Last weekend I was at a conference venue just two streets away from my very first student share house!
Wow, did that bring up some... "interesting" memories of my student days! Here's the story:
My friend Jo was moving to the big city for University. She found this student house (managed by a dodgy slum lord) but there was no room for me, except... you guessed it - the laundry.
The slum lord had converted the outdoor laundry into a room (of sorts). It had no glass in the window except some plastic sheeting, hessian matting on the concrete floor, and only room for a single bed and some milk crates for my clothes.
There was one plus though - the house only had one bathroom and it was outside... next to my shed, so it was virtually my en-suite!
This "room" cost me the fabulous sum of $50 a week, which was cheap even in 1998, but I felt like SUCH a loser living in that shed. I was failing University. I was depressed. I had no money and I lived in a frigging laundry shed! Could it get any worse?
Ok, not only was I living in a laundry, I was clearly frying my hair with peroxide and wearing hideous charity shop faux fur clothing! Unbelievably, I lived in that shed for 6 months.
So, what came first - living in a shed or feeling like a loser?
My negative self-worth made it totally acceptable for me to live in that appalling way, otherwise I would have found the money to live in a real room.
You don't have to be literally living in a shed to feel like your life sucks. You could be holding onto a deadbeat job, relationship or friendships and they make you feel like crap. You might be stuffing your face with junk food and feeling trapped in unwanted fat. You may be buried under a mound of credit card bills and attracting more negativity every day.
It's only your beliefs that are holding you captive. Beliefs like:
Nobody else would want me
I'm too lazy to change
I can't afford it
I can't make a living doing something fun
I could never be a millionaire
Nobody is immune from the occasional disappointment but it's what you make them mean about your life.
Contrary to popular opinion, my life today is not all rainbows and money falling from the sky. I do have negative things happen sometimes. In fact, my car just broke down. No big deal.
The difference between the Denise that lived in the shed and the Denise of today, is that I don't let the dross of life bother me for too long and I DEFINITELY don't let them derail my dreams.
I consciously decided to live a happier life and things started to fall into place. Some days I'm so happy I want to jump out of my skin!
My beliefs are totally different now and you can change yours too.
Start to believe that you deserve...
fresh air and sunshine
fabulous clothes and to have nice hair
to spend time at the park or beach with nothing else to do
a job which makes you feel great about yourself
to feel love and be loved in return
How do you do that?
It's all outlined in my Inspired Life Formula™:
1. Declutter your life physically and emotionally
2. Decide what you want
3. Surround yourself with positivity
4. Take inspired action
5. Allow and expand
Simple right? If you're still stuck, just ask yourself what step you're missing. I'm going to going into further detail in my upcoming book series and also some free teleseminars you can attend anywhere in the world.
Tell me in the comments:
What belief is holding you back at the moment?
Are you willing to give it up? What do you want instead?
I believe in you!
Denise Duffield-Thomas is a life coach and author of The Inspired Life Formula.
Download a free copy of her guide "The 7 Fabulous Ways to Manifest Your Wildest Dreams" at
Denise helps women develop the mindset to create the personal and profession life of their dreams
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