicals responsible for emotional processing bind to ... Views: 11240
The intense and painful experiences of grief are generally considered "normal." However, when those experiences are extremely distressing, unduly interfere with day-to-day functioning or do not subside to a manageable level over time, the bereaved may be experiencing complicated or traumatic ... Views: 5799
Recently more clients have expressed an interest in EMDR. What exactly is EMDR? EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, is a technique that is used to stimulate the nervous system and helps emotional memories and feelings that are “stuck” to be worked through or ... Views: 3205
Addiction results from using a substance repeatedly to cope with emotional and/or physical pain. Family history of addiction is a factor in the severity of the problem and one’s ability and willingness to stop, but using substances to deal with emotional pain prevents us from learning effective ... Views: 4769
Interview: Why Did You Become an EMDR Therapist?
San Diego Trauma Therapy, February 2008
Gordon Meredith, MA, MSS, LMFT
EMDR transforms: What do you find satisfying about being a therapist?
GM: I find it tremendously rewarding when clients come to experience themselves as ... Views: 3621
April is the month of Re-Birth and Re-Alignment. A lot of people are getting out of an energetic fog of the last couple of months. Imagine a “fog” is covering our bodies. Now imagine a tube that is in the center of this fog covering our bodies. There is a tube or pole that connects us to ... Views: 2947
Since my area of specialty is working with trauma of all kinds, I am often asked this question about EMDR because it was originally developed as a method of treating post traumatic stress syndrome.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is considered a mind-body approach that focuses on ... Views: 4818
The dilemma of sexual abuse treatment remains the need for disclosure. For a variety of reasons, adults abused as children hesitate to tell anyone else what happened to them and as a result are unable to get help to manage their problematic feelings and behaviors in the present day. People may ... Views: 7810
Over 25% of American women have been sexually abused as children and if untreated, suffer from the effects of the trauma into adulthood. The effects of sexual abuse may include but are not limited to depression, anxiety, nightmares, substance abuse, fear of intimacy, guilt, shame, promiscuity, ... Views: 2855
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – An amazing technique for removing the fear from memories associated with trauma
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a long and unwieldy name for a new therapeutic tool that is amazingly quick and easy to use. Discovered ... Views: 2747
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the middle 1980’s. EMDR is one of the newer “power” therapies that has recently been acknowledged and accepted by the professional community and the general public. They are known as ... Views: 3338
EMDR, a powerful new therapy modality, is becoming more widely used by therapists, as more and more people have experienced its ability to help them change painful emotions and self-limiting beliefs. With this modality, people are finding that they don't need years of psychotherapy to get the ... Views: 3766
EMDR was developed 13 years ago to deal with the after effects of trauma. It was used and tested mostly on Vietnam Veterans who were suffering from intrusive memories from the War. Since then, it has become increasingly popular due to its ability to move the process of psychotherapy along at a ... Views: 5098