How many times have you been irritated by your boyfriend's or husband's behavior and you thought the best way to help the relationship problem situation and make the behavior go away was for you to somehow either ignore it or try to internalize it in such a way that it doesn't bother you ... Views: 978
Why do some relationships last a lifetime and others fail because of problems? You just let the problem go on and it will eventually go away by itself right? WRONG. The answer is that some people realize that a problem exists and rather than hope against hope that it will go away by itself, they ... Views: 701
When it comes to relationships, one of the more sticky issues, and one for which many people seek relationship advice, is men who have problems staying monogamous. Now to be fair, it is sometimes an issue with the other side of the equation too. But that is another article for another day. ... Views: 1026
1. Being too domineering.
Without a doubt, a woman likes to be with a man who has ability to make her feel safe. But that does not mean every decision is made by the man. Relationships are a series of decisions that don’t happen in a vacuum. Everyone wins when decisions are made based on mutual ... Views: 725
So you have been in a relationship with your significant other for a while now. Things at first seemed great; the two of you got along and had lots of fun together. But now it seems as though you two have hit a bump in the road and you have to decide what to do next. There are several avenues ... Views: 744
For some people, knowing they are in a bad relationship is as plain as day. One the other hand, some folks choose to live in denial about it, hoping against hope for a better tomorrow. One that – in reality – they know is not going to happen. And then there are yet others, who truly don’t ... Views: 894
There are many times when you consult a professional. If you are sick, you see a doctor. If a pipe bursts in your house, you call a plumber. When your car breaks down, you take it to a mechanic. So why would you hesitate to seek professional relationship advice in one of the most important areas ... Views: 861
Are you struggling in a hurtful relationship and unable to make decisions yourself? Is your girlfriend, boyfriend, or significant other doing things that you just don't understand? Are you having trouble connecting with your teenager? Would you like to get relationship help and seek out the ... Views: 834
Everyone experiences ups and downs in relationships. It is normal for there to be rough patches and little problems in every relationship. Most people manage to get through them by talking it through with their partner (or family member, friend, etc.) and coming to a solution. Sometimes the ... Views: 2215
I learned the hard way that when I need advice on relationship matters, my circle of friends is not the place to seek that out. My marriage began to become a bit shaky after the first few years, and instead of asking the advice of a trained professional, I listened to my girlfriends. Doing so ... Views: 1231