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Infidelity can sneak up on even the most solid partnerships. According to an infidelity poll conducted by http://www.WomanSavers.com of 6,330 women, 92% believe that emotional affairs lead to physical affairs, whereas only a mere 7% believe they do not..* Source: ... Views: 2420
The Four C’s of Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy is a deep bond between a husband and wife that is occasionally defined as a soulmate connection. Along with spiritual, intellectual, and sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy is one of the building blocks upon which great marriages are ... Views: 5354
Eroticism… mmmmmm… the word itself brings up images, fantasies, feelings. What is eroticism? Where does it show up in our lives? What is ‘erotic’ for each of us?
David M. Schnarch, PhD in his landmark work "The Making of the Sexual Crucible" defines eroticism as ... Views: 2270
The mechanics of “having sex” are fairly simple, but really “making love” and developing a good intimate relationship takes some time and effort. Movies, pornography and other media tell us that sex is–or should be–easy, which is a set up for problems in a ... Views: 5323
Experiencing a deep, loving connection is one of the most meaningful aspects of a healthy relationship. But achieving and maintaining this connection isn't always easy. You (or your partner) can have a strong desire for closeness and yet inadvertently push each other away at times. This is ... Views: 1316
There are two kinds of hurt: self-pitying hurt and sad hurt. Self-pitying hurt is the kind of hurt we feel on purpose, so that we’ll have a good excuse to wallow in self-pity. Whenever we are self-righteously indignant at someone else’s behavior, we are indulging in self-pitying hurt. We ... Views: 5412
In our article on the Muladhar, we talked about the first chakra and how people get stuck there. The good news is there is help. To relieve some of the blockages of the oral, anal and genital functions of the muladhar, Tantra utilizes mulabhanda or contractions of the muscles of the first ... Views: 6599
Anyone who has run a marathon knows about commitment. To compete, the athlete relies on extensive training and physical fitness. But when the initial enthusiasm wanes and the painful, long-distance realities grip the runner's body, it is sheer dedication--commitment to completing what she ... Views: 15578
Relationships are all about closeness. Taking the risk to open your heart and letting your partner know the real you is the most profound type of sharing. This level of intimacy can be emotionally and spiritually rejuvenating.
A healthy relationship is like a high-wire circus act. Lean too far ... Views: 9812
Couples seek out my services when they’re dissatisfied about some aspect of their relationship or marriage. In many instances, small problems have spiraled into larger, complicated ones. (At least the problems feel complicated.) Often, my advice is straightforward and simple, even if the ... Views: 1169
Hot Summer Sex: Touch, Touch and More Touch
By Al Link and Pala Copeland - 4 Freedoms Relationship Tantra
It’s summer, glorious summer and the heat in the air cranks up the heat in your groin. It seems that everywhere you look there’s bared flesh – luscious flesh, firm ... Views: 6893
First Be Happy then Make Love!
How often are we depending on and expecting our romantic relationship to make us happy? Or anticipating that when we get into "that great relationship" we will be happy? Of course, romance, relationships and sex can bring tremendous pleasure and joy, but do they ... Views: 1762
Presence: The Essence of Intimacy
from "Slowing Down to the Speed of Life"
Human beings are born with the ability to relate to one another and experience unconditional love, and most people would agree that loving and being loved is one of the most extraordinary of all human experiences. ... Views: 3056
Here are over 100 ideas to help you keep monogamy hot!
1.Find out what music your lover likes, and play it.
2.Sing to each other, especially if you can't sing. Listen to a song that turns you on and write the words out so you will remember them. Then without any music sing that song as a ... Views: 6928
Sexual intimacy is as important for the health and vitality of the marriage relationship as is emotional closeness and spiritual connection. Sexual nourishment that feeds both husband and wife is the dessert of married life.
