If you are a good leader, you spend a great deal of time working with people in your organization. You work to teach them how to be successful. You offer them training opportunities galore.
But, no matter how hard you work or how many opportunities you offer, you will in inevitably get that ... Views: 1537
We’ve all had them in our business. The “yes but” people. The ones that swear they will do what you tell them, but.... The ones that really want to grow their business, but… The ones that meant to be on the call but… Let’s face it, there are still a lot of people out there they still think they ... Views: 1550
If you are thinking about joining a business, or if you are just out prospecting in the internet, it is always a good idea to do a little research on anyone that you are planning to contact, or anyone that contacts you. There are a few reasons why this is a good idea.
The information that is ... Views: 1416
How do you see yourself? Do you think of yourself as attractive, intelligent, confident, and creative? Or do you see yourself as old, worn out, and boring?
How you see yourself is directly reflected outward. How you see yourself is how others see you and other will respond to you ... Views: 1338
Everyone has their favorite of excuse for not wanting to change or start something new. The more resistant to change, the more excuses. Making significant changes in your life is hard work!
But what if you really could start from scratch? What if you put aside everything from your past, all ... Views: 1532
We all hear about how making changes involves giving up something or making sacrifices of some type. If we want to lose weight we have to “give up” some of our favorite foods. If we want to start a business, we have to give up financial security and the list goes on.
But what if it wasn’t so ... Views: 1310
There is an interesting experiment that has been around for a number of years. The purpose of the experiment is to determine how well you follow instructions. Your ability to pass this test is not dependent on your intelligence or the number of years you have been in school.
The test goes ... Views: 2666
Instant gratification. We all love instant gratification. We all love pretty much anything that happens immediately, especially when it is to our benefit.
Sometimes, the benefits come only after days, months, maybe even years. Can you stick it out for the long haul or is it now or never for ... Views: 1424
We all know how it goes. In spite of your great spam software, you open your email to find 30 new messages (even though you had gone through everything before you went to bed a mere eight hours ago). Of those 30 messages, 20 want you to buy something; the other 10 are related to your social ... Views: 1375
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success…”-Henry Ford
Anyone who has been in multilevel marketing for any length of time realizes quickly how important relationships are to your business. Not only are the relationships with your customers ... Views: 1606
We all know that whether it is in our business or in our personal lives, there are often consequences (intended and unintended) for our actions. Admittedly, sometimes we get lucky and the potential consequences never happen, but, more often, they do catch up with us. Your willingness to accept ... Views: 1898
There are some products we all use every day and we all assume are safe. After all, if they weren’t safe the government (a.k.a. the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) wouldn’t let them be sold, right? Maybe not.
The fact is that manufacturers don’t have to get FDA approval to introduce a new ... Views: 1302
Whether you are in multi-level marketing in a small way or a big way, if you live with anyone else, there is another multi-level marketer in your business. They may not be officially in your business (although if you are a committed relationship they should be), but, like it or not, they are ... Views: 1280
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Anais Nin (1903-1977)Writer
What motivates us to change? Dissatisfaction? Maybe. Extreme fear? Maybe. Most likely, however the motivation is that we are so uncomfortable or so afraid in ... Views: 1530
Book Review: The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1 Percent Do Differently, Why They Won’t Tell You, and How You Can Do it Anyway by Garrison Wynn.
This is a book that takes a real look at what makes people successful and the fact that what makes them successful is almost certainly ... Views: 1963
Starting with this quote today, it has touch my heart and changed my mindset forever.
Showing a profit means touching something and leaving it better than you found it.Jim Rohn
When you first read this quote, lots of things can come to mind. What comes to mind if you are business for ... Views: 4711
Advertisements for leads are everywhere on the web and they promise everything from wealth to automatic ways to grow your business. But can a lead system really deliver? Are they really worth the money?
