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Hair loss has constantly been prevalent among people who live in urban areas, both for men as well as women. Because this is an old problem, new treatments are being explored every day. Hair loss has been linked to numerous elements, one of which is hormones. The connection between hormones and ... Views: 819
Maybe you are asking why is Rimonabant a help for young mothers…
Well as you all know the world today is lead by beauty and women most of all are afected by that.For pregnant womens is very hard to see how their bodies are afected and all those transformations can be shocking.
The most ... Views: 615
If the vacation is by a beach or a pool then swimming is an excellent sport to take as a daily exercise. It is one of the best to take up whilst away. It will make the body fit and healthy working every muscle and giving you strength and vitality. It will, also, burn lots of ... Views: 734
For many of us retirement means a chance to relax after years of working hard five days (or more) a week. Yet it is easy to let that relaxation get the better of you, leading to low fitness levels, too much time spent indoors and poor health. Thankfully there are several simple ways to make ... Views: 742
It’s astounding to realise that our blood plasma (26 pints in a typical adult) has a composition very similar to seawater.
As famed environmentalist Rachel Carson said in her book THE SEA AROUND US “Fish, amphibian, bird and mammal -- each of us carries in our veins a salty stream, ... Views: 816
Here are the seven most serious health problems linked to trace mineral imbalance or deficiency (in alphabetical order):
CANCER: Research confirms cancers thrive in acidic conditions where little oxygen is present, but cannot grow in alkaline conditions which are rich in oxygen. For example, ... Views: 669
In 1968 George W. Crane PhD, M.D. wrote a series of newspaper articles about the amazing health benefits people derived from drinking a small amount of sea water each day. Crane theorized that the minerals and trace elements it contained played an essential role in maintaining human health.
We ... Views: 664
Cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death among Americans and Britons alike. Heart disease also kills more women than men, accounting for one in five female deaths. Even more startling, however, is that it claims responsibility for more deaths in women than all forms of cancer ... Views: 513
“There is only one health paradigm, but many disease anomalies!” So declares Robert O. Becker, M.D. in the opening chapter of his book, THE BODY ELECTRIC (New York: William Morrow, 1985). He maintains that electromagnetism is the very foundation of life itself in all things ... Views: 473
Are you one of the 90 million Americans who are currently on a diet? Do you lose weight only to gain back every ounce and more? Have you tried every diet,every gadget and pill, and yet still struggle to create a consistent set of eating, exercise and mental/emotional habits that you can sustain ... Views: 1517
Shine and volume, the indications of healthy hair, enhances beauty and appearance of a person. Hence everyone treasure to posses a shining and dense hair.
Just like the hair texture, these factors are also dependent largely on genes that an offspring obtains from his or her parents.
Passing a ... Views: 878
Millions of people across the United States and all over the world have discovered the comfort and dependability provided by a lift chair. Lift chairs utilize a lifting base that makes it easier for people who are mobility challenged to stand or sit on their own without outside assistance. One ... Views: 1333
Almost everyone spends a little time in their recliner everyday. For those that watch TV or read that time may be considerably longer. If you suffer from mobility related problems such as muscular diseases, arthritis, or if you are just a little older then it may be very hard to stand up from a ... Views: 1064
It has long been said that ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’, but to be honest, it also lies in some well practiced make up tricks and cutting edge cosmetics. Today's new make-up has flooded the fashion and beauty industry and is in fact a growing world wide billion dollar ... Views: 694
Your wedding is going to be one of the best days of your life and it should be memorable for everyone. Why not make it extra special with an amazing caterer that will go beyond everyone else. Go ahead and get an ultra special favor, place card, save the date cards or anything you desire, all ... Views: 731
For most of my life, I suffered from the condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome,(IBS)for which medical science has no answer. It is very painful, is intermittent, unpredictable, not life threatening, but can make life unpleasant. Without warning, gas builds up in the small intestine ... Views: 1114
Old age gives way to signs of ageing. The upper eyelid skin becomes redundant and can hang over the eyelashes. The creases on the upper eyelid disappear and may cause vision impairment. Some people have puffiness and bags under the eyes causing a person to look much older than their real age. ... Views: 1453
There are a number of acne remedies that you can easily prepare at home. You don’t have to be a skin expert, immediately visit a professional or spend hundreds of dollars to get the results you need.
