Our reality includes all our programs, memories, beliefs, attachments, emotions, and expectations. These have been gathered through many years. We have been blind and deaf for eons of time. We are completely drugged, looking for love, approval and appreciation in the wrong places and from the ... Views: 2129
Passion is our compass. If we trust and follow it, success is guaranteed. Unfortunately what often happens is that we go into a place of fear because trusting our passion is something foreign, so it is uncertain. It is the unknown.
How many times have you been told that you are good at ... Views: 1491
My teacher, Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len, says we come with the whole thing. Do you know what he means by this? He means when you were born you came full of memories from previous lifetimes and those memories begin replaying the minute you are born.
Let me ask you a question, when you go to the ... Views: 1468
Addictions are memories, so no matter what our memories are about, we can erase them and let them go.
You may be thinking, "But I don’t have an addictive personality," or "I don't have any addictions!" I would like to invite you to reconsider these assumptions.
Did you know that thinking ... Views: 1648
Let me tell you a true story. A couple of years ago I was teaching Ho'oponopono in Chile. The training was all day Saturday and half day Sunday.
At the first break on Saturday morning, a Palestinian man came up to me and told me that he didn't agree with anything I had just shared with ... Views: 1151
During a trip to Japan with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, I was impressed with the openness of the Japanese people toward Ho'oponopono. In Okinawa and Okayama. More than 1,000 people attended lectures in each place, despite swine flu warnings.
And we had the opportunity to share even more about ... Views: 1300
We are always waiting for things to resolve, for things to change "outside" of ourselves. In reality, when we are at Peace, everything and everybody does change.
Everything and everybody are just our memories. As we experience turmoil, fear and anxiety, we can clean with those memories. We ... Views: 1196
Today I went for a massage and you know what I realized? We are never present. I had to actually bring myself back to the present many times during the massage. Every time I became conscious, I forced myself to be present and enjoy the moment.
Every time I became conscious, I had to bring ... Views: 2079
There are a few simple principles and steps to help you look at your life differently and develop a new "true" self image, which will in turn, translate into the success you are seeking.
Taking 100% responsibility:
Take 100% responsibility for whatever is going on in your life. Once you ... Views: 2589
Why is bringing your true self important when it comes to making money, or having a successful business? Wouldn’t you like to be always in the perfect place at the right time? Wouldn’t you like to attract the right people to work in your business? Attract the best customers? Manifest money ... Views: 3984
The most important question you can ever ask yourself is "Who Am I?"
Sadly, some of us get so busy "doing life," making money, creating families, running businesses, starting new careers-that we never really stop to figure out who we really are.
Knowing yourself is realizing you were ... Views: 1251
Sometimes we are separated from a loved one by death. At other times, we distance ourselves or somebody we are with decides to distance himself or herself from us.
Why do we become so attached and dependent and feel we cannot live without the people we love? Why do we lose our concentration ... Views: 1508
I will never forget Sarita. I met her when she was more than 100 years old, and she was completely lucid. She is what is commonly known as a healer. Sarita told me that many years ago she worked for the Federal government in the U.S. when she didn't yet have immigration papers.
One day she ... Views: 2674
Why is it easier to celebrate other people's achievements than our own? We don't know how to acknowledge or be thankful for our own accomplishments. Notice the energy and enthusiasm we put into spectator sports. In these instances, we forget all about our problems and concerns and celebrate with ... Views: 2047
Being a parent can be the most rewarding or stressful endeavor in our life. It all depends on us. Our children simply mirror our own beliefs back at us. They can take us to our very farthest boundary, and thus, give us the greatest opportunity to learn and grow.
We, as parents, must ... Views: 2495
The mind can manifest anything that you can imagine. This sounds great, but we aren't conscious of the millions of thoughts playing in the background of our mind, our unconscious mind. Unfortunately, we can't control these thoughts because we aren't aware of them.
In reality, while we are ... Views: 2972
Perhaps you've never heard of Ho'oponopono before? But you've probably heard of "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction." Ho'oponopono is the missing piece to "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction."
After he appeared in "The Secret," Joe Vitale discovered Ho'oponopono from Dr. Ihaleakala ... Views: 2121
Do you have bad feelings and worries when you hear the word “diet”? Do you focus on the pain of not eating everything you would like? But what could be more painful than feeling overweight, helpless, and uncomfortable?
What stories do we tell ourselves to keep happiness and well-being away? ... Views: 2987
The United States has already slipped into such a deep recession that it could be the most serious since World War II, said Martin Feldstein, President of the Cambridge group, who is considered the official word on economic cycles.
If we continue with current trends what can we expect? ... Views: 1172