At age 5, Duke University's Parapsychology Research team led by Dr. J B Rhine (founder of ESP & the Rhine Research Center) documented Brent's medical intuitionist's abilities.
She is a healing art pioneer in art medicine with her scientifically documented evidence based Paintings that Heal™ and author and illustrator of Just Plain Love™ Books, "Since I couldn't have children I founded the Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust for Children, its my way of giving back and running carpool :)." See the description of my children's literature titles, children's healthcare facility performances and the Pet reincarnation - pet loss books in my Other Programs section
As an extraordinary accurate holistic integrative energy medicine specialist Brent's international Medical Intuitive Diagnosis is like a human MRI. Brent can literally see/ look inside your body.
your actual physical organs, and other systems (pulmonary, neural, digestive, vascular, skeletal, etc.) and Energy Healer work like John of God or Adam the Dream Healer, have documented published independent peer reviewed and respected case studies. Her work with animals is documented at NC State University's School of Veterinary Medicine. She collaborates with and participates in ongoing energy medicine and intuitive diagnostic medical research, and independent case studies with the world's leading doctors, physicians, researchers, scientists, and medical facilities. Her work establishes evidence based research that creates and documents the bridging of traditional and holistic healthcare into integrative medicine.
According to Brent, "I am trained by God/ the Universe/ the Divine Source and documented and published by traditional and integrative medicine. My medical intuitive diagnosis (medical mentalist)
and energy healing certification is derived from client results."
When her dog fell and became paralyzed she discovered her incredible gifts . Brent could look inside Friend's body and actually see his organs and systems and could accurately determine the causes, location, extent, and severity of his physical problem. When she focused her healing energy she facilitated the restoration of his spinal cord nerves, spinal cord discs and vertebrae, and pulmonary functions. (case published by Dr Daniel Benor). After her hand was caught in a lawn mower's blades, she learned to stop bleeding and pain, and to regenerate bones, tissue and nerve cells. When she held her hands over a client's tremors, they stopped. In other individual cases, epileptic seizures stopped or shortened, paralyzed nerves were restored to function and able to feel sensation, wounds were healed.
Some of her Energy medicine healing specialties include oncology- cancer tumors, spinal cord injury, wound healing, seizures, MS, paralysis, bone, blood, pulmonary, nerve and brain damage diseases and disorders. Click on menus for specific information.
Introduction to the The Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust for Children Story
"Experiencing a pediatric intensive care, oncology, burn or trauma unit to me, is a heart wrenching jolt to anyone's world. I had to summon all my "heart" to handle the various states of disrupted life. Right then and there I decided that a positive Light needed to shine on these struggling souls, so new to earth and so old to disease and ravaged by procedures and treatments.
I decided that I was going to find a way to offer a positive spin on all of the health issue negatives and to create a portal of communication, a treasure of heart warming and reassuring perspectives to those "hands off" subjects and to provoke a muffled laugh, instigate a tiny smile, mischievous giggle or just an environmental change and safe place for a brief moment that would add a sparkle to a weary eye.
AND I was going to give a comforting and supportive symbolic "hug" to each patient and reader by filling them with a sense of pride in themselves for having endured their own health battle and surrounding issues and provide a tangible and permanent way to honor and celebrate their courage! I was unable to have children, so this is my way of giving back.
in 1987 Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust was born." "Barney" is our Mascot.
Visit Barney's page to read his story
Children's Literature for Children's Development, Health & Healing
For the past 20+ years Brent Atwater has researched, tested, rewritten and reworked each book and play according to the storytelling responses and reactions from healthy and unhealthy readers, caregivers, family, friends, medical and healthcare professionals and her storytelling audience.
Brent's dream is to inspire the creative imagination of readers of all ages to replace negative thoughts about health issues, medical experiences, rehabilitative therapy and reentry into society with a positive "spin" on their journey to health and well being.
Each book, and many are about about "hands off" subjects, deals with reality and is a gateway of communication between the patient, their caregivers, family, friends and healthcare providers. These books offer an integrative form of pediatric medicine that evokes, ignites and engages each reader's imagination to understand and triumph over negative events so their soul and emotions are in a place of inner peace and emotional wellness to better cope with their human body's condition and circumstances.
Just Plain Love™ Plays, Performances & Educational Programs for Children
with "Poof" the Angel & "Friend" the pet therapy dog
Surely, Ms Atwater thought, there could be participatory mini skits/plays held in healthcare and medical facilities that lasted about 5 or 15 minutes that would hold a patient's attention, entertain, educate, rehabilitate and provide a few moments of mental relief through laughter. In addition to the uplifting atmosphere, each patient receives a tangible trophy to reward and honor their courage, and a copy of the book as a souvenir and scrapbook of their healing journey Brent's Just Plain Love™ books and other commissioned or dedicated projects for specific health issues or facilities are translated into these mini plays which can be performed by outside personnel or the hospital, healthcare and medical facility volunteers or staff.
