2020 was a year that forced us to make changes we didn’t want and wouldn’t have chosen to make, and we made them anyway. It was a year filled with disappointments, loneliness, disruption, and heartache for many, and we survived. It shined a spotlight on areas of our life that weren’t working and ... Views: 848
My vision of what life would be like on a four-month cruise included not making a bed, doing laundry, or cooking; visiting amazing places around the world; relaxing on my balcony with coffee delivered by room service every morning and a glass of wine at sunset; and, sitting by the pool with a ... Views: 757
Everyone has a story that I’m curious to hear, learn from, and share with you. Last week I met a woman named Maggie and am sharing her story with you to illustrate that if you’re open to exploring new places, meeting new people, and embracing new ideas, you can create a new life after the one ... Views: 726
My philosophy for many years had been to make decisions based on faith and not on fear. I begin to question if that was how I was living my life.
Why am I doing this? Isn’t this financially irresponsible? After all, I’m not getting any younger.
It’s December 26, 2017 and I’m in the ER ... Views: 802
How well are you managing change and disruption caused by COVID-19?
It’s 4 a.m. and you are wide awake, worrying about all the bad things that could happen, feeling anxious, and unable to sleep. The fear you are feeling is self-imposed instead of a reaction to what is actually happening ... Views: 636
It’s 4 a.m. and you are wide awake, worrying about all the bad things that could happen, feeling anxious, and unable to sleep. The fear you are feeling is self-imposed instead of a reaction to what is actually happening because at the present moment you are safe. There is nothing to be afraid of ... Views: 656
Is your project on the path to success or to become one of the many that fail to achieve the expected benefits?
The lessons I’ve learned, from the past twenty-five years of working with senior leadership of Fortune 500 corporations to prepare for enterprise-wide change, can help you avoid ... Views: 873
Is your project on the path to success or to becoming one of the many that fail to achieve the expected benefits?
Step One, Shared Vision, was the focus of my previous article. We will now shift our focus to Step Two: Understanding the Full Change Impact to the Organization
Have you ... Views: 822
Effectively Engaging Stakeholders
The third step on the path to success is to effectively engage stakeholders. A stakeholder is anyone who will experience change because of your project or who has the ability to influence the outcome of your project. The keywords here are impact and ... Views: 792
The Transitions Curve Model is commonly used to illustrate the different phases –and emotions- we experience as we move through the transition process that is triggered by change.
Change is an event. Transition is the process of adapting to what is different because of the ... Views: 671
From the moment you realize change is inevitable to the moment you begin to feel comfortable again, you experience an in-between and uncomfortable time of transition. For a time, you’re carrying both the weight of the past and uncertainty about the future. It may feel like a huge stone tied to ... Views: 833
How well are you managing change and disruption caused by COVID-19? Listen to my interview on “The Evolutionary Power of Change and Disruption” www.spreaker.com/user/xzoneradiotv/me20201006ep138emritaburgettmartell with Gwilda Wiyaka, host of Mission Evolution Radio, and learn what you can do to ... Views: 697
One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.
Helen Keller
I’ve read many versions of the fable about an eagle who thought he was a chicken and have been unable to find the original source. Dr. Eldon Taylor, author of “Choices and Illusions,” Has an inspiring U-Tube ... Views: 743
It’s 4 a.m. and you are wide awake, worrying about all the bad things that could happen, feeling anxious, and unable to sleep. The fear you are feeling is self-imposed instead of a reaction to what is actually happening because at the present moment you are safe. There is nothing to be afraid of ... Views: 718
“The days of Command and Control are over. Today’s leaders must Trust and Inspire their employees to be trusted as leaders.”
I was a shy sixteen years old, afraid of my own shadow, the summer I worked as a Nurse’s Aide at our local hospital. The Director of Nursing was a strong loud ... Views: 777
“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”
George Eliot
When Joe’s manager began the conversation by saying: “I want you to know how grateful we are for your twenty years of valuable service to our company,” Joe expected to hear that he was being promoted, or at least ... Views: 674
Here’s a quiz to help you identify behaviors that may be undermining your self-confidence and preventing you from living the life you desire. Respond with a simple “yes” or “no” answer to each statement and then tally up the number of yeses.