Some of the materials and methods incorporated in these acne remedies have been proven ... Views: 597
Whole Foods for Optimal Nutrition
Whole foods are our best source of nourishment and provide the most complete sources of vitamins and minerals. We are nourished by eating whole foods because they contain the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, ... Views: 9205
Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is a very popular subject these days. Make a search on the internet for cosmetic or plastic surgery and you will get millions of results - web sites of plastic surgeons of different nationalities, various procedures available, advice for cheap plastic surgery, ... Views: 1631
Do you have sniffles, aches and pains that just seem to linger on and on? Have you ever wondered why you feel so weak when you are sick, and tired even when you aren’t? Many of the symptoms of sickness that many of us deal with every month, or even every day for the unlucky ones are a ... Views: 709
Getting a massage is an excellent way to relax after a long hard day at work, but massages can also serve as physical therapy to assist in curing conditions such as back pain, muscle cramps, or even sinus inflammation. One of the best techniques to help alleviate pressure in the body is the ... Views: 620
This information is from, Limu Moui, by Rita Elkins M. H. and from National Library of Medicine, website www.pubmed.gov. Review over 720 research studies on Fucoidan from scientist around the world.
Limu Moui is a sea vegetable in the brown seaweed family that is harvested from the pristine ... Views: 2715
Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. It is one of the most common diseases in the United States. This condition means that different individual illnesses with differing factors, treatments, complications and prognosis occurs. They are similar in that they have a tendency to affect the ... Views: 717
Even if you've got the greatest abdominal workout in the world, it's not going to slim your waist unless you also burn off the fat. Trust me...there are many of people out there who have great muscular tone and balance in the mid-section, but don't even know it because those nice abs are covered ... Views: 904
Many people engage in what I would call "under-reaching". Individuals who "under-reach" typically arrive at the gym and perform light exercise at an intensity that is insufficient to achieve weight loss or boost fitness levels. However, there is a truth to the mantra "Something Is Better Than ... Views: 857
So you can make it to the gym almost every day...but you just don't have the time when you're there. To really get optimum fat-burning and lean-muscle-building results, you have to devote at least an hour every time you show up, right? Not necessarily - with the following program, you can ... Views: 858
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterized with the most common symptoms including abdominal cramping or pain or discomfort, bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, depression and anxiety causing a huge amount of discomfort and distress. IBS affects the ... Views: 833
You’ve seen the hard abs, the incredible biceps and triceps of men in body building commercials on television and you wonder if a mortal being like you can have a great body like the god Adonis himself.
Well the truth is you can. Nature has given men the natural chemical component to ... Views: 604
You are working hard and sweating it out because you want to build hard muscles. You want to lose all your fats and you’re thinking that you have to limit your intake of food while doing your body building exercises; combining body building and diet.
If you have grown to believe that ... Views: 670
Many skin disorders are due to poor diet or inadequate digestion. Poor digestion also leads to additional work for the other detoxification organs, your kidneys and bladder, your lungs and your skin. All systems are connected and when one is weakened, the others must take up the slack!
One of ... Views: 948
Spring is a difficult season for people who suffer from allergies as well as for the ones who have asthma, as it is the beginning of respiratory difficulties. In fact the temperatures getting warmer triggers the multiplication of viruses and bacteria and as we tend to open windows this ... Views: 530
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also called IBS, is a gastric disorder.
It is usually diagnosed when a multitude of tests show negative results. These tests can include x-rays, blood tests, stool samples, and a colonoscopy. Just like a lot of other disorders, IBS is diagnosed for lack of evidence of ... Views: 474
Natural health is an eclectic self-care system of natural therapies that builds and restores health and wellness by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body.