Strengthening your marriage intimately--emotionally, spiritually ... Views: 8644
A while back a guy friend came up to me at church and said he had some receipts for me to reimburse. I looked at him like “What are you talking about?” and he said, “You know…babysitting receipts. You said you’d cover the babysitting if I’d start taking my ... Views: 3625
Lasagna, the earth's crust, and people;what do they have in common?
They're all made of layers.
Our layers are certainly more complicated than pasta and cheese, and very different from the planet's natural stratifications, but as thinking, feeling humans, we're complex, layered individuals. ... Views: 1345
You have the power to change your mood at this very moment—to increase your optimism, elevate your energy and enthusiasm, and increase your motivation toward reaching your personal goals. How is this possible?
By sowing the seeds of gratitude.
Research shows that when you increase feelings of ... Views: 2730
Although love is the basis for all relationships, it does not in itself create the substance of a relationship.
Although we usually think of a relationship as two people, in truth a relationship can be with family, working colleagues, or friends.
The relationship itself is like a third person, ... Views: 2765
Have you ever had the experience of facing a situation similar to one you’d been in before, maybe even many times before, and finding that you had changed enough to actually handle it better this time? Well, I just did and I want to share the story with you.
This story is about relationship. ... Views: 1209
Nobody Is (SET ITAL) Just (END ITAL) A Wife
"Well, I'm just a wife," she said, with apology in her voice.
A wife, according to Webster, is: A female partner in a marriage.
That may not sound like a full-time job, but ... Views: 1204
How often do you want to make love with your partner? How often does your partner want to make love? Many times the answers to both questions are not in sync. The best answer for your relationship, however, may be found somewhere in between.
When most relationships first begin there is high ... Views: 2188
A healthy sex life is just as important as other aspects of your life. In our pursuit of living balanced lives too often sex is not factored into the equation. We have a tendency to focus on careers, business, finances, and the daily To-Do lists. With so much going on every day it is easy to ... Views: 1967
I’m confident that you recognize both the importance and the value of love in your life. The benefits of both loving and being loved are widely accepted, but have you considered what it means to be in love? Being in love means different things to different people, but true love revolves ... Views: 1276
Conflict of Libidos?
Libido refers to sexual drive. Over the course of the human life span, libido can increase or decrease depending upon numerous factors. Those factors can be divided into biological, psychological and social.
Of the biological factors, a woman’s menstrual cycle is ... Views: 1489
As human beings, we all have an innate need to be close to someone. But sometimes the very thing we desire is the opposite of what we have. Some of us subconsciously sabotage the relationships we want because of our fear of intimacy. Sometimes we unknowingly and unwillingly drift apart ... Views: 10854
the False Intimacy of Online Dating
online dating really what we think it is?
Everything moves so fast in today’s
world, and dating is no exception. Online ... Views: 3725
the False Intimacy of Online Dating
online dating really what we think it is?
Everything moves so fast in today’s
world, and dating is no exception. Online ... Views: 3725
the False Intimacy of Online Dating
online dating really what we think it is?
Everything moves so fast in today’s
world, and dating is no exception. Online ... Views: 3725
Men are such wonderful creatures and most of the time everyone underappreciates them. Personally, I love men and everything about them. Since my whole theory of relationship is based upon the fact that men and women are different, it seemed time to elaborate on who men are and how did they get ... Views: 5465
Are You Heart Smart?
How to Enhance Your Emotional Quotient
By Michelle L. Casto
You don’t have to be Albert Einsten to be smart, although having a high IQ has been associated with being intelligent. Having a high IQ means that you are “head smart.” If you have a high IQ, you are good ... Views: 2193
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Are You An Island Girl? - by John Kuypers, Couples Coach, The Institute For Present Living & Learning
Elton John sang his famous song, Island Girl, in the 1970s, idolizing the women of sun, sand and surf. But there is another kind of Island Girl. These are women (and men) who share a common and often unspoken challenge: fear of intimacy. People who are afraid to let other people get too ... Views: 3079