The essential elements required which serve to position you as a good partner are similar in both business and personal arenas. Empathy is probably one of the most important assets - the ability to put yourself into the other person's shoes. How are they feeling? What are they thinking? ... Views: 1473
Have you watched the movie about Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? It is an interesting movie and, like most people who push past known boundaries, she was a very intriguing person. She followed her dreams, and certainly her belief was that there are no ... Views: 1447
Being stalked on facebook is not a pleasant experience. I wonder in actual fact how many people have been stalked on facebook? When one thinks about stalking the first scenario which pops to mind is one of a man obsessively following a woman with some sort of physically abusive intent.
But ... Views: 3346
Quick weight loss; is it good or bad for you? Some recent research published by the University of Florida suggests that those who lose weight more quickly during the first stages of a weight loss program tend to both lose more weight overall and be more successful at keeping those pounds off ... Views: 1024
Confidence and self belief allow you to do more of what you want to do. Are you content with every aspect of your life? Is there a part of your life which you would like to change over or to improve upon? Many people suffer from negative effects carried forwards from past experiences which ... Views: 1100
If you watched the movie "Bride Wars" you will have seen a great depiction of the importance of having good girl friends. Those two girls had been friends since they were knee high to a grass-hopper and total devastation was caused when they had a fall out. They had no-one else who they could ... Views: 2591
I noticed something the other day on relating to weight loss. Various reasons were provided for why so many people fail to lose weight successfully. The biggies all focused in upon ones mental approach to weight loss as opposed to changes of pure habit.
It was good to see this ... Views: 1620
Making long distance relationships work. A certain mind set is required by those who wish to make a long distance relationship work. Both parties to the relationship have to be equally committed, and they have to be both trusting and trust worthy. Without these ingredients, doubts and fears ... Views: 2437
Build Confidence. Seeing is believing; or is it? How clear is your vision? Is your reality based upon what you see or what you know? I frequently find myself marveling at how easily one automatically jumps to conclusions based upon prior self-belief, ideas and expectations, sometimes to the ... Views: 1991
Build Confidence. Gain mental strength. We know this is what we need to be both happy and successful. Nevertheless, we all look for guarantees from time to time.
We would like to be reassured of such things as definitely passing exams or a relationship definitely working out well, and so ... Views: 1994
I wonder whether you noticed an article by the columnist David Brooks in the New York Times entitled the "Sandra Bullock Trade". It certainly caught my eye as it focuses upon the interactions between personal and professional success with levels of happiness.
Over the last few decades much ... Views: 2629
It is extremely difficult to deal with people who have a predisposition to assume that the World is against them. It is however, even more difficult for the person who has to live with this belief.
We all of us, perhaps, understand how this feels to a certain degree. Everyone has ... Views: 2196
You want to make a great speech. Who doesn’t? But most people worry about the possibility of negative emotions wreaking havoc with their perfectly planned speech. They spend days or weeks writing out their speech, ensuring that it says exactly what they want to convey; they practice their ... Views: 1870
I cannot help thinking that we are focusing upon the wrong thing when we spend so much time paying attention to being overweight, how to lose weight, which diet is best and so on. Surely our focus should be instead upon how we can as a nation become healthier? As you think in a healthy and ... Views: 1663
Jealousy is a cruel emotion; cruelest of all to those who experience it, but also cruel to those whom it is directed at. I was totally shocked yesterday when I accidentally came across an on-line forum which was supposed to be a networking opportunity for those who work in a particular niche ... Views: 2300
Do you find yourself entering into the same type of relationships again and again? Ones which just end up in tears leaving you feeling hurt and drained? Or perhaps ones which make you feel so low and down that it's hard to get out of bed in the morning? Or maybe relationships in which you ... Views: 1095
We all suffer from time to time from a feeling of sluggishness; a lack of desire to do the things which we know we should do. You may not feel motivated to exercise, study, and work or even to just to get out of bed in the morning. But there is in fact one single key to getting yourself ... Views: 1249
I think my personality suits a Mediterranean time-table. For whatever reason, I really do find that taking a siesta in the afternoon is a very civilized way in which to progress through ones day! I know that some people find it simply doesn't suit them to have a short snooze during the day; ... Views: 985
Blushing is one of the most frustrating things which you can suffer from because it is something which is very difficult to hide. We girls can apply two and three coats of makeup in the vain hope that it will cover up the rush of red which spreads across our faces and wear roll next sweaters ... Views: 2386
Greed may initially bring you a certain amount of success, but in the long run it will generally stand in your way. Why is this? Surely in a world where you are encouraged to "look after you own" and claw your way to the top greed should be an asset?
