This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Empowerment. Empowerment is increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities and often involves developing confidence in one's own capacities. Lisa Whatley is the Official Guide to Empowerment. Lisa Whatley is a highly successful business woman who has a deep understanding of life and a unique way of explaining and simplifying complex subjects. She's a Self Help Empowerment Specialist, Master Energy Medicine Healer, Spiritual Life Coach and Publised Writer specializing in personal transformation growth programs.

Ultraprevention: The 6-Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life, by Mark Hyman, Mark Liponis, is a valuable resource for people interested in Empowerment, and it is available through and Barnes & Noble.

Book Description
Two physicians unveil a revolutionary, accessible, science-based,patient-centered program for living an active, age-defying, disease-free life.

Healthcare is pulled and shaped by many forces, by drug and insurance companies looking for profits, by politicians in search of votes, and by stressed, overworked physicians who barely have time to talk to you before writing a prescription or packing you off to a specialist.

So is anyone interested in keeping you well?

Yes. The Ultraprevention program will work for everyone. The promise of its practice is huge -- a health span that matches life span -- and you'll experience increased energy, weight loss, enhanced mood and memory, better digestion, deeper sleep, diminished stress, and more.

Isolating the source of more than 90 percent of today's most common diseases, from cancer and heart disease to diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimer's, Drs. Hyman and Liponis enumerate the Five Forces of Illness -- Sludge (malnutrition), Burnout (impaired metabolism), Heat (inflammation), Waste (impaired detoxification), and Rust (oxidative stress).

Through the practice of the six-week Ultraprevention program, you'll learn three simple steps that stop these forces and create a lifetime of good health. So stop falling for the myths that make you sick and start Ultraprevention, the powerful plan to get older without aging, to maintain health for all of life.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Empowerment. The Official Guide to Empowerment is Lisa Whatley. Lisa Whatley is a highly successful business woman who has a deep understanding of life and a unique way of explaining and simplifying complex subjects. She's a Self Help Empowerment Specialist, Master Energy Medicine Healer, Spiritual Life Coach and Publised Writer specializing in personal transformation growth programs.

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Lisa Whatley, the Official Guide To Empowerment