It feels as if the world is on fire lately. So what to do those of us who’ve heard the call to be a part of conscious evolution do? How do we find the stillness we need to hear guidance in the midst of the frenetic energy swirling around us?
How we each participate in changing the world is a ... Views: 1107
We can't always control outside circumstances. Lately, there have been a slew of them affecting us all. The impact of the pandemic and the various edicts run deep and wide. At the same time, when we're blocked by stress, irritation, frustration or disappointment, we reject the unconditional love ... Views: 968
The world we live in right now is frenetic. For some of us, the stress and chaos of the COVID19 virus has interrupted our spiritual path, which requires us to be still so we can discover where we are stuck in the throes of mental and spiritual bondage.
Instead of expending energy projecting ... Views: 1063
When you exert a ton of energy but don’t get a lot back, it’s easy to feel frustrated and confused. Instead of spinning your wheels, let the Akashic Records help you focus your efforts in a way that gives you what you really want. Be forewarned, though – it just may not look the way you ... Views: 1437
Have you ever been angry and not known how to let it go? Research has shown anger can make you more vulnerable to heart attack or stroke and increase your odds for anxiety, high blood pressure and many other physical issues. Fortunately, the Akashic records can help.
What is Anger?
Anger ... Views: 1162
The holidays are over, and some of you may be dealing with the reverb that can come from being around family. I remember hearing Eckhart Tolle say, “If you think you're enlightened, spend a week with your family.” I don't remember when I’ve laughed so hard.
As we walk our spiritual paths, we ... Views: 1139
This is the time of year when I hear it the most. “This can’t be my family!” I know it’s challenging for some of us to believe we really chose them. It can be painful and aggravating at times. The Akashic Masters want you to know that yes, indeed, you did choose your family members in this life, ... Views: 1164
Without realizing it, we can use gratitude as a means to an end. It’s easy to believe that if we express what we’re grateful for, it will get us what we really want. The other option, the one that really feeds our souls, is to fully experience the depth of the feeling. In this season of ... Views: 1246
How many times have you tried to make a decision or take a step, but something kept you stuck? Whether we like it or not, resistance is a natural part of progress. Here's how working with the Akashic Records can help reduce the space between resistance and success.
We can all be ... Views: 1552
Many of us think of retribution when we hear the word karma. It’s punishment for something done either to us or by us. The Akashic Masters respectfully disagree. Their perspective is that karma is an incomplete life lesson, one that causes challenges to show up because the soul longs to resolve ... Views: 1186
Do you remember the last time you played with a puppy? Soft fur, sweet kisses and the absolute joy of unconditional love. Most of us bask in receiving unconditional love – as long as who's giving it can't see all of the parts of us we believe are unlovable... like a puppy. What happens when they ... Views: 1094
Most people think the first step to create the life your heart and soul desire is to figure out what you want. Let me share a secret: There is a step before that.
An easy trap to fall into
I know so many people who spend hours taking quizzes on social media in the hopes of finding the ... Views: 1181
Do you notice patterns in your life? Sometimes you may find yourself in a similar circumstance but with different people. Perhaps you notice a particular behavior and are now see the emotion it creates. You may have even tried to change and not succeeded. These are patterns which may be learned ... Views: 1198
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the details of our challenges that we don't see the entire picture. From our ground-level perspective, we only see the frustration or suffering. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a relationship issue or a financial struggle that makes you feel stuck. When you work ... Views: 968
The exhilaration that comes with spiritual freedom requires knowledge of where you’re experiencing mental or spiritual bondage. Almost all stuck points can be eliminated with these three simple steps. Try them for yourself and find the freedom that will enable you to bring more peace, love and ... Views: 1242
Anger has become such a normal part of our world. Between hectic schedules and additional responsibilities, not to mention the divisiveness driven by news and social media, negativity seems to bubble below the surface of our lives. The problem is that if you’re on a conscious spiritual journey, ... Views: 957