Survival of the fittest is a concept ... Views: 3068
There's more than one way in which travel contributes to building confidence. The most obvious is that you have to step outside your normal day to day routines and familiar places and people to travel at all.
Following on from that is the fact that travel opens your eyes to new things. ... Views: 6232
How would you like to feel a little more sure of yourself, or comfortable to speak in front of a crowd, or confident enough to speak up for yourself and disagree if you want to? A lack of confidence has the ability to affect one in so very many different ways.
Most people worry about a ... Views: 1115
Some people are really hard on themselves. This is fine so long as the outcome is productive. In most cases, however, the effect of being tough on oneself is rather more negative, in that it may lower ones confidence and de-motivate at the same time. A select few respond well to unduly tough ... Views: 2861
I always think of the song "Non Je ne regrette rien", which Edith Piaf was famous for singing, whenever I visit Paris. It is of course a French song, and well known, so that easily explains why it popped into my head whilst sitting in the airplane en route to Paris.
Its words prompted me to ... Views: 1053
My mum cuts articles out of the newspaper for my brother and I and gives us quite a stack of reading most weeks. She is, as my brother says "spot on"; she knows exactly what will be of interest to us and she saves both of us trawling through papers in search of what is relevant. She does, ... Views: 950
There are many ways in which one may be deceitful and every single person will have succumbed to its shadowy presence to one degree or another. In a strange and mysterious way we are usually more deceitful to ourselves than we are to others. We have the ability to kid ourselves into thinking ... Views: 2098
I watched the movie "My Sister's Keeper" yesterday. It's a great film which tugs away at your heart strings. I am really glad we watched it at home instead of going out to the movie theatre; I used more than my fair share of Kleenex!
The film raised questions about death and what happens ... Views: 1196
Worrying seems to come naturally to many of us, and we get uptight about the most unlikely things. How to impress a potential mate is one of those things, with the focus of anxiety ranging from where to go to what to do to fears about an inadequate sexual performance.
"What if I don't ... Views: 1673
Dreams can be extremely enlightening, so long as you attend to the emotional messages which they convey. A friend was recounting a dream the other day which told a familiar tale; she dreamed that she had bumped into her boyfriend who she had recently split up from, and he looked like a tanned ... Views: 5732
My mom stopped driving for good immediately after she asked me which pedal was the accelerator and which was the brake; my brother and I swiftly removed both keys and car from her possession (with her agreement). At that point she had not driven for a year or more; she had become nervous after ... Views: 927
I read a passage in a book by Neal Donald Walsh which describes the impact of your thoughts in a very straightforward manner. The passage was entitled "A Thought Is Forever" and went on to describe how thoughts generate energy which then create an impact upon the surrounding world, the universe ... Views: 1145
January is a time of year which is associated with new beginnings; it's a time to start over, set goals and plan for the year ahead. New Year's resolutions are set by many, yet adhered to by few. Are you one of the exceptions to this rule? Or have you already waved good-bye to your fresh ... Views: 921
I had an interesting experience yesterday when I settled myself down to write in detail about my goals for the year. I had five or six things which I had decided were really important to me; important enough to me to create a hypnosis recording for myself to use to ensure that I fully focused ... Views: 911
I had a great session with a wonderful Medium the other day. I have felt as light as a feather ever since and yet very much rooted firmly to the ground as well; I guess the overall feeling is one of believing that I am exactly where I'm meant to be and also know where I should be going...and of ... Views: 1310
How many people do you know who are dissatisfied with their life and yet at the same time they do not really know why? They are looking around for something but don't have a clear idea of what that something is.