Poof (and Friend) is also available for guest appearances to distribute Just Plain Love™ "Badges of Courage". Experience the healing!
The setting: These are participatory stand alone plays/ skits that can be performed room to room, or in recreational therapy safe areas, camp groups, etc.
Timeframe: 5 to 10 minutes (can be extended). Actors needed: 2 Props: None
Application: "Poof" the Angel (and if you wish her sidekick pet therapy dog angel Friend) delights her audiences with Patch Adams warmth and humor.
Poof addresses real life "nitty gritty" health issues that are usually avoided in a witty, fun, engaging, self assuring, self worth enhancing and uplifting manner. These skits create a heartfelt giggle.
Personal Value: Each play/skit has interactive art therapy and participatory rehabilitative dialogue in which each participant understands each simple message
? Demonstrates sensitivity to the need of all participants to cope with their situation, and provides tools and techniques to rephrase the participants circumstances
? Perceives and interactively illustrates the illness/ treatments from a new positive perspective that is calming and reassuring.
? Learns that Heaven is a great place if they are not chosen for the "Miracle Club"
? Learns that each person is loved and always in a safe space because
? They are protected by their very own Angel and that
? God looks at you with His heart, not AT your body parts which promotes self esteem.
? Experiences an award ceremony and receives a permanent "Badge of Courage" souvenir for celebrating their courage!
Organizational Value: This is a collaboration between the actors, readers, audience and the healthcare organization therapists and partners to improve the quality of the healthcare experience. These exemplary expressive art project plays add
? Quality of life in healthcare organizations through their impact on patients, families or caregivers.
? Creates a less stressful and healing environment thru safe educational entertainment.
? Each participatory play and arts-at-the-bedside performance requires direct engagement from patients, families and or caregivers providing a measurable outcome that gives evidence to the success of the project through patient satisfaction.
email Poof the Angel & her sidekick pet therapy dog angel Friend for a guest appearance
"It is intent, my dream, and I ask for any and all assistance, grants, benefactors, healthcare facilities, foundations, organizations, children's camps, fundraising events and participants who want to help develop pilot programs, install ongoing programs and to distribute training manuals, instructional CD's, DVD's and any other tools that will allow and facilitate us to teach and provide to others the ability to promote, produce and perform these interactive healing and rehabilitating plays. This will facilitate and allow children around the world to be able to experience a moment of laughter, healing and to receive a 'Badge of Courage" that honors their journey and celebrates their bravery, stamina and hope."
Enjoy our site!
Paintings That Heal™ by B Brent Atwater
What are these Paintings?
Paintings That Heal™ is art medicine, transformative evidence based healing art at the highest level of art for health. Art the IS the therapy!
What do Paintings That Heal™ do?
1. Energy Healing
Paintings That Heal™ are Healing Energies "generators" created for each individual's specific health issue needs. They are physically non invasive. They assist and amplify other healing treatments, procedures and prescriptions. They facilitate ongoing and continuous positive energy frequencies and energy healing benefits.
2. Diagnosis
As a diagnostic tool, research continually confirms that people respond to a Painting which represents a disorder or issue that was or is either presently or potentially in their physical body or energy field, or in the energy field of someone that is very close to them.
What's makes them heal- Belief or fact?
Brent Atwater, originator of Paintings That Heal™, medical intuitive, distance energy healer,
is the first artist in the USA and one of only a few in the world that is a pioneer in evidence based art for healing, art for health, transformative healing arts and art medicine by actually having the healing energies and healing benefits of Paintings That Heal™ & Healing Art for Children™ scientifically and alternatively tested, researched and documented. This eliminates the "belief" that the paintings are healing, and documents the FACT that the Paintings are healing facilitators.
See Research, View samples of Before & After test results, read Testimonials.
What creates the art's Healing ability?
Paintings That Heal™ are different than art therapy. The Artwork IS the therapy, medicine and alternative healing modality! Just being in the presence of the combined energies of a Painting That Heals™ is what alters and heals the viewer's physical, emotional, mental and energetic body. The healing art is art medicine and energy medicine combined, an easy form of self help and alternative healing!
Although you might find a Painting unattractive, the combination of channeled vital Healing Energies mixed with the energies of the colors, images and textures in the finished Painting, activates the brain to trigger chemicals, and the body's cellular system to trigger internal frequencies that assist the body to repair itself.
How long do the healing art benefits last?
Research proves the Paintings still retain the original healing energy benefits 4 + years later.
