By Barbara J Stepp, Master Trainer NLP™, DHE®, Clinical Hypnotherapist
NLP™ is simply a resource to add to our toolbox of skills and knowledge.
I offer this to compliment medical treatment.
Dr. Richard Bandler, genius and father of NLP, has said that NLP and Hypnosis ... Views: 2314
Of The classifications of animal, vegetable or mineral, where do we fit? According to most scientific authorities, we are the human animal.
AS WE LOOK into the animal kingdom we discover more often than not there exists a herd. Some people call it a tribe-same thing. And the herd has the ... Views: 3774
Of The classifications of animal, vegetable or mineral, where do we fit? According to most scientific authorities, we are the human animal.
AS WE LOOK into the animal kingdom we discover more often than not there exists a herd. Some people call it a tribe-same thing. And the herd has the ... Views: 2503
by Barbara J. Stepp, Premier Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, No Fault Psychology™, NLP, DHE® Master Trainer
WHEN WE MEET someone our first impression is critical. It doesn’t matter what the situation. It has probably happened to us all ... Views: 4305
By Barbara Stepp, NLP, DHE® Master Trainer, Clinical Hypnotherapist
IN OUR PREVIOUS newsletters, we talked about our language, the words we think and speak. We said that words create our reality. If we don't say it, we don't get to do it or we don't have to do it. What ... Views: 3375
How many times have you've heard someone say (not yourself, of course), "I'm angry"? When people identify themselves with an emotional response, this is not only ludicrous, inaccurate, and stupid; it's also extremely crappy hypnosis. When they do that, the deletions are there other than ... Views: 3485
SOME PEOPLE AS THEY GET OLDER or busier have difficulty remembering names, among other things. Age is not always the reason. Our brains continue to restore and generate new neurons. Actually, you probably know young people who have problems remembering names, words, events. When we are young we ... Views: 3796
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***Enhancing Our Brains Easily - by Barbara J. Stepp, Master Trainer of NLP, DHE®, No Fault Psychology™, Other than Conscious Communication™, Clinical Hypnotherapist
At 75 years of age and working with Brain Enhancement as a teacher, author and coach for 45 years, it has been and continues to be a delight to enhance my brain and help others do the same. It is really fun too! Don’t you love brain games?
A little over a year ago, I had a rare and ... Views: 4219
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***How to be Happy Anytime - by Barbara J. Stepp, Master Trainer of NLP, DHE®, No Fault Psychology™, Other than Conscious Communication™, Clinical Hypnotherapist
Very often, clients tell me, “I just want to be happy.” When I ask them what happiness means to them, they say, “I don’t know.” Of course, I help them to realize what happiness means to them, what it takes and how they will know when they are happy.
Happy is defined in the dictionary as ... Views: 3596
Design Human Engineering™ gives us the ability to do something more exquisitely, or to be able to learn something new. Simply put, it is a shortcut. DHE makes things easier and faster.
It is based on creativity and goes beyond problem solving and outcomes to setting direction. It is designed ... Views: 9572