1. I often compare myself to others.
2. ... Views: 655
Changing the Way You Think About Uncertainty
The Key to Mastering Uncertainty
“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~ John Allen Paulos
It’s 4 a.m. and you’re wide awake, thinking about all the bad things that ... Views: 889
A few years ago, I started a new project that required me to live on the East Coast. My two cats, Jasmine and Ginger, and I flew cross-country to our temporary home. They were eager to escape from their cat carriers after our long flight. Following the advice of my vet, to introduce them to ... Views: 764
I’ve read many versions of the fable about an eagle who thought he was a chicken and have been unable to find the original source. Dr. Eldon Taylor, author of “Choices and Illusions,” Has an inspiring U-Tube video about the fable that can serve as a “pick-me-up” if you’re having a day when you ... Views: 857
In 2020 we are faced with very real threats to our health and financial security that many of us have never experienced and never thought we would. This has been a rapid unexpected and unwanted change that we must deal with. Fear prevents us from thinking clearly about what we can do to minimize ... Views: 800
“The days of Command and Control are over. Today’s leaders must Trust and Inspire their employees to be trusted as leaders.”
I was a shy sixteen years old, afraid of my own shadow, the summer I worked as a Nurse’s Aide at our local hospital. The Director of Nursing was a strong loud woman ... Views: 770
“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”
George Eliot
When Joe’s manager began the conversation by saying: “I want you to know how grateful we are for your twenty years of valuable service to our company,” Joe expected to hear that he was being promoted, or at least ... Views: 752
Here’s a quiz to help you identify behaviors that may be undermining your self-confidence and preventing you from living the life you desire. Respond with a simple “yes” or “no” answer to each statement and then tally up the number of yeses.
1. I often compare myself to ... Views: 725
If you never travel beyond your zip code, you may never question your beliefs or realize how the culture you grew up in, or currently live in, affects the choices you see for yourself, decisions you make and the life you live.
Culture consists of a set of beliefs that form the foundation ... Views: 874
Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but it seems to me that what was once considered old age is no longer old. It’s not just that people are looking younger than past generations have at their age, from what I’m observing, they’re also acting younger.
A motivating factor for going on this ... Views: 693
Getting away from it all sounds appealing when you’re rushing through life checking items off your “To Do” list and thinking you could have done each one of them a little better. How would it feel to be in a place that is calm, serene, silent, disconnected from the outside world, and where no ... Views: 836
The moment I considered the possibility of going on a four-month cruise around the world I knew my husband would not be going. If I went, I would be going without him.
The timing was good for me but taking four months off work wouldn’t work for him and being confined to a cruise ship with ... Views: 811
My vision of what life would be like on a four-month cruise included not making a bed, doing laundry, or cooking; visiting amazing places around the world; relaxing on my balcony with coffee delivered by room service every morning and a glass of wine at sunset; and, sitting by the pool with a ... Views: 800
I’m cruising around the world with 1300 people I don’t know. For the next four months, I’m living in a community of neighbors of all ages from multiple countries who have multiple reasons for making this journey. For some, it’s their first world cruise, and for others, it’s their 7th or 8th. ... Views: 934
Why am I doing this? Isn’t this financially irresponsible? After all, I’m not getting any younger.
It’s December 26, 2017 and I’m in the ER waiting for the doctor to tell me I can go home, take Tylenol, drink plenty of fluids and I’ll be fine. What I hear instead is “you could be dead in 3 ... Views: 1189
Imagine how your life could be different if you had more confidence. What changes would you make in your career, relationships, and lifestyle? Low self-confidence creates a barrier between you and the life you want. You can break through this barrier. Invest 45 minutes and $35 to attend this ... Views: 952