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And, the changes keep coming.
In addition to excitement, increased hope for the future and a greater sense of balance than you have had for months, are you also experiencing: anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, high blood pressure, nervousness, job concerns, relationship problems, sudden ... Views: 1021
I have just finished reading the excellent article, IF YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE, On the Moral Urgency of Climate Change, by Katherine Dean Moore in THE SUN, Dec. 2012.
A powerful statement about climate change and what we, as individuals could and should do if we are to save our planet for ... Views: 1481
I believe we humans, each and every one of us, are evolving as a collective. We are all moving without the ability to block the process for evolution cannot be stopped. And, at the same time, each of us is an individual, following our own individual trajectory towards a new way of being and so ... Views: 1805
Every human being, by virtue of his/her energetic make-up, is an ‘Energy Worker’.
Every human being, by virtue of his/her energetic make-up, is an ‘Energy Worker’. Though we appear solid, we are, in reality, composed of a wide range of rapidly moving molecules of energy. Some of us awaken to ... Views: 7885
These days there is a great deal of talk about evolution – the evolution of our economic and political systems, of our technology, our means of communication, even our DNA. There is, however, very little said about our “energetic evolution,” although this may very well be the key to our health ... Views: 2038
Energy doesn't communicate in human tongues, but it does speak clearly. It speaks through the metaphors of our lived experiences, the hurricanes and earthquakes of nature, the expressions of the body’s symptoms, or the whispered message of a randomly chosen passage in a book.
Energy ... Views: 1261
Two days ago, I learned that my grandson, age 5, living in Westchester, NY, had been diagnosed with Scarlet Fever. I was shocked. How was that possible? Hadn’t Scarlet Fever been eradicated? What does one do for this scary-sounding illness? My daughter calmly shared that Scarlet Fever is ... Views: 1070
As spring comes to the winter climates, we humans seem to come alive with vitality. We are suddenly driven to plant flowers, tidy our yards, and clean, clean, clean. As you physically clean out your closets, pack up your woollens and bring your spring clothes out of their storage boxes, ... Views: 1002