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It is estimated that the U.S. Poison Control Center sees nearly 1.5 million cases of accidental ingestion of poisons every year. It is sad but true that most of these accidental poisonings happen to children under 12 years of age.
Most of us are concerned about keeping our homes clean and our ... Views: 953
Future of Health Care with Independent Health
Part of a new Western New York TV series on insurance and complementary health.
According to David W. Walkowiak, LCSW, CCM Manager, Health Education & Wellness and Jo Ann Sorce Director. New Business & Broker Relations from Independent ... Views: 1195
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Consumer-driven health care has the potential to be apowerful force of change in the health care system. Byinstituting competitive pressures, encouraging greater pricetransparency, and rewarding consumers who are pro activeabout their health, the growing ... Views: 1168
Negative ions are considered the Vitamins of the Air. Ions are Odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments…
Since we are surrounded by artificial electric devices such as computers, televisions, microwaves, radars, x-rays, to name a few, ... Views: 1247
People who are buying online have grown dramatically over the last few years. Consumers purchase a variety of different products, and with the trend as it is; elderly people are becoming more confident to pay for their products online as they understand money can be saved in comparison to ... Views: 1212
People who are buying online have grown dramatically over the last few years. Consumers purchase a variety of different products, and with the trend as it is; elderly people are becoming more confident to pay for their products online as they understand money can be saved in comparison to ... Views: 1212
According to the Associated Press on August 26th, the US and Canada may have to close schools, restrict travel and ration scarce medications if a powerful new flu strain spurs a worldwide outbreak, according to the federal planners for the next pandemic. It will take months to brew a new vaccine ... Views: 1013
According to the Associated Press on August 26th, the US and Canada may have to close schools, restrict travel and ration scarce medications if a powerful new flu strain spurs a worldwide outbreak, according to the federal planners for the next pandemic. It will take months to brew a new vaccine ... Views: 969
According to the Associated Press on August 26th, the US and Canada may have to close schools, restrict travel and ration scarce medications if a powerful new flu strain spurs a worldwide outbreak, according to the federal planners for the next pandemic. It will take months to brew a new vaccine ... Views: 988
The aging process is for the greater part no mystery anymore. It consists for a great part of daily damages done on the macroscopic, tissue, cellular and genetic levels. These add up as the years are passing. These damages have specific causes like oxidating agents, sun beams, mechanical wear ... Views: 1364
Our bodies have great healing wisdom but do we listen?
There was a great true story I read where a lady who had breast cancer and the doctors gave her 6 months to live. They said they could do nothing for her and sent her away to die. She as a last resort went to see an intuitive healer the ... Views: 1244
The secret to triggering your self-healing system lies in balancing the transformation between matter inside cells and energy outside cells. That needs to happen on the three equally important levels of the body, the mind and the soul.
The West has a lot to learn from the East. Only recently, ... Views: 4395
A simple test will reveal whether you will be at risk for tooth and gum disease, says New York businessman.
Thomas Cornwell, Elmira, NY says a quick, painless oral test can tell whether you have a high count of decay-causing bacteria in your mouth. It can also indicate what you need to do to ... Views: 1026
Did you know that we absorb 60 percent of the substances we put on ourskin,from moisturizers and shaving lotion to makeup and cologne? Anythingyouput on your skin will literally get under your skin. The approximatelysixpounds of skin each human carries around is a porous ... Views: 2403
Something very special happens at our conception. At that time, we are endowed with a blueprint of the way we are meant to be. This "blueprint" depends on many factors, chief among them are the characteristics and traits of our parents, and also their state of balance at our conception.
This ... Views: 1188
When a good friend of mine inquired where he could obtain information about medical insurance for his out-of-state, elderly mother, I told him to try the Internet.
He reported back to me about a week later, in desperation: "I am giving up, I am too confused." He had taken on an overwhelming ... Views: 2047