Natural health is a totally reasonable and respectable approach to health care. It refers to the beliefs, ... Views: 732
Pediatric dentistry is commonly known as the children dentistry. Sometimes they are even recognized as the pedodontics. Since the children are fond of chocolates and the sweets, the problems related to the teeth of the children is very common. That is why the pediatric dentistry becomes a very ... Views: 921
Hair Replacement has been a quick remedial factor for people suffering from hair fall, thinning of the hair that appears in large amounts on the comb or brush. These defects may be due to heredity problems, usage of chemical treatments and lot more.
“Wigs” and Hair Transplant serves ... Views: 525
Cosmetic dentistry is truly an art considering the results it can actually provide. With the growing number of dental problems, cosmetic surgery has come to gain a lot of importance in recent times. It has become an integral part of dentistry including children dentistry.
Teeth are an ... Views: 593
Teeth are a very important part of our system whether it is with regard to its importance in your overall appearance or for the function of chewing that it performs. Healthy white teeth for their child is what every parent wishes for. However, it is not always that things go perfectly as per ... Views: 690
Taking care of your teeth, mouth and the rest of your body is a full time job! Takes all the parts of you to keep you vigorous and healthy, after all with good care properly flossed, brushed and cared for teeth should outlast the maximum human life span.
Nine out of ten adults suffer from gum ... Views: 1133
As a medicinal chemist, I’m often asked, "How can I live to be a 100 years old?" My answer is simple, "Learn to control blood sugar and insulin."
The biggest threat to longevity is high blood sugar and insulin. Known as type II diabetes - or more accurately insulin ... Views: 1089
Diet pill rimonabant ( also knowen as Acomplia / Zimulti), which has been approved for use in Europe and a number of other countries but still not the United States, may be useful in blocking the development of alcoholic fatty liver, according to U.S. researchers.
Reporting in the March issue ... Views: 581
Diabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. In the simplest terms diabetes mellitus (commonly referred to as just "diabetes") is a blood sugar disease, in which the body either does not produce or does not properly ... Views: 814
Natural health is an eclectic self-care system of natural therapies that builds and restores health and wellness by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body.
Natural health is a totally reasonable and respectable approach to health care. It refers to the beliefs, ... Views: 784
Air sleep systems provide comfortable sleep all night long. They were originally designed to be used in hospitals to provide relief to patients. Today the benefits of air beds have been proven and they are becoming immensely popular amongst consumers. Many manufacturers are developing air beds. ... Views: 686
Smokers often say that it is very difficult to quit smoking. This might be true to an extent, however if the smokers apply right and effective methods, smoking cessation may become a reality for all. There are many ways to quit smoking, however to find an effective method that works is a task in ... Views: 750
Most cases of acne can benefit from treatment with topical retinoids, and they are considered a cornerstone of acne therapy. They are also the preferred agents for maintenance therapy. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved three topical retinoids in the United States: ... Views: 787
One of the consequences of being "one nation under drugs" is being exposed to toxic, prescription drug metabolites via your tap water! Fortunately, with the right water filter, you can avoid it.
Drug giant Merck recently warned that "There’s no doubt about it, pharmaceuticals are being ... Views: 836
Did you know that eating up to 600 mosquitoes each in an hour, bats are the best insect control there is? There is little in nature more invigorating than watching bats flutter about at dusk, occasionally “dive-bombing” the insects that annoy us so much. Even so, very few of us are ... Views: 940
According to our human structure, the entire weight of the body falls on the lumbar. And today's strenuous lifestyle has made back pain a common problem in the society. The competitive nature of professionals and their desire for better results force them to sit and work for hours and hours. ... Views: 1153
The MBT footwear (Masai Barefoot Technology) has developed into a household name in Europe and in the United States. This is because the shoes have been clinically proved to have fitness and health benefits. They are swiftly advancing in popularity in the United States, particularly since MBT ... Views: 745