Hello, if you wish someone had written a handbook about LIFE and attached it to you when you were born, you aren't the only one. People always think they know what life is all about until they actually have to live it. I have found that people often trust the things they are told when they are children all of their lives. many people find that they cannot change their outlook without feeling that they are forsaking their parents. Without that elusive "handbook" to follow, many people find themselves lost when dealing with their adult lives. They are unable to form lasting relationships or to express themselves to others. They often form symbiotic relationships that are unhealthy for one or both of the people in it. This leads to negativity and failure in life.
Do not be afraid to make changes in your life that will help you find your place in the world. Allow enlightenment to come into your world. Be open to beliefs and thoughts from times and places previously unknown to you to filter into your mental database and be collated into your own mind. Learn to welcome the 6th sense into your life. "Feeling" is akin to "knowing". This is where the psychic sense calls out to us and asks us to remember our past lives and the truth of our path this time around. Do not just dismiss this out of hand. We learn from past mistakes. This has always been true and well known. What we sometimes forget is that we may have more than one past to learn from. Be open to other truths. Do not be afraid to discuss the psychic phenomenon around you. Many ancient religions believed strongly in reincarnation. Indeed, there is evidence in the Bible that most of the people alive at that time did, including Jesus and those around him. This is apossibility open to discussion that we cannot hope to yet understand. Possibly we need to just accept it.
I have been a professional freelance journalist and ghostwriter for more than 25 years. I also work as a journalist in the field of politics and pundity. My credentials are solid. I am a conservative with strong religious beliefs and a hope that our nation will soon be on solid footing again. The stars are aligning to produce the longed for Age of Aquairus and time of peace.
NEVER give up.
It is not the destination; it is the journey.
There are no coincidences; everything happens for a reason.
If you don't do it right the first time you will have to come back and do it over.
I am a freelance writer and professional ghostwriter;I write for a number of different people. I rarely get the opportunity to talk or write about MY niche, spirituality. I believe that we were put here for a purpose and that the journey of life is to find that purpose. By taking the first step on your journey, you confirm that your are cognizant of the necessity of discovering your purpose in order to fulfill your destiny.I have found that one of my purposes is to be the voice of those who can't seem to voice their beliefs and knowledge. In my journey I have learned so much that needs to be shared. I can't wait to help you along the path to enlightenment.