Lead systems can be effective and can be used to grow your business. In fact, if you ... Views: 2261
There was a man who was very tired of working. He didn’t make much money and didn’t see any chance of making more in the near future. He didn’t like his current living situation, but couldn’t see any way to change it. He had minimal skills and ambition and didn’t think he could make it through ... Views: 2399
Today I start with a quote. “Lay hold of today's task and you will not depend so much upon tomorrow's.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4B.C.–65A.D.) Roman philosopher and statesman
Spring is almost here. You can feel it in the air. With spring all kinds of reasons to put off working your business ... Views: 2144
We have all had it happen. We put a lot of time and effort into something, but it just doesn’t seem to be working. Deep down, we know it probably will never work, but we have a really hard time letting go. More often than not, in addition to the time and effort, we may have also put in at least ... Views: 1356
When you are working hard at your business (whatever business that may be), it is very easy to just pay your bills and go with the flow. This is particularly true when you are in network or multilevel marketing. When was the last time you really seriously looked at your bank statement? When was ... Views: 1647
It is always tempting to make changes at the beginning of the year. After all, it seems like a logical time to think about doing something different. But is that really the case? Sure, we can all think of things we would like to change about our lives, but is the beginning of the year the time ... Views: 1421
We’ve all heard that lifelong readers do better at pretty much anything. How important is reading? Here are some interesting statistics associated with reading (from the website http://www.readfaster.com/education_stats.asp#literacystatistics.)
More than 20 percent of adults read at or ... Views: 3223
Do you find yourself with too much month at the end of the money? Have you accumulated too much debt? Do you have a child that needs money for college? Do you have a shortfall in retirement account? If you answered yes to any of these questions, what are you willing to sacrifice to make more ... Views: 2996
Dietary supplements always carry the same disclaimer: “This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is no intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” If the supplement is not intended to do anything, then why take it? What about all those testimonials from ... Views: 1888
If you have done any kind of web search for multi-level marketing, it will not take long before you discover that many multi-level companies involve dietary supplements of some type, particularly juices. If you have spent any time on the website for those companies, you may have been ... Views: 1901
If you are in business for yourself, it won’t take long before you discover how easily paperwork becomes out of control. Even if you are running things alone and even if you are just starting off and even if you aren’t making any money (particularly if you aren’t making any money), keeping ... Views: 1078
Lots of people that get into business do so with at least one other person. Maybe that person provides money, maybe they have the technology or brain-power that you need, or maybe they are in it hook-line-and-sinker with you. Whatever the relationship, you need to be sure that both you and ... Views: 1000
We all like to trust people and we would like really be much better of if people always did what they said they would do. But we all know that this is not always the case. If you are a business owner, you can find yourself in deep trouble if you do not document.
What do you need to document? ... Views: 888
When you start a new business or even if you have been in business for a while, it is easy to start to think of your business as your baby. After all, you started it from scratch, it was your idea. So you know best right? Well, maybe. Sometimes you can work so hard in a business that it ... Views: 1010
There is a great belated birthday card. The front says something like “I think I have ADHD. I’m sorry I missed your…oh, look, there goes a bunny.” There are certainly enough things to distract us these days. The economy (if you believe everything you read), the environment, taxes, the list ... Views: 989
Everyone wants their business to grow and everyone wants to make as much money as possible in their business. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have started the business in the first place.
Starting a new business can be a long and trying process. It can also be expensive and it may take some ... Views: 1109
Everyone knows that new business fail at a fairly high rate. Most people assume that the reason is there is not enough money. While that might be true in some cases, there are other things that can cause a new business to fail, even if they have plenty of money.
It would seem like common ... Views: 1103
I recently read a book called The Go Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. It is a short book, only 130 pages, but reading this book has changed my perspective on life and particularly on my businesses. The book also brought to mind one particular person in my life, Chris Hutcherson.
The ... Views: 900
Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this ... Views: 1011
There are many ways to lose your sense of self-esteem and your sense of yourself. We are faced with problems everyday—many of which are beyond our ability to solve. And, sometimes, our self-esteem takes a hit. We get frustrated because we can’t fix the problem. But whatever happens, ... Views: 901
I have ten questions you should ask yourself in preparation for self-improvement.
Be all you can be, but it's not always in the Army. I often see myself as somewhat contented with my life the way things are, but of course it's hard to think of anything else when where are the real issues to be ... Views: 1093
I have been in the Network Marketing Industry for over 35 years and one thing that I have found is that the idea of helping others is lacking and has been lacking in many network marketing companies.
I have been in a total of 47 companies in the pass 35 plus years and have found only a couple ... Views: 1118
To be a successful networker, or a leader of any sort, you must first commit yourself to mastering the fundamentals. Get excited about practicing the fundamentals every day. Start with your motivation, since they key to success is actually located between your ears-your mind. Most networkers ... Views: 1762