Many of us often wonder how a particular businessman fares better than other in spite of recession or stiff competition. How often have you as a customer walked into a store second time just because your previous experience was pleasant. How many of you have changed your service providers on account of inappropriate customer service? One important thing that differentiates your success from your failure at business is the art of knowing your customers.

It is crucial to know what your customers want instead of just assuming what they want. Assumptions can prove to be fatal to your business. Even a single unsatisfied customer can impact your business in a major way. Unsatisfied customers tend to mention their negative feedback to peers and family thereby ruining your business reputation. Key to success is the art of listening to your customers. It is important that as a sales person, you understand your customer’s needs. Only if you are able to decipher the innate needs of the customer, you will be able to offer him the right solution. Here are few tips that can help you in developing the art of listening.

Probe: Not all customers voice out their needs. As a sales person, it is extremely important that you probe your customers in a friendly manner. Avoid being pushy. If the customer seems uncomfortable by your questioning then it is time to change your style. You can instead let the customer shop around and pick up cues.

Understand the cues: Observe your customer’s reactions and their body language to pick up cues. If the customer seems to like the item however places it back on shelf after seeing the label, then probably, he is not happy with the price. Try and offer discounts in such cases.

Avoid Interruption: If your customer is chatty, don’t interrupt them. Instead use the conversation to understand their preferences. Ask relevant questions during the conversation to facilitate the sale. Interrupting your customers is only going to offend them. Be patient and be attentive.

Be at your best: Avoid frilly sales pitches because customers are well informed. They have heard such scripts umpteen number of times. Be unconventional. Present your product innovatively. It is important that you are polite always. Remember that other customers are observing you and they will make a lasting impression about you; hence be polite with your co-workers and your customers.

Last but not the least; be genuine and warm up to your customers. These simple tricks will help you in being a successful sales person.

Author's Bio: 

Gagan is owner of online automotive site and provides information on latest Car discounts in India along with facility to Sell car online in India.