Similarly, how many people do you know who say their prayers at night, saying ... Views: 1079
How many people do you know who are really content with their life, happy with their lot, completely satisfied with what they have got? I frequently find myself looking around in amazement as I perceive so very many people who seem to be unhappy and dissatisfied these days. Everyone wants ... Views: 1095
This is a question which is only asked when a person is in two minds about something. If you really thought that the grass was greener you would either have already leapt over the fence and made a run for it, or you would be asking a different question, perhaps along the lines of querying how ... Views: 979
Envy can be likened to a tape worm gnawing away uncomfortably at your inner emotions; and like this parasite which takes up residence in whatever host it can wriggle itself into, envy can feel like an alien being living within your mind and body. A tapeworm lives within the intestines and envy ... Views: 1439
I don't know about you but I seem to come across a lot of people who feel as if they are missing out on something or other in their life. Perhaps they are dissatisfied because they have missed out on a promotion at work, or because the current economic climate makes it seemingly impossible to ... Views: 778
Most people will agree that their mind is either their greatest asset...or their biggest liability! When your mind is extremely focused you can have the determination and will power to do endless things; to achieve happiness and success in abundant quantity. And yet when your mind is lacking ... Views: 889
Human beings do not exist in an individual vacuum any more than the other species of animal or bird who live on this planet. We are social in nature and our basic and primary instinct of survival tells us that we need a mate in order to fulfill that very task.
And as a matter of day to day ... Views: 4603
I was reading something yesterday which reminded me just how many people purchase goods, be they books or audio courses, designed to assist in self development or success systems. This is a huge business; millions of people buy these types of products, which is indicative that there is a clear ... Views: 1026
Both dreams and nightmares tend to be intense in terms of their visual, auditory and emotional impact. Nightmares however tend to have the most impact. They feel in every way extremely real, and you tend to awaken from a nightmare with a real jolt, sometimes aware of your own screams or ... Views: 1019
Most people these days have seen a stage hypnosis show; you have seen people cluck like chickens, or be convinced that they are a super star or that they are walking on the moon. You have seen people suddenly forget their name, or confuse their shoe for a dog. You have seen people have needles ... Views: 1020
I was chatting with a young couple the other day and it was clear that their goals were at cross purposes from one another. The young man wanted to save up and buy a property to rent out and then save once more and reinvest in property to let, and so on. His main focus was to step upon the ... Views: 940
When I started out writing this article I was going to use the title "Learn To Use Hypnosis" and then realized that the title itself would very likely cause a barrier to those who might otherwise be tempted to read what I have to say. You see, when you start a sentence with "learn how" this ... Views: 955
What would you like to happen in your life? Would you like to have more fun, feel happier or perhaps be super successful and have more money? Would you enjoy life more is your phobia was cured or you suddenly became your perfect weight? Would you like to find that people were mesmerized by ... Views: 975
Golf is a very challenging game, but it is still a game. It is easy to get very tied up in the mechanics of the game and the desire to master its intricacies and basically forget that it is, at the bottom line, a game which is meant to be relaxing and fun.
I myself know how easy it is to ... Views: 988
The other day I wrote a quick article on the importance of having a positive attitude when you catch a cold, due to your expectations having a great impact upon the reality which you subsequently experience. I mentioned in this article that I was due to go on an airplane and that I was ... Views: 1059
Sometimes there are hidden factors which prevent you from putting the effort into things which you would like. Anyone who is shy will identify with the feeling of being held back. You can put a façade upon your shyness and appear quite confident to the majority of people, most of the time, but ... Views: 1017