I recently read a real-life story about a woman who had been looking for love for a long-long time, with no success. I recently read a real-life story about a woman who had been looking for love for a long-long time, with no success. She had been on all kinds of dating programs including ... Views: 2442
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying "the secret" is not a good book or movie. I'm also not saying anything against the teachers who appeared in it. They are all wonderful people who have achieved extra-ordinary things in their lives. I also don't doubt for a minute that things happened for ... Views: 1712
Life treats each of us in different ways. What we invest is what we get out. Those who don't understand this dynamic, struggle through life without becoming aware of what they are doing wrong. However after reading this article, 5 ways to become successful in life, you'll have the ability ... Views: 2263
Everyone does it, including you. You have things to do, important things or unimportant things, and you delay doing them until the last minute. If Procrastination were an Olympic event you might have won a gold medal, you’re that good at it. You make jokes about being a world class ... Views: 1273
Have you ever heard the saying, "He who controls his mind, controls his life"
The opposite of that statement is equally true... He who doesn't control his mind has no control over his life. When we look at the world today, we see the manifestation of this last statement. People are constantly ... Views: 7414
We all have dreams that we would love to realize, but for some of us it seems like it will never happen...
Have you ever considered that perhaps, you are not ready for your dream and that this is the reason why your dream is delayed?
Most people want something to happen or somebody else to ... Views: 1489
During the last Soccer World Cup held in Germany, my favorite team Brazil played against France in the quarter-final. Brazil was the favorites, not only because they were the 5-times World Champions, but because they had the most awesome attacking threat in world football. A win for Brazil ... Views: 1595
If you want to do a new thing in the physical, you have to do a new thing in the mind first. The reason most people fail in their new years resolutions as well as other goals that they set for themselves is that they don't take their mindset into account. The result, predictably is ... Views: 1276
A long time ago a man who became the father of the US Auto Industry made a very profound statement which still rings true today. This man's name is Henry Ford, and this is what he said: "Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right."
I can also put it another way, ... Views: 1254
As we go through life we encounter different people and based on our initial impression, we form certain assumptions about them. They say “first impressions count,” right?
Based on how things went the first time we met, I may start to think of John as a “lazy person” or of Sarah as ... Views: 1211
We attract what we expect, period.
Remember the time you went to attend an interview and you were confident you would do well. And guess what happened; you aced that interview!
And again there were times you were less than confident about an exam or some other meeting, and again, the opposite ... Views: 908
Most people believe that faith is something powerful to have and that by having faith they can accomplish great things. However they think that in order to accomplish great things they need to have more faith then they currently have. Jesus' disciples thought so too, hence their request to him ... Views: 6976
There are a number of ways that you can manifest money fast into your life. The first thing you need to understand is that there is a reason why money is not coming into your life right now. You are doing some things that repel money. So you have to change this and start doing the things that ... Views: 4618
The Bible says, "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries".
We always worry about what we will eat tomorrow, what we will drink tomorrow.
So we try to save up for tomorrow instead of using what we have for today.
This is not the only thing we do. We also leave tasks ... Views: 1191
Love him or hate him, but you cannot ignore him, much less deny that he is a winner. From Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe to Hollywood blockbuster movie hero to governor of California, Arnold Swarzenegger has confounded his critics and his detractors.
Even when the allegations of sexual ... Views: 1028
When the Israelites heard that God was going to take them to the promised land they were excited as I’m sure you would be too. The road to the promised land however turned out not to be, what they expected. They expected to be taken there speedily and in comfort, but instead the road took ... Views: 1209
Opportunities often come disguised as problems and therefore very few people see them less seize them. This article will help you see just what oportunites you may have been missing in your own life and what you can do to be more prepared next time.
Opportunities are everywhere... opportunities ... Views: 916
You may never have thought of life in this way, but it makes perfect sense. When you read the Bible, Chapter 3 in the Book of Ecclesiastes to be exact, then you'll discover that there is a season for everything:
A time to be born and a time to die
A time to plant and a time to harvest
A time to ... Views: 1230
What is the thought that most often pops up in your head as soon as you come up with an exciting new idea?
If you thought, "what if" then you are absolutely right. It usually goes like this: "what if this goes wrong or it doesn't work." Or "what if there is no market for this or what if nobody ... Views: 2223
Searching for success and not getting it soon enough, (remember we are an instant society with instant coffee and instant tea), puts us under enormous pressure to succeed and perform. So we often forget who and what we are. The result is that we follow the latest fads and the latest success ... Views: 903
Have you ever heard someone say you must take inspired action, especially in law of attraction circles, and wondered just what it meant? Inspired action means that it is action that is directed by your higher self, God, the universe or whatever you want to call the super intelligence, which ... Views: 1422
There is a lot of confusion about how to apply the law of attraction in different situations and one of these is applying it as a parent. One thing I want to stress early on is that being a parent comes with a lot of responsibility.
This responsibility is toward your children. To make sure that ... Views: 2021
Manifesting your dreams and desires is quite simple in theory. However, actually manifesting your desires has been another matter altogether.
Why is this the case? The reason we find it difficult to just simply "manifest" our desires can be linked to the emotional baggage we are carrying around ... Views: 1308
If you are asking the question how do I manifest, take note.Learning to manifest your desires is similar to learningto swim.
So how is swimming similar to manifesting?
Both manifesting and swimming requires total trust, i.e.letting go.
In the case of manifesting, trust that you shall ... Views: 992
There has never been a more opportune time to follow yourheart and realize your dreams. However getting to the pot ofgold is not always easy. It takes dedication, commitment andthe willingness to do whatever it takes.
So how do you go on when the going gets tough. When you havedug and toiled, ... Views: 1042
When the Israelites heard that God was going to take themto the promised land they were excited as I'm sure you wouldbe too. The road to the promised land however turned out notto be, what they expected. They expected to be taken therespeedily and in comfort, but instead the road took ... Views: 1016
Lets face it, we all have dreams. And we all want to knowhow to manifest dreams.
We had dreams since we were young and since that time wewanted to know how to manifest dreams. We lived our dreamsin our imagination. We were brimming with confidence andwere sure that one day we would manifest our ... Views: 918
So you want to know how to manifest reality, right?Actually you're already doing it. You're creating realityevery second of every minute of every hour of every day.But I suspect you don't like what you are creating.
And you know why? Its because you're creating by default.What do I mean by ... Views: 986
What does it mean to manifest a desire? Lets look at thewords manifest and desire. Manifest means to offer proof,attest to or to display clearly.
So when we say manifest a desire, we say to display yourdesire as having been fulfilled or to offer proof ofsomething.
For example if your desire is ... Views: 973
What is it that makes one man go where others don't daretread? And that keeps him going even when the odds seem soinsurmountable? When others around him expect the worst, andobstacle upon obstacle, cause him to wonder if perhaps, justperhaps, everybody might be right and he may be crazy?
That ... Views: 1131
We all know what a rollercoaster is. The one moment youare up in the air and the next moment you plunge down tothe very bottom, just to hoisted right-up again.
Now the ups can be both exhillarating and scary. It's upto you to decide what you are going to make of it. Therollercoaster will not ... Views: 6217