When it's my turn to make my transition from this world to the next, I want to be able to look back on my life and feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. I refuse to go to my grave with my music still in me. I want my life to be an example to my children that anything is possible.
How ... Views: 1100
Self-Esteem (SE) is your child's internal barometer as to how they see themselves. It is the core value or worth they place upon themselves. SE is the primary resource affecting the degree of happiness or unhappiness, success or failure your child will experience in the world.
Our children's ... Views: 1737
I was presenting my Kids in Trance Seminar about 9 years at Brunswick City Schools in Ohio. I helped a teenage student resolve a problem with a school bully. The issue resolved itself so quickly that the teens' mother inspired me to assist other kids in the district. Since I was already in the ... Views: 2324
Can You Hypnotize Your Kids to Build their Self-Esteem?
The answer seems to be, "YES!" So if you are a concerned parent who truly understands the value of developing your child's self-esteem, this article will prove to be very valuable.
Self-Esteem is your child's internal barometer as to ... Views: 3309
Does your child fear going to school or team practice? Is your child picked-on or teased by other kids? Bullying is a growing problem in our country. It can cause the victim hurt feelings, emotional damage, depression and in some cases suicide. Would you like to protect your child/teen from ... Views: 1497
Affirmations are a popular technique used for programming your subconscious mind. Affirmations are clear, concise, positive suggestions designed to influence your subconscious and create a specific outcome. While they do not replace the necessary physical work required while trying to reach a ... Views: 1483