Who uses art for healing? Art Is a natural alternative healing modality.
These healing art Paintings are particularly supportive for any non positive environment or anyone with a health issue, the elderly, and those in critical, chronic, degenerative or delicate health situations that need ongoing and non invasive energy support. The new psychic children ( Indigo child, Crystal child, Rainbow child, Star child, Star seed children, children), due to their sensitive natures, receive extended beneficial results from Paintings That Heal™
** Click here to Experience the Paintings, **
Enjoy !
Reincarnating pets, Pet Reincarnation ' I'm Home Again , a series of books about reincarnating pets that provide comfort and inspire hope for pet loss. On and in retail stores March 2008
*** Please notify me that I'm Home Again, a Dog's Love Story re Pet reincarnation book is ready ***
Excerpts: For years after Friend 1 and Electra’s passing, I consoled myself and cried while watching “our” favorite website’s puppy images. When I made myself progress forward to procure a puppy, each time that I would call about the one I picked, it had just been sold. One exasperated breeder stated that perhaps I should send a deposit to which I responded, “When its time I’ll know.”
I watched endless months of weekly photos, daily puppy updates, videos and rescue webcams. Nothing! I really didn’t even care because my heart still mourned to my core and my tears still flowed. However, I felt compelled to keep watching the updates no matter how upset they made me feel.
Then this fluffy little fur ball dragging a LARGE stuffed toy in his mouth ran gleefully zoom zoom across my computer screen. My heart quickened. I must have watched, rewatched and memorized that video hundreds of times. I “felt” him in my soul (sign 1). I called, he was available albeit 2500 miles away. I thought too far to fly the little fellow with stopovers. (Sign 2) as the Universe would have it, the airline carrier added a holiday non stop flight from that area to our airport, so now I had no excuses. I had been unencumbered for years now and a new pup, well…………………
I talked to and questioned the breeder till she was probably really tired of me. In one conversation, she jokingly referred to him as “bad boy.” I asked why. She stated that he had what looked like a B on his right hip and would send me a photo. (Sign 3) the image sent chills up my spine and all my friends into a chorus of “what don’t you get?” He was already spoken for at a higher level then any of us knew at that time. It was as if God had assigned an Angel to monogram my signature on his hip so I wouldn’t be so “human” as to not understand that this dog was meant to be mine.
With a weary heart, afraid and excited I met him at the airport VERY Apprehensive! What if I had the wrong pup and we didn't connect? I had never picked a puppy from a distance. He launched out of his crate and immediately sat all 7 pounds of 9 weeks old fluff right down in front of me. He looked up and stared directly into my eyes as if to say where have you been? Now let’s get on with our life. Then he hopped into my arms and slept all the way to my house that had now become our home.
I named him Friend. He responded to his “old” name without missing a beat. He knew where his bed was, recognized his past life toys and gathered them into his same toy spot where they were supposed to be! He did not even inspect the new toys, he wanted HIS toys! He talks, hugs, and does all the things all my soul dogs “did.” When I look into his eyes we never left one another. He is my “baby dog,” my best Friend. When my heart asked where have you been, his spirit replied: I had to exchange my old body for this new one so I could be in your life again. At 10 weeks old he knew and responded to all the old dog’s commands, no training was necessary. He’s my old adult dog with few puppy moments except he runs at “wide open”, is learning how to operate those new feet and is a chewing machine!
Even Mikey our senior cat recognized this 90 day reincarnate. She had lived with Friend and Electra. She slept on Friend’s grave for the longest time. It was like a class reunion. They knew they knew each other before but didn’t know how to act now. Mikey instigated head bumps, a game of tag with a playful paw bat, and she nonchalantly weaves back and forth under Friend’s stomach before she cleans his ears. They can be seen intertwined in the late afternoon sun napping. Sometime “His puppyhood” is exasperated as how to handle his feline buddy.
I am blessed to have gentle paw pads stroking my face to awaken me each morning. All the eccentric little habits, routines, traits, favorite toys, foods, spots and tricks known only to my soul is back in my world in another earthly “monogrammed” fur form as Friend.
Energy Medicine Services:
Medical Intuitive Diagnosis
Energy Healing
Research participant
Healing Arts Services: Art medicine, Theraputic Art Therapy, Art for Health
Paintings That Heal™
Gallery representation
Author & Illustrator and Educator:
Just Plain Love™ Books
Book Signings and Readings
Personal appearances "Poof" the Angel and pet therapy angel dog "Friend"
Educator, Speaker:
Lectures, Healthcare Seminars, Speaking engagements
Brent Atwater
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388 USA
Phone : 1.910 692.5206 USA
Fax: 1.910.692.5103 USA
Mobile: 1.404.242.9022 USA
E mail: