One of the oldest and most successful ways to attract new clients is to give away something for free.
Whether you are a chiropractor, a large hospital or a copywriter, giving away information (for no charge) about something your prospective clients find interesting is a great way to begin the ... Views: 1256
What's the first thing people do when they even think they have a health issue?
Studies show over 80% of the American population heads straight for the internet. This is a fact. Whether you or your office is referred by another physician or a friend of the patient, people go straight to the ... Views: 1144
Do you wonder why the local paper always seems to contact your competitors and not you? Chances are, if you're not reaching out to reporters on a fairly regular basis they are not going to reach out to you when they need help.
In reality, there are probably a few easy things your competitors ... Views: 1151
Positioning your business to be self-sufficient
Whether you're a sole practitioner or a very small employer, many home business owners are personally involved in almost all aspects of their business, and find that almost every spare minute is spent thinking about work, even on vacations or ... Views: 1321
Adding coaching to your practice is a simple and fun way to increase revenues and serve your clients more fully.
Coaching your patients is something you are probably already doing...talking to them about their health, teaching them specific things they can/should do to live healthier lives, ... Views: 1219
Most of us didn't start our health care business so we could do marketing all day. We started our health care business because we knew we could help people in one way or another.
However, most of us quickly learned that our business isn't going anywhere without marketing. When we do market our ... Views: 1371
Are you sick of the status quo? Perhaps you are unhappy with your job...still.
Maybe your copywriting business hasn't grown as fast as you expected. Or maybe you don't have the relationship you always dreamed of with your spouse or significant other.
If you've experienced the same problems ... Views: 1263
I ask you to stop and really think about what that sentence is saying and how it affects your dealings with prospects.
Sales is not something you do “to” someone, it’s something you do for someone. This one sentence suggests to me that I should be open about how I can help ... Views: 1411
At one point or another in our healthcare careers we face the challenge of coming up with new marketing ideas. Consistently coming up with ideas for new ways to attract prospects attention or to keep your name in front of existing clients can be exhausting and frustrating.
Sometimes we just ... Views: 1303
You may have passed freshman comp with flying colors ten years ago, but mastering the skill of writing college essays does not make you a copywriter. While your ability to create complete, comprehensive sentences is important to writing successful copy, your understanding of psychology and ... Views: 1383
The who, what, where, when, why, and how
Knowing your competition allows you to identify a niche and develop your own unique selling proposition (USP). Clearly defining and understanding the core value you offer your clients can depend on your having a firm grasp of your competitors' strengths ... Views: 843
Interviewing a subject matter expert can be one of the most time-consuming and frustrating parts of writing copy. If done correctly, it can also be the most important thing you can do to create a successful sales piece. The interviewee has knowledge you may not be able to get anywhere else. ... Views: 2007