If one was to think about the people they are closest to, they are likely to think about their family and/or friends. When they start to think about them, it might not take very long for them to feel good.

On one hand, there are going to be the experiences they have shared together, and on the other hand, there is going to be how they respond to them when they get together. During this time, they could find that they are happy to see them.


One is then not going to feel as though this is someone who doesn’t want to be there, and this is naturally going to have a positive effect on them. But if this doesn’t take place, it could be a sign that something isn’t right.

Perhaps their friend or family member is going through a bad patch, and is unable to embrace them in the same way. Even so, this is going to be the exception as opposed to the rule.

A Momentary Effect

After a while, they could meet them again and they could end up greeting them in the way as they usually do. There is then going to be no reason for one to change how they perceive them.

However, if something like this started to happen on a regular basis and they didn’t open up about what was going on for them, they might begin to wonder where they stand. At first, they might not get too caught up in what is taking place and give them the time to go back to how they were, or they could ask them about what is going on.

An Important Part

What this shows is how much of an effect this part of an interaction has, and it could be said that this is because it is the first part. It is then similar to how the first mouthful one has of a meal can define whether they eat anything else.

As if someone changed their behaviour every time one met them, they could start to think about if they want to see them. For example, one moment someone could be approachable, and the next they could come across as indifferent.


Therefore, if one was to come across someone like this, it is to be expected that they are not going to warm to them. Instead, they could prefer to come into contact with people who are consistent.

Through reaching out to these people, it is going to be a lot better for their own mental and emotional well-being. Once they realise that someone doesn’t behave in a consistent manner, it can be natural for them to avoid them, or at the very least not to go out of their way to meet them.


If one was to overlook how someone behaves and they were to continue to go out of their way meet to them, it could show that they don’t value themselves. This is down to the fact that they can end up spending time with people who are not good for them.

It could be said that this can also show that one is willing to empathise with what someone is going through, and this could be the case. Yet, if this is causing them to suffer in the process, one is going to be using their empathy in a destructive manner.

The Opposite Position

With the above in mind, it can allow one to see how important it is for them to come across in the same way. This is going to allow other people to know where they stand, and they can be more inclined to reach out to them.

In fact, this could mean that other people will be only too happy to reach out to them. If they come across as friendly, for instance, it can mean that people are generally going to find them easy to be around.

Emotional Strength

At the same time, in order for one to behave in a consistent manner, it is going to be necessary for them to be able to handle their emotions. As if they are unable to do this, they could find that they have no control over how they behave from one moment to the next.

The mood they are in can then end up defining how they come across, and this is going to make their life harder than it needs to be. This is not to say that one always has to keep a lid on how they feel, but there will be a time and a place for them to open up about what is going on for them.


If one finds it hard to control how they feel, there are number of things that they can do. Firstly, they can become aware of what is taking place, and see if this allows them to change their behaviour.

Alternatively, they could reach out for external support, and this can be provided by a therapist. It can all depend on how much of an impact this is having on their life, and how they respond to a certain approach.

Author's Bio: 

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.